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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. This is what i see when coming home from a few drinks Donate, it is a good cause.
  2. I don't think i can donate more this month, but soon after payday i will donate some more funds. C'maan guys and gals, a good cause indeed. Donate now, and help the children. I'll be back to see how you guys are getting on later, for now the pub calls my name.
  3. Tuned in, will be here as long as possible. Best of luck guys!!!. And i've sent donations over for all.
  4. @The Peeps, certainly. I've no problem hosting a live draw once again. I look forward to it.
  5. Hopefully you'll live to Haden's example, wonder what happened with him?. Guess it was either work or Xpert. I'm in for the cup as always. And i'm up for hosting it again, if no-one has any issues with that at all.
  6. Sweet, i'll look into that as long as my mate doesn't pop over and ask for it back. Still, White 2 is heading on being better than White story-wise so far. Only just done the 2nd gym. The Pokeradar is ok, liking the linking for GenIV games to it. And Dreamworld seems better already, getting some better 'mon earlier is a plus.

  7. "Lemons" was a good episode indeed. 1/2 way through, no real issues at all with the series. It's a refreshing break from the gaff that's normally on TV these days. It's on par with series 5 in terms of laughter in my opinion.
  8. No dash update yet, but i havn't turned the XB on for 2 days so who knows.
  9. Quick question, I managed to borrow a dsi from a friend and I transferred pokemon from silver to white using the poke transfer feature. Can I WiFi trade them over to white 2 from white from a poke centre or do I need to use a poke transfer station like before

  10. I signed upto the beta program, was accepted but never recieved the update. Not that i cared too much, i don't look past friends or games on the dashboard to care what the other blocks are.
  11. I'm not going to give anything away with the roles, but it's better than the "Happy Days" mafia. Last time, i tried to balance it out and it didn't work too well. This time, with the advice of many i've rectified my mistakes i believe. All will be revealed when my time comes. All i can say is, you and everyone who wishes to play are in for a good treat/game. Got a few surprises in-store.
  12. Deal. In exchange, you get to deal with the absolute half-witts of this fair country as they demand money now, and won't accept waiting upto 3 weeks for the form to be checked and processed. Also part of the role involves talking on the phone to these same people, by part i mean whole role. All for the total of £8.25 an hour. And with the Subway chat, i hate waiting for my sandwich. The bigger ones have 3 servers, one for the bread, toasting and meat/veg filling. One for the salad and sauce and one for payment. The ones without the 3 staff annoy me. Why complete 1/2 the job before moving onto the next customer. Finish the job i say. You wouldn't see this service at McDonalds "Yes, thats a double cheeseburger and chips. There's 1/2 the burger and 5 chips, next please". Then coming back to the order after serving the next customer.
  13. Got a 12 month plan at present, the option to renew for a further 12 on the same contract is an option. Lucky me!!!
  14. Graphics arn't the be all and end all with games, i understand people have different opinions on what they like visually. You can't deny the gameplay though, this is one fine game with many ways of completing the mission(s). It was well worth taking a plunge on purchase for this title last weekend.
  15. Added you @Whiffste, along with @Gentleben, @madeinbeats, @lostmario, @Haden, @Agent Gibbs as additional.
  16. Mines all set and ready, characters are complete and roles are all written. Based on the popular T.V show Red Dwarf. Just got wiped from The Wire mafia, my own fault for lack of participating on many days. Had a lot on my mind though, so sorry about that.
  17. Yeah, completly buggered it up with my sheer lack of participating. From what i played, it was a good game. Didn't know much about the Wire, if i did would have had more knowledge on what was going on. Good game Yvonne, good luck to the rest of ya's.
  18. I'm on a mobile version of the site at the moment. I can see a few votes down for me, i can confirm that my target list for the nights above are true. I havn't messed them up this time like i have done in many past games. I'll come out and say it now, i do have a double vote. And i apologise for my lack of participating thus far in the game.
  19. Lost 3-2 against bob earlier, 9 chances to his 5. Still, it was a good chance to field some players who havn't seen much playing time over the season and allow them some time to play. Got some funds saved up, just in case some spending is required for next season.
  20. Been playing that Dream Radar a little, it's ok. Played it linked with Soul Silver as well as White 2, snagged a few 'mon from it. As for my playthrough of White 2, still leveling up 1/2 my team in prep for the 2nd gym.
  21. I'm not that far in (just did the first gym), but you can link saves from B/W to B2/W2 which adds a little to the story. @Serebii will be best to ask, he's the king-pin of Pokemon titles. Regarding the transferring from HG/SS. There are trade points in HG/SS and B2/W2. You'll need two 3DS's to do that though from what i've seen.
  22. True, was nice to see a computer just getting thicker and thicker as each series progressed.
  23. They did try to get Norman Lovett back to play Holly, but due to the Grant-Naylor company messing him around (the final straw was "Back to Earth" when they said to him keep the slot open, then never told him that he wasn't needed). I don't know why they didn't bring Hattie back to play Holly.
  24. Current line-up is as follows Snivy, Riolu and Pidove. Am trying to get hold of an Abra and possibly a Nidoran (M). I do like the massive choice of Pokemon this time around. Got my game linked to the save from White as well.
  25. Managed to snag 7 Streetpasses on Friday, mostly those purchasing White2/Black2. How do i know, they had the game in the 3DS at the time.
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