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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Sweet, i'll download once i return home. Just to be clear, is this replacing the existing Pokedex app?
  2. Most likely MGM will release a new edition of the Blu-ray set to include Skyfall once it's released on Blu-ray, but the existing sets have the slot ready for it. Wonder if they'll release a disk in similar design of the other 22 movies. And here's hoping the menus are the same as well for continueity.
  3. Congrats are in order, well done sir.
  4. I took advantage of GAME's 99p deal for this, it's in my bag ready for action this evening.
  5. I see the prototype for the PSP has been released. Edit: It would seem us in the UK have access to the NBA app, which is handy for me.
  6. Votes Dannyboy-the-Dane- Rummy, Magnus Peterson, Cube, Yvonne, bob, Jon Dedede, Moogle (7) Magnus Peterson- Sheikah (1) Majority reached!!! The crew had their target set, the ambush was the last straw. They rallied together and launched in. They carried him to the lift and proceeded to send him to the tank. Ackerman was lynched, Dannyboy-the-Dane is no longer in the game. The Floor 13 officer, you hate everyone except the Captain. Being with the Captain, you intend to get back control of the Dwarf. Access to the prisoners allows you to use them to your advantage. You are a roleblocker, you can use the prisoners to block a random player from reaching their target. This method can also provide you with random information on a player, of which you'll know who it is relating to. (aka your roleblock target if they've targetted someone, you'll recieve their information on their target). He was a member of the Mafia!!!! Majority was reached, day is effectively over. Get them PM's in chappies!!!! Alive - 10 players @bob @Jon Dedede @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane Night ends 11pm tomorrow, extended due to the fact i'm in work from 11am tomorrow and won't be home until at least 10pm. Edit:
  7. Votes (as they stand) Dannyboy-the-Dane - Rummy, Magnus Peterson, Cube, Yvonne (4) Magnus Peterson - Sheikah (1) Day ends 11pm Thursday (unless the majority of 6 is reached)
  8. If you wish for me to do a draw, i know it's short notice but i can slot it in tomorrow. Eights will have number 1, Yellow will draw number 2.
  9. Thanks @bob @Jon Dedede @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane @mr\-paul Day begins, 11 players = Majority is now 6. Game on!!!!!
  10. I've never played Halo, is that a bad thing or a good thing.
  11. I've never played a Halo game, is that a bad or a good thing.
  12. Havn't touched the multiplayer as of yet, may venture into it and see whats what. What sort of maps we got, hopefully are they bigger than Revelations maps were?.
  13. Damn, 6-1 loss vs Eights. Oh well, it's Recall's highest cup position in as many seasons as i can remember. Good luck in the final!!!!
  14. To explain, if the majority is reached the day phase ends. If not, it goes until the due end of day phase time.
  15. A new favourite thing, i think they took this from Arkham City. Not entirely sure though
  16. Votes Moogleviper - Magnus Peterson, Jon Dedede, Sheikah, EEVILMURRAY (4) Animal - Rummy, Nintendohnut, Yvonne, Cube, Moogleviper (7) Majority is 7 (13 players) Majority was reached The day had just begun, people were going around and around debating who to go for. Was it the blob, or the contents of a box. The crew decided and went for the box. Only to find the contents was missing. Hurrying around trying to find it, not knowing what it could and would be they just about gave up hope. That was, until they heard a sound coming from the medical room. The crew ran to the room and they found it, it was surrounding the recently assaulted Cat. Quickly, one of the crew grabbed a fire-extinguisher and fired it at whatever this thing was. Laser cannons were fired, and alas it was dead. Animal is dead. He was The Polymorph As a creature of an unknown proportion, you’re main objective in life is to camouflage your way around and suck the elements out of random targets. By doing this, you become more powerful as each day passes. Your power is as follows. Power reflector, if you target anyone you will reflect their power back onto your target. You also have the double vote. He was neutral But the damage was done............. Day is over, majority was reached. Let the night begin!!!!!. Alive - 12 players @mr\-paul @bob @Jon Dedede @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane @Magnus Peterson @Nintendohnut Deceased Jonnas The Peeps DuD @Animal Get them PM's in, night ends 10pm tomorrow.
  17. Votes (as they stand) Moogleviper - Magnus Peterson, Jon Dedede, Sheikah, EEVILMURRAY (4) Animal - Rummy, Nintendohnut, Yvonne, Cube (5) Majority is 7 (13 players) Day ends tomorrow
  18. @Rummy, it'l be 9pm tomorrow (based on activity, if it's busy then day extends (it's on page 1))
  19. It's an ancient native-american thing, them mystical powers they had of telepathically controlling things.
  20. Votes (as they stand) Sheikah - Yvonne (1) Moogleviper - Magnus Peterson, Yvonne, Jon Dedede, Sheikah (4) Animal - Rummy (1) Majority is 7 (13 players) Day ends tomorrow
  21. Votes (as they stand) Magnus Peterson - Sheikah (1) Moogleviper - Magnus Peterson, Yvonne, Jon Dedede (3) Majority is 7 (13 players)
  22. Easily the best so far
  23. The Semi-Final Draw in all it's glory, apologies for it not being live. I completely forgot Matches Yellow Submarine vs Intergalactico Stars Recall United vs Eights United Get them invites out.
  24. Is that possible to do?
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