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Everything posted by fex

  1. I wasn't at the cinema at the time but my housemate stood up and booed at the end of Spiderman 3.
  2. +1 for TSOhost. I use them to host my clients site. Cheapest and great support. A great little company!
  3. I can't believe the cheapest iMac is now £999. That's up from £749 a year or two ago. Even the mini has had a reasonable price bump. I realise the £ and fell against the $. I'd love another mac, I just can't justify their price.
  4. started up Call of Duty: MW2 the other evening. Once the menu screen had loaded up then mouse became unresponsive, this continued for somewhere between 5 and 10 seconds, until the game minimised and the IW4 Console became visible. The console produced and error report, it appears to be ignoring a large number of assets on my computer. The ending two lines of this report are extremely worrying, they are as follows: Cheat detected. Com_TouchMemory: 0 msec. Using sum: 0 So I contacted Valve explaining everything and I got a reply back saying I'm banned from playing MW2 online! I wouldn't mind if I had cheated, but VAC has detected a false positive. I'm not bothered about losing the ability of playing MW2 online as I don't really play it that often, its more about the principle! I found this on Wikipedia. I know Wiki isn't a reliable source, but this suggests that there are others with this issue. I've sent this reply to them. I realise that the chances of getting this sorted are 0.005%, but I don't think I'll be any Steam based game in a very long time, if ever. Anyone else had any other issues?
  5. Perfect! I was looking for a 3G data counter. I only have a 500mb limit, so I've been super careful and been turning the 3G off if I don't need it! And ill get one of those cases on eBay! I might have a look for a dock while I'm at it!
  6. Woohoo! I've just bagged my self a desire! I love it! Any free apps that you guys can recommend? Or a case? I won't even get my phone out when im walking as im scared ill drop it!
  7. The phone is £349 with tesco, but if you can swallow that initial expense then its a very competitive deal.
  8. Tesco have just announced their iPhone 4 tariffs. My plan is to grab a twelve month contract with Tesco, then take a second year for £15 a month via simplicity with o2. £20 a month - 250 minutes, unlimited texts and 1Gb of iNet - Over all cost £589 £15 x 12 months - Over all cost £180 Tesco & O2 combo - £769 O2 - £879
  9. I hope online play is integrated into more games. And lets drop the friend codes! It looks like it could be a great system! Are there any rumors regarding a PSP2 or any other rival from sony / microsoft?
  10. I think I'm going to hold out to see what Tesco offer. I've always wanted to jump onto the iPhone wagon, we'll how competitive their price point is. Alternatively, I'll keep my eye on prices for the HTC desire. If the Desire works out to be a fair bit cheaper then I'll go down that route!
  11. Paying people to lose weight is so infuriating! There is a serious lack of money, public sector workers losing their jobs and we're paying people to not eat burgers and do some exercise! I could rant on for ages, but it just angers me.
  12. Does anyone play the Hardcore online modes? I had a friend introduce me to it the other night. I'm only level 13, so I can't access it on my own.
  13. add roebuck86 to your steam friends list. I'm well up for some TF2 action!
  14. I'm 23 and I suck my thumb. Very few people know I do it, even close friends don't know. Its so hard to give up!
  15. I finally got round to ordering a Antec P183 along with the Antec CP-850 CPU They should be here tomorrow!! I can't wait!!!
  16. You've now gone down the PC route haven't you?
  17. The new i5 / i7 iMac looks the bomb. £950 for a dual core machine is a bit of a joke, they should at least be i5's across the board. Hopefully Apple will have updated the Kernel to accommodate the P55 chipsets. Then a i5 hackintosh can run a vanilla kernel I got 3 years Applecare as standard when I bought my ibook.
  18. It may also help taking on a Vegetarian / Pesctarian / Vegan based diet. Meat is full of fat and generally speaking so are dairy products. My girlfriend switched to a Vegetarian diet and in the two years she has been a veggie she has lost 3 and a half stone. Without doing any additional exercise or any other big life style changes. It has been said before but the best diet is one that you can keep for a sustained amount of time.
  19. wow! you may be slightly crazy.....
  20. Make your own music with iNudge Heres mine I created by randomly clicking - Clicky
  21. Same here. I'm sure ESD is quite rare as long as you take pre cautionary measures. But if its your first time and you've spent a lot on your components then why take the risk? I'm sure you can pick up wrist bands for a few quid.
  22. get NOD32. and go to NOD321.cn for a freeness.
  23. Im quite intrigued by the palm pre. The tariffs are pretty much the same as the iPhones. £35 a month on a phone is too much.
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