1: It's a bit of a kick in the teeth in some ways. Yes, it allows competitive pricing for retailers which in turn allows us the consumer to choose where to shop to. But, if prices change all the time then it will leave many of us unsure where to shop for it. Still, £300 is max for the premium console and £220-£250 for the basic model is fine.
2: As some are doing, i'm looking around for the best deal. When it arrives, i may get one at launch. Or wait until after the holiday rush and pick one up then.
3: If i do pick one up, it will most likely be a Premium (black). Will go along with most other things i have at home.
4: As it stands, if i get one at launch i'll most likely get New Super Mario Bros Wii U and hold off until Pikmin 3 arrives for my next game. But being allowed to transfer VC licenses over and backwards compatible with Wii games, it won't be a problem with waiting.
5: Havn't watched it yet
6: Nintendo this year are not like Nintendo i know, holding off until the last minute really to announce launch titles and prices for the Wii U. They should have announced this at E3 (or soon after). Nintendo are losing money again, and this decision may not help them. I'm more disapointed at not seeing Luigi's Mansion and Animal Crossing 3DS this year, surprising indeed.
7: Not as such, as i mentioned i havn't watched it yet.