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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. When you're on the walking/climbing challenges map there should be a button in the bottom right corner that will take you to the total distance screen.
  2. I'm doubting that. Yeah... been a bit lazy recently. Is it really just 3 of us using this now, or does the game still randomly display people whenever it feels like it?
  3. This has been sitting on my PS3 for a few weeks after downloading it for the insane price of £3.99! Finally made a start on it last night though, and got stuck playing for hours. So beautiful. And dat Studio Ghibli vibe... Yeah, seems like this game is proper Tidy!
  4. Well at the moment the best reason of all is Mario Kart 8: There are some great older titles to catch up on too... Nintendo Land NSMBU Zombi U Monster Hunter 3 Lego City Undercover Pikmin 3 The Wonderful 101 Super Mario 3D World DKC Tropical Freeze All exclusive to Wii U, and all awesome. And coming up we have... Hyrule Warriors Bayonetta 2 Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Captain Toad Treasure Tracker Splatoon Yoshi's Wooly World Kirby and the Rainbow Curse Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem Xenoblade Chronicles X And last but not least, Zelda: It's a slow moving process (very slow ) but right now you're looking at 10 quality exclusives to check out, and at least another 10 by the end of next year. So yeah, there should be many reasons for anyone who enjoys gaming to buy a Wii U. : peace:
  5. I only got a notification that the contest had closed, don't think voting is possible yet though.
  6. It's a Lexar 8GB flash drive. Only got eShop/VC titles on it (all of my retail downloads are still on the Wii U system memory) but yeah, it works a treat.
  7. I'm thinking I should get an external hard drive at some point, currently using a USB flash drive. It works perfectly mind you, and has the benefit of not requiring an additional power supply, but I keep hearing stories about how they can easily go tits up with too much use. It's a shame you can't just keep save files on the Wii U system itself, and game files on external storage. If it was like that, I'd definitely stick with using USB flash drives.
  8. Taking the releases for this Thursday into account, there will have been 172 games released so far this year for Wii U and 3DS. What's interesting though (if my calculations are correct ) is that it's a perfect split! 86 on Wii U, 86 on 3DS. Some stats, for anyone that cares: Wii U = 11 (6%) 3DS = 23 (13%) Wii U eShop = 38 (22%) 3DS eShop = 46 (27%) Wii U VC = 37 (22%) 3DS VC = 17 (10%) Wii U = 86 (50%) 3DS = 86 (50%) Retail = 34 (20%) Digital = 138 (80%) eShop = 84 (61%) VC = 54 (39%) Total = 172 The difference between retail and digital is pretty nuts too, the days of physical media are surely coming to an end...
  9. First Wii Sports Club, now this. What's with this thing of re-releasing Wii U download titles on disc? Anyway, I've got both NES Remix games already (just finishing up NES Remix 2 at the moment) so this news doesn't exactly excite me. But good for peeps that don't have either of 'em yet... I guess. It seems like a weird choice of game to release as a retail version though, much more suited to digital IMO.
  10. I managed to get the bronze medal on that game by pure luck, but I'm thinking there must be a bit more to it. Will let you know if I discover anything.
  11. This looks amazing running at 60fps on the Twitch stream. :awesome:
  12. Already on the list, the European date has been know for quite some time now.Thanks for posting anyway. : peace:
  13. It seems nothing major was revealed in the stream on Niconico. They showed the Limited Edition stuff at the end, the treasure chest plays the jingle as you open it. The Triforce alarm clock actually looks better than it did at first too, nice and shiny. Possibly only 3 spots left on the character roster though. Not looking good for Tingle. Also, Ruto's fast movement animation is ridiculous. She swims through thin air.
  14. The only thing that could make that more awesome, would be if it actually pulled data from your Tomodachi Life savefile for the room designs/Miis. I wonder if residents will still fart on this stage?
  15. The character designs in this look great. And the game is looking better and better with every new reveal. Once Tingle is confirmed I can start getting truly hyped. Anyway, there's a live stream going on tomorrow: http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv183872180
  16. You'd probably get a kick out of Nano Assault Neo, which is a short but pretty sweet twin-stick shooter.Mighty Switch Force! Hyper Drive Edition is another great eShop game, and NES Remix 1/2 are worth checking out.
  17. I'd like to say that I won't purchase another Nintendo console on day 1, but I'm smart enough to know that I'm dumb enough to make the same mistake again. Yeah, both 3DS and Wii U (especially Wii U) weren't exsactly great day 1 purchases in hindsight. But having said that, I did enjoy playing both of them right from the start, I'm still playing them now, and I'll hopefully be playing them for a while yet. At the end of the day my main issue with Nintendo remains the same as it has been for quite some time now, I simply want them to be much more consistent with their own software output. 3+ month gaps are a complete pisstake, and should never happen. Pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but I would've preferred it if they held back the launch of Wii U until they had a steady lineup of games ready to go. And the same applies to the next system, just hold on to it until there are enough titles ready to avoid droughts. With the 3rd party situation being the way it is now, it appears to be the only option they have. Anyway, of course I'm sticking with Nintendo in the future. I'll definitely continue to game on PC and other consoles too, but as long as Nintendo are producing the amazing games they always have, I'll sure as hell be playing them.
  18. Well hopefully they have moved on to Wii U development, simply because that's were titles are desperately needed, but also because they've seemingly taken the 3DS to its limits with this game. Don't think we really need to worry about this thread going off-topic. But yeah, I really do like CR:LGP.In reality it's just a collection of mini-games set across a handful of pretty small environments, and taking pictures with your 3DS. There's not all that much to it. But the style this game has, the characters, the music... it creates such an amazing vibe that you just can't help but be sucked into it. The worst thing about the game is when you can't get a silhouette to match (60%+ accuracy is required to create Nostal Junk) and more often than not it'll be down to the crappiness of the 3DS camera, rather than bad photography skills. Having said that, the game can be pretty forgiving at times with this, but in that case you'll end up with a Nostal Junk where the texture hasn't been mapped correctly to the 3D model, or you'll be able to see other aspects of the shot along the seams, which is just as annoying. At the end of the day, the 3DS camera is intended for outdoor use in bright conditions, exactly the same conditions which make viewing the screens difficult. But taking pictures indoors (where you can actually see the screen properly) is basically a waste of time. So yeah, this issue does hamper the experience slightly, it did for me anyway. I'd still recommend the game (especially if you're a fan of skip's quirky style) but be prepared for some frustration. BTW, @M_rock, who would you say was your favourite character in the game? I really love these guys: and: His voice on the distance test game... "Is it?"... "IS IT?!" Makes me laugh every time. Special mention must go to Moppi, as I obviously enjoyed that particular mini-game immensely. Oh! One more thing, did you get any Nostal Duds while playing, and do you know what they're used for? I've got 2, by the looks of things it's completely random if you get a Nostal Junk or a dud and they're clearly not required to beat the game.
  19. I did, yeah. Absolutely. I wonder what skip are working on now... @Dcubed (you're usually on the ball with this kind of info) what do you reckon, think they'll be developing something for Wii U now?
  20. When are the results due? Anyway I finally beat this game today. Took me way longer than it should've done really, but I wanted to get as many of the Nostal Junk in my game done using real objects. Had to cheat and use Google Images for quite a few in the end though. It's just such a shame the 3DS camera is so poor, as the texture mapping system this game utilizes is amazing. When you do get lucky with a shot, and the game applies it perfectly to the 3D model, it looks incredible. :awesome: In fact I've been so impressed with this game visually, I'd go as far as to say this is the best looking game on the 3DS! Other than the issue with aliasing, it's absolutely perfect. I'd love to see what skip could do with the Wii U... M_rock (I assume it's just us playing this on here ) have you completed the game? *EDIT* Just uploaded some of my saved offline Miiverse posts (man, Miiverse is slow on 3DS! ):
  21. There's no finalised date for Bayonetta 2 yet as far as I'm aware, although I'm pretty sure it will make the planned October release. Guessing it'll end up being the 31st, to tie-in with Halloween. But yeah, I don't bother adding any games to the list in the first post until they have a full release date, less faffing about that way.
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