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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Spend much of the day in work, and now spending the evening watching Rocky II and playing GTA online.
  2. Western rules on how many wives a man can have confuse the east.
  3. I found Chrome to start-up quicker than Firefox, but load the actual pages a lot slower than Firefox does. I tested this out on numerous sites including Youtube, BBC, ZU, N-E and Hotmail. All of these pages loaded quicker on Firefox. And then, if you decide to un-install Chrome, you are presented with a questionnaire to why you decided to stop using Chrome.
  4. I'm thinking about getting freesat if Sky don't offer me the right deal. All i want from Sky are the channels you get on Freeview and Sky Sports which costs about £10 a month (worked it out).
  5. Very nice sword collection there.
  6. Spent much of the weekend getting drunk, Friday spent about £40 on booze and a disco at the Measure (costs £2.70 a pint) Saturday same but at a cheaper pub so got more for my money (£2.10 a pint). Also had a show for entertainment which was an excellent band who didn't put a foot wrong with singing and playing instruments at same time. Sunday after cash count wanted a day to chill out, so planned on watching Rocky. Never did finish watching it because everyone called me for help with things. Then had a pool match as well that night against Two Brewers. Beat them 5:3 and i won my game which was excellentei considering my opponant stitched me loads of times.
  7. Muller Crunch Corner The Banana and Choco Flake one, very nice. Yoghurt was a little rough but a stir sorted that out no problem. 7/10
  8. Nestle Yorkie Nice, chunky man chocolate. (well, thats what Nestle advertise with it). Always nice they are 8/10
  9. "I just have one thing to say, apart from my kid being born this is the greatest day of my life. Yo queenie, i did it" (bad attempt at a Rocky quote)
  10. You mean the camera man, i don't think he was a house mate. Or even the Diary room chair could of won this BB
  11. I'll leave this one until tomorrow, give more people a chance to have a go. I shall pick a winner then. 07/09/08 Edit: Ok the winner of this one goes to Dannyboy-the-Dane. Made me chuckle the most.
  12. Ok, i have installed it and my impressions of it are as follows: (bearing in mind i have used it for about 3 hours now) Its a good browser, it has a good amount of space and it does load up quick. It is easy to use as well. Now the problems, even though Firefox loads up slower it downloads pages quicker than Chrome. I tested it on a large data page and Firefox took less time to load the page than Chrome did. Videos and music play better in Firefox. Which is why i am now sticking to Firefox. Reason it is better, works better and actually loads pages quicker. And i am still sticking to my earlier statement with Google are taking over the whole Internet.
  13. Just downloaded Super Mario 64, it brings back so many memories of when me and my mates used to play this on the N64 back in the day. And i can still remember how to get the vast majority of the stars that i struggled with back 10 years ago.
  14. Any recommendations for a good shooter apart from GoW and Halo.
  15. After last night, i slept for the longest i've ever slept in a long time, roughly 10 hours. Went to bed at 3am and got up at 1pm today. Then decided to watch Man on the Moon starring Jim Carrey, what a movie that was. My opinion is in the movie thread. What now to do for the rest of the day, i think a chilled out day is in order now.
  16. Man on the Moon Jim Carrey's portrayal of the late Andy Kaufman. And what a performance from Carrey, i could not see one bad thing with this movie. This is one of the rarer movies where you laugh, smile and cry all in the duration because of how well he plays the part. From the opening to the end and then throughout the movie was hilarity. Seriously you have to see this movie. Even though Man on the Moon is nearly 10 years old it is in my opinion one of the finest Jim Carrey performances ever. 10/10
  17. I'm considering installing this over the weekend, it does look impressive. I'm also thinking that this is an attempt by Google to take over the whole internet.
  18. Heres the next one. Good luck.
  19. I popped online with a few mates, we chatted through X-Box Live and had a bunch of cheating racers with us who blatently cheated to win every race, so me and my mates just had a small race of our own at the back of the pack. Was quite fun i thought.
  20. That was the best picture i could find at the time, i look constipated.
  21. New style military camo proves unsucessful as floating head freaks out owners
  22. Last thing i got told that was nice about me was by Lisa, but i guess that don't really count. If it does then she told me i'm great (i'll let your dirty minds work on that)
  23. Wish this pesky rain would blow over, its been like it much of the week and i for one am fed up of it. Give us some good weather once in a while. Other than this moaning, i've been good. Been beating people on Smash Bros and hearing the abuse i am recieving from beating them is awesome. (in case you are wondering, i have my 360 on with the headset on and the Wii on the TV and gamers use the 360 for voice chat with me)
  24. It's in the Daily Mail, last thing they predicted would happen didn't happen. If this Collider thing is true, why make it on such a large scale that there is a risk of wiping us out completly. No-one would allow such a thing to be built. I'm off to build me a thermo-nuclear device capable of something massive that will inevitably turn the whole universe into stone.
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