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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. New Guess the Year and TV show coming tomorrow.
  2. Aye, looking forward to another challenge to the middle league.
  3. Jimbob

    007 Legends

    I guessed the License to Kill level would be based around the monestry/drug factory.
  4. Got him finally, he's signing up now

  5. Start asap, i can't get hold of him. Sorry about that @Haden. Edit: Scrap that, he's signed up now.
  6. Depends on which department you go to, First won't charge but Arriva will. It's the same pass (Network rail) as well. Another train pushed us back to the station and let us off, Arriva put it down to a fault on the train.
  7. Vote: No Lynch
  8. Sounds typical for Cardiff as well. The trains we have on the valleylines are the oldest of the old as i mentioned, to the point that we were half-way back to Queen Street (this only happened once) when the carriage we were in separated from the front carriage. Driver didn't realise until it was back in the station that half the train was missing. Did they go back for it, nope. They don't have alarms or anything saying carriage disconnection. Was quite interesting indeed. Next day, 50p was added to the fare. I seriously love those hanging around outside the station asking for money for a variety of reasons, most entertaining indeed.
  9. I did think about doing something for the lowers, as that's the only league without proper coverage.
  10. Thought this game died, i'll return and have a look see
  11. And also Emohawk: Polymorph II Where Rimmer was turned into Ace Rimmer (lost his cowardice) and Cat into Dwayne Dibley (lost his coolness)
  12. I think the company is fed-up of me complaining about things, the train has failed a few times to stop at my station when i either wanted to get on or off. With the getting off, they tried to charge me for the journey back, which was cheeky.
  13. The journey i take daily to get to work varies on price on a daily basis. There is this thing some conductors call a "cheap" day, where train fares (well, a return from where i live to work on 2 trains) are £8 a return on a Tuesday and Thursday. Other days, at the same time the price is £10.10 for the same journey. I did some research into this, and found the £10.10 price is for peaktimes between 7am and 8am. Not for the times i travel, i'm in the process of getting a refund (i kept all my tickets because i thought the prices were wrong). Now i get the cheaper rate because everytime one of these conductors tries to charge more and claims the price was a "cheap" day price, i show a Monday ticket and get the cheaper rate. Stupid conductors try to get more money out of you by changing the clock on the machines, keep an eye on that guys and gals. I used to have a travel pass, but i lost it. Arriva want to charge £15 for a replacement, which they can kack off. For a weeks travel, it costs £35 with a pass. These price rises are stupid, they rose the price in January with the promise of more reliable trains and more frequent trains. I've yet to see either happening. The train i get from Cardiff to Ty Glas (where i work) breaks down often. Recently, there has been a collapse by central which is stopping all trains from going from Central to Queen Street (both in Cardiff). Do they offer free transport for disabled persons, no. They expect you to walk to Queen Street to get on a train to another station to transfer to a different station to get the train you need to get to work. Which is now running once every 2 hours. Reliable, no. Cost effective = No.
  14. Yeah, sucks about paying more for a digital download. I'd expected to pay the opposite prices for each version.
  15. Can't fault them, they were very good with changing an address for me as well. I used Paypal to order MGS HD and it changed my address on-site to my old address. Simply asked Shopto, who changed it to my new address no questions asked.
  16. Shopto never fault indeed, i got mine ordered there. I say this from previous experience with GAME, havn't used them for online orders since before they nearly went under.
  17. GAME say it's dispatched for orders, but they hold them for a day or two still.
  18. Amazon have it for pre-order at £29.99, which seems to be cheaper than the DD version. I'll stick to hard-copies until DD's are cheaper.
  19. You can do it @Haden, i'm sure a fair way will be decided on who gets the home advantage. Bring on the new season. Also looking for a friendly for Friday, anyone interested?. Got some new players i wish to try out.
  20. N-E meet at Ese's place?
  21. I don't feel the need for a new console. I don't believe they could get more powerful than they are now either.
  22. Will they ever release this, it seems to keep getting delayed. It makes me laugh, i'm thinking the same as Grazza. They seem to be pushing the likes of Luigi's Mansion and Animal Crossing into the Zelda league of development. Which is close to being a joke really, not the Zelda league as we've learned to expect delays on these games.
  23. I endorse the above statement as factual!!.
  24. Welcome back online. I'll have to look at that picture when i get home, but it sounds like you are having an excellent time indeed.
  25. What a closing ceremony indeed, very well done indeed. Ok i wasn't too fond of George Michael or Jesse J murdering "We Will Rock You". The video of Freddy Mercury warming the crowd up was classic indeed. John Lennon's face appearing in formation was legendary indeed, very well done indeed. I kept wondering if Lennon was alive now, would he have been the one singing at the opening ceremony instead of that McCartney bloke?. The tribute to "Fools and Horses" was good, even Eric Idle surprised me indeed. Overall, it was a fantastic ceremony indeed. Much better than Beijing overall, a very British event and one that i'm proud to say i'm glad to be British.
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