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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Haha, true. I got such a backlog on the 360 at the moment, but still got a lot of time before a new Xbox is out. At present, i'm interested in Super Mario Bros WiiU and Pikmin 3 as it stands. When it gets nearer the time, who knows.
  2. I've only got Skyward Sword left to complete, then i'm all done. But seeing as the WiiU is backwards compatible with all Wii software, there isn't a rush for this to be done.
  3. Hamilton didn't as such celebrate with his initial win with the crowds, he tried to walk upto the podiums right away as well. Something else i noticed with the celebrations as well.
  4. I will admit, i have popped a few blisters which have really annoyed me. Usually the ones that are on my feet. Then used anti-septic and covered it with a plaster. Now that stings and will hurt a lot.
  5. Seriously, you're a legend.
  6. There was some jeering towards Hamilton, they tried to silence it.
  7. I watched some of the race via Sky's cockpit cameras, watched via Alonso and Hamiltons views. Choice of audio as well, you can hear the car and radio only or the commentary teams.
  8. It didn't look like Vettel forced Alonso off the road, it looked like Vettel wasn't looking when Alonso was coming and carried on regardless.
  9. Usually, it's best to leave the blister. The fluid inside acts as a cushion and assists healing of the raw skin underneath. Popping it will cause it to become more painful (if it isn't painful already) and prolong the healing of it. Thats just my opinion and how i always treat them. Hey, if needs to be put a plaster over it. That way, you can pretend you cut your finger and it provides additional protection.
  10. But then, it will be a typical Dwarf opening for X. Trying to explain how all the crew died (again) from the end of 1 to the beginning of X.
  11. Of course not, you see them tests. I think this is one of them. And you passed.
  12. I'll choose 6 please.
  13. Watched the Monza race earlier, nice win for Hamilton and McLaren. Unlucky for Jenson and the entire Red Bull team though. If Hamilton is wanting to win races, McLaren seems to be the team for that after todays performance.
  14. You mean David Ross, they tried to get him back for series 3 originally, but he had other commitments and couldn't get free. Hence Llewellyn was chosen to replace him. Dave are showing all eight series of Dwarf this weekend, started with series 8 yesterday and are now on series 7 today. Bit crap really, why do the series in reverse order.
  15. I thought i found a secret exit in world 3, well i say secret as it was a 2nd exit to the world. Didn't unlock a new path or anything though, damn.
  16. If there's room, i'll take a place. Cheers for the invite btw.
  17. Regarding Wii sequels, like many i would love for an F-Zero return. It's long overdue in my opinion. I would also like to see Starfox grace himself onto the WiiU, but mix up on-foot action with flying. More 60-40, with flying reaching majority.
  18. I look at the achievement list(s) of games i play, and see what ones i can easily get and which ones prove a challenge for myself. Plus it depends entirely on the game itself, i have 6 100% achievement complete games. Which are both 360 Fable titles, Sonic 3, Sonic + Knuckles, AC-II and that Harms Way title. Some others are 90% complete.
  19. I'm still plodding along with Snake Eater, think i'm half-way through now. Which is nice. Next is Sons of Liberty them Peace Walker.
  20. I'm nowhere near ready with another game, havn't had the time in recent weeks. Will think properly about it over the weekend about what to base the next game on.
  21. I said i had an odd/even day power. Not sure if anyone believed me, but Sheikah has confirmed that. And if Jonnas posts full roles, that will confirm it as well. As i said, i was quiet in the beginning due to real life commitments. And since then, i had targetted Peeps for all nights after except the last night. Night 3 and 4 i targetted Peeps. Roleblocked him on night 3, Protected on Night 4. Good game, good game. Peeps was right onto me, same for DuD in the final night. Should have lynched me, but hey. Thats how the game goes. Plus i never said if i were town or mafia in any defensive statement i made. Well done Jonnas on a good game.
  22. DuD sounds mafia to me, straight into targetting me and stating i'm lying. My target last night was gmac, not Peeps. It's confirmed Rummy targetted Peeps. Can't you see that sir. If gmac isn't mafia, i apologise for the vote.
  23. I never targetted Peeps last night, why do you say that.
  24. Vote: gmac
  25. Cube's got it right, it suits the 360. Windows Phone and 8, it does not suit. Thats from what i've seen anyway.
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