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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. That trailer brings back so many great memories.
  2. This is something that has been niggling at me for sometime now, simple question to all N-E. How do you define "complete" in an X360 game?. Are you an achievement junkie and get all the achievements within a game and enjoy a game if it is excellent and don't accept the credits as the end as such. or Do you play the game and enjoy it and accept the end credits as a game complete and think achievements are a nice add to a game and they are nice to get. Me, well i think of a game complete when i see the end credits and i know that i have played the game, enjoyed it and if i so wish to do so go back and play again. Achievements are a nice bonus and if i acquire some then it is a nice feeling.
  3. Looks good, and full HD and Widescreen as well awesome. Achievements sound easy enough to complete, but i remember this game taking me about 6 months maybe more to actually get everything back on the N64. I think i will be completing a few games before BK comes out, otherwise who knows.
  4. Umm............ I don't see how this would work to be honest, PETA seem to have forgotten about the human rights act i think. I wouldn't buy Ben and Jerrys anymore if human milk was used.
  5. My list is one shorter now, beat GTA last week in just over 20 gaming hours (story mode that is). The side bits i can do as and when i can be bothered. Just Assassins Creed story mode to do now and i am nearly there.
  6. So 2 Banjo games for the price of one, sorry for the cheesy quote i am about to say "You buy one, you get one free i said you buy one you get one free" And for a week early as well, seriously can't wait for this to arrive. I reckon GAME will send the codes out on the Friday/Saturday once Nuts and Bolts has been sent.
  7. And the point of this getting re-re-released is..................................????? Money i believe, i see no point of re-releasing a port of the original that was re-released on the GC, Capcom please leave this in Japan or you will lose respect from me for this.
  8. Happy Birthday, have a good day.
  9. 500 yards to the next sign.
  10. I think my perfect day would be a nice sunny day, not hot but a nice temperature. I would probably visit Swansea with a few mates and attempt as best as we can to re-enact Twin Town scenes, we have always wanted to do this since watching the movie numerous times. (we wouldn't do the scenes that resulted in damage to property or drugs or the club/pub) Then make a visit to Lisa's house (who lives in Swansea btw), go out have a few beers and head back home i guess.
  11. Good choice on the game, happy gaming.
  12. I see no dates either, so expect a strike anytime then. And it won't effect the service i recieve, good old dopey (thats his nickname) takes about 6 years to do one round, so 3 days won't be a bother.
  13. Now this is either a stupid idea or a clever idea, depending on who looks upon this. I see it as stupid because only a stupid person would need a fork like this. Everyone should know by now how to turn the fork to keep the pasta/noodles on the fork itself.
  14. Played a demo last night on the 360, and i have to admit it is quite good. It is the Star Wars game everyone has been waiting for i think. May consider this a purchase.
  15. Hmm, may pre-order this because of how well this is shaping up, and because of the free B+K game as well. Probably do this when i get home, work doesn't allow GAME to be accessed. Darn it.
  16. Bought 2 pairs of stone wash jeans just now, £20 the pair
  17. Things i don't like Celery Sprouts Eggs (all types minus chocolate ones) Butter (can't stand it) Parsnips Swede Fish (except cod, tuna and haddock) Thats about all i can think of for now
  18. The guy in black realized that he is not cool compared to the plate throwing dude. "Can i have a go" was muttered from the guy standing at the back.
  19. I have to admit myself, Return of the King is my personal favorite of the 3 Lord of the Rings movies. It is just something about it that makes it so good, and i can't quite put my finger on it. Anyway Way of the Dragon Stars Bruce Lee. This is the only Bruce Lee movie i know of that utalizes the double Nunchuck skill. Good movie, story is ok but the action speaks louder along with the Norris-Lee fight. 9/10
  20. Looks a lot like Vista to me, but from what i have been reading about it, it sounds different in ways. May look into it nearer the time.
  21. Bought To finally sort out the audio trouble with the new TV, didn't cost me a penny mind.
  22. In Bruges Stars Colin Farrel. Pretty good movie, wasn't expecting the role he played to be as good as this. Story is good, simple to follow and isn't confusing. Action is in short supply but this is more than made up with the humour. 8/10
  23. Weekend was cool, got a bad back from sleeping on a hard floor all night on Friday. Had an awesome snooker match last night where i let my opponent play his game, which usually he leaves pots on for me which if fail always snooker him. May have another match tonight if the call comes through.
  24. Ummm, go back to sleep honey your dreaming.
  25. The only problem i got with my TV is the sound output, but this can be rectified by purchasing a rca phono scart adaptor which allows connection of speakers/hi-fi speakers to the TV producing 100% better sound, am already investing in this adaptor (costs £1.30 from Play)
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