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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. I'll be donating as usual this year, a worthy cause indeed. Should be able to view much of the 24 hour stream, new fibre optic shizzle should be hitting shortly.
  2. Full reports coming later today, apologies for the lack of them. Also will apologise, will have some background noise on the recordings. Nice win today, 3-1 against Emo. He played a lot better than last time, i will admit that. Well done indeed.
  3. Working on my Official Team, not doing so well. My focus is primarily on N-E league, and it shows. Not well, but it shows.
  4. Cardiff is a decent place for Streetpass's. I get at least 4, maybe 5 a week. Which is good, got 2 today just from walking through town. Usually get 2 the same from GAME and HMV on a Thursday. Always got the demo units on with wi-fi on at all time. Birmingham, i was surprised to get 1. And that was on the way home as well.
  5. Took my 3DS to Birmingham last week when i went up for a couple of days, walked through the shopping centre and the train/bus stations. Only got 1 Streetpass hit the whole time, thought i'd get a few more at least. Completed 11 puzzles, thanks to the play coins.
  6. I'm too used to using MSP. I don't think it would make a difference using money compared to MSP with purchases. I suppose it's nice using points though, and i don't intend on putting my card details online. Havn't yet so far.
  7. Chloe Annette's portrayal of Kochanski is like David Ross's portrayal of Kryten. We take Llewellyn as Kryten well, and think he does a great job. But Ross was the original and alas we won't know how good or bad he could have been. Claire Grogan however, that's a different matter altogether. I think they tried to get her back for series 7, but alas failed. Hence why the "Parallel Universe" was created. Ah yes, some great moments. I suppose series 7 missed on the live audience as the other series had before. Who knows, could have been different.
  8. Couldn't they just leave old franchises alone, i know Bruce Willis is reprising his role. I'll watch it all the same, but from 4.0 i'm not expecting it to be better.
  9. Rare should have remained with Nintendo, they would have been best suited for the Wii. And with the freedom Ninty would have given them, who knows what would have come from them. Oh well, too late now really. That Rare is deceased now.
  10. 20 points, pfff. Rather have a bowl of coco-pops.
  11. True, there have been rumours flying around about which version of Rimmer that is. Some indicate thats the Rimmer who was originally around from season 1 to 7 (the one that turned into Ace Rimmer). I'm inclined to believe them. @EEVILMURRAY, thats true. Not hard to beat "Back to Earth" at all. I suppose the live-recorded audience and built sets along with a better script compared to CGI "Back to Earth" isn't hard to beat.
  12. And they still can't get the number of times he failed his astro-navigation exam correct. I swear it went upto 14 times in earlier series, and now back to 9.
  13. Sorry for my absence today, but i'm here now. My target for night 1 was Peeps, and i have a question. Why have you got to disobey Lt Daniels?
  14. Honestly, i found this better than Back to Earth. More laughs, better script, better............better.
  15. Recent purchases
  16. It was very good. Much better than Back to Earth, love the sets. Jokes are just as funny as the original series.
  17. I'm still contemplating either the 360 or WiiU version. Looks impressive though.
  18. I'm prepped and ready. Interested in seeing how the new series will work, and if it has the same factor that made the original such a good show.
  19. Apologies for my absence, just got back from Birmingham an hour ago. I'll have a read through the thread and see whats what and catch-up on the game. Like a few others, i'm not hot on the wire.
  20. Wait, thats the price of the DLC. Better be worth it, but i guess it won't. £2 a pack, it would be cheaper to go to France and download it.
  21. Jimbob


    I'm awaiting the knowledge. I expect a long wait for that.
  22. Jeez, that's pricey for a "R" button fix. Like you said, hopefully (if they do send a new one) that they transfer the content over. They'll be nothing worse than losing all the Streetpass puzzles. Got 10 completed ones myself, and i'd hate if i lost that info.
  23. Vote: Nobody
  24. Woo hoo, i won!!!! Well done Peeps on such a great game. I can now reveal that my win condition was to convert 5 players to Zombies. And if i vote last, i get an extra conversion which can help me reach my condition quicker. Couldn't believe i survived so long, thought i was going out after my 4th conversion. Lucky me indeed.
  25. PS3 owners will get a shock with the original on how it plays, but it is well worth playing and learning the back-story. And @Magnus, i heard that scene is in the new DLC. It's where Shepard learns Ashley isn't what she makes out to be. If you know what i mean.
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