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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Any night bar Wednesday (i work lates) and Sundays are best for me if a different day were to be chosen. I prefer Thursdays still. As for trying to get more people in, who knows. Turning on CPU's probably won't help really.
  2. Forecasts changed, will probably have rain but not until the evening now. However, not much in the way of sun as it's looking to be high teens temperature-wise.
  3. Same here. Even though i upgraded my PS4 HDD to 1tb, i still go about my old ways of deleting and re-installing games as and when required. Space will not be an issue for me.
  4. I quite liked frantic mode last week, should put it on more often.
  5. The Order is a great game, it's about £20 these days which is good. Personally, with the length of The Order, get it with another game or two. Are you into Metal Gear Solid?, if so the fifth title is due out in a few weeks and would be worth checking out. The Uncharted collection would be a good addition to The Order, i've played Golden Abyss and enjoyed it. Think Tomb Raider, and you are on the right track. As Flinky has mentioned, The Last of Us is well worth playing. Same as Witcher 3, that is one major time sink. Journey is a great game, just finished it myself and i loved it. A simple game (not in a sense of easy, but not complicated and easy to get right into). Resogun, many can vouch for it being good. I see topics around saying the PS4 has no games, i disagree. The PS4 has many wonderful games out there right now, the ones named above are a selection.
  6. That sounds like a decent plan. I'm up for that.
  7. So, what's the contingency plan if it rains on Saturday?
  8. Review is up
  9. I do keep thinking about getting a 2nd character going, i have a level 12 Hunter just sitting there doing nothing (and has been since January). I'm quite fond of the Warlock character, having put many hours into creating the character over the last year. But i can't see myself continuing with the Hunter, mainly because i don't particularly want to do all the lackluster story missions again. And the fact i don't have the time to run a 2nd character, i think i only created it to attempt a revive for Destiny. Still, did some PoE last night and cashed in my Elder Cypher to get the Lord of Wolves Shotgun. Which brings my Exotics up to 7 (Vex, Gjallahorn, Hard Light, Pocket Infinity, Red Death, Lord of Wolves and SUROS Regime)
  10. Saw this yesterday, had to share it
  11. It's a perfect way for people to get into Destiny, you would be getting a better deal than people like us whom have everything.
  12. Going to give this my first playthrough this week, held off for as long as i could. My stealth skills in full swing
  13. There is that, plus it's a great social experience. I've not sunk as many hours into this as a lot of people have, but what time i have sunk in has been great.
  14. Anyway, well done sir.
  15. The taking up a USB port isn't an issue for me, i use the other for the charging cable so it's not an issue I'd care to vouch for the official headphones, they are marvellous.
  16. Finished Arkham Knight last night. My full thoughts are in the thread, as i mentioned there this game is 80% great to 20% not so great. I loved being Batman, i loved driving around in the Batmobile. I just wasn't a fan of the Batmobile tank battles. Nor the ending of the game. And to be fair, i tried playing the Red Hood DLC last night afterwards, and it's aweful And, i can add Journey to the list as well. A fine game indeed, great soundtrack. Did it in about 2 1/2 hours. What can i say, it's one of them simple games that is so easy to get lost in. Edit And just finished Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. If that was a sign of things to come, then bring it on. Loved it, and i'm glad i played it this close to release instead of when it initially came out.
  17. So, just completed Arkham Knight
  18. Great fun indeed, despite the small group i enjoyed it.
  19. Phew, at least i can dismantle some of my legendaries. Rumours were swirling around saying all the old weapons would be useless.
  20. I'm ok for this week, count me in.
  21. Not sure if i mentioned it on here, but there is a girl in work whom believes they are the be all and end all. The overall attitude is "i have something to say, i'm not going to listen to you because i'm right." Yeah, she's been annoying me (and most of the team) with her attitude, her failed alternative working pattern application and a few other things (including knitting when you are supposed to be working, she does it in front of management whom say nothing). There is only so much you can put up with, and even after bringing my concerns to my manager on numerous occasions, whom promised to address things, things just carried on. So, one day she decided to broadcast that i was using the internet instead of working (it was my lunchbreak after all, am entitled to use the net during lunch (i'm on a break now, again allowed)) across the whole office. Even with someone saying i'm on lunch, she carried on broadcasting it out. As i mentioned, there is only so much you can take. Resulted in me basically telling her that no-one gives a crap about what she says, stop being such a big headed idiot and generally to just p*ss off. As expected, she complained to my manager whom brought me to a meeting to explain my actions. It would have been a written warning on conduct, but i bought a union rep with me (and the evidence i've been holding onto) and the girl ended up with a written warning. Yeah, now this same person is now knitting again.
  22. About them in-game posts not counting towards the total of 30 posts a day. Yeah, that's wrong because they do. I took 3 screenshots and shared them whilst playing Smash Brothers, and my post total went down 3 to 27.
  23. Yeah, same as me. I'm on the wall about getting an Xbox One, mainly because there are 1 or two games that interest me. However, on the otherside, there are countless games coming out this year which are multi-format so i'm picking up on the PS4. Plus, most of my friends have a PS4 as well. Spending close to £300 on a console for 1, maybe 2 games doesn't seem worth it at present. And then there is Xbox Live, which is another £30 a year. And of course, there is this thing called time. Which is something i don't have as much of anymore. It's surprising really how much Microsoft have changed the way they are looking at the Xbox One over the last 2 years, and how it's ticking me to buy one.
  24. New games are up. I seem to be having an issue getting Sound Shapes for the Vita, can get the PS4 version no issues. Edit: Never mind.
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