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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. Yeah, I'm not getting on the train unless this turns out to be a worldwide ND.
  2. Do we have an actual date for the first pack, of is it just sometime in November? I tend not to add stuff until it it has a full, finalised release date. Also, it would mess with my stats (as it's not actually a game ) but if/when we have a confirmed date I'll add it to the list anyway, and then just delete it once the date has passed. : peace:
  3. Yeah, looks nice. But I still had to exit the game for the DLC to appear after purchase. You mean you didn't have to?
  4. Stats: Disappointing there's no item stats, but it's better than nowt. Also, I've definitely used motion controls (albeit only once) so that's weird how it says 0 for that. Anyway, both packs purchased, and I am absolutely buzzing.
  5. SNES style F-Zero Blue Falcon and track: Oh my God.
  6. Holy shit! :o:o:o:o:o:o:o *collapses*
  7. Good games earlier @f00had & @Josh64. : peace: Awesome moment from one of those races where I take both of you out with a boomerang! :awesome:: And a cheeky backwards boomerang at f00 afterwards. Here's hoping the update can do something about it.
  8. Some nice easy listening going on at the mo.
  9. Well it looks like the Mercedes GLA is bringing a new tyre type (judging by the trailer) but I wonder if it's going to be usable on other karts or bikes. I originally had a feeling that the Mercs wouldn't be able to use other tyre types either, but 2 of them in the trailer are using the current off-Road type, so I guess not. A Mercedes with button or cushion tyres would be pretty funny. Definitely up for some races tonight, yeah. Be nice to get some more MK8 in before it becomes forever tarnished with Mercs! You can tell when it happens as the character will be doing its hit animation/the kart will be spinning, but their forward momentum is completely unaffected. It looks ridiculous. I've literally green shelled someone that was just ahead of me, right before the finish line, and watched on as they still cross the line before me, all while their character is spazzing out.
  10. Looking forward to the update tomorrow, they definitely need to fix some areas of the online now. That glitch where people hit with an item don't slow down seems to be happening a lot more frequently these days. I've also got another MKTV moment from last night where I clearly cross the finish line in 1st (my kart is completely over the line, whereas the player next to me is still touching it) but I got 2nd place! I see. That was frantic mode though, right?
  11. Have you unlocked...
  12. Just beat this game with around 9 hours on the clock, still got quite a few cats to save though. Anyway, really enjoyed it. Hope we see more from Dakko Dakko on the eShop. : peace:
  13. This.If it ain't for Wii U (whatever it is) then Nintendo have completely lost the plot. Bloody hell Serebii, get your priorities right. BTW, have you got a link to the NicoNico stream?
  14. I take it that's what you were playing on when I joined you earlier, 'cos those games were mental! Your Mii and VR looked a little different to me though: ...have you made another Mii/profile for frantic sessions?
  15. I played it more on C64, but yeah... Still think the C64 version sounds the best. SID Chip 4eva!
  16. Quality. That hardcore bass kick is so out of place but it somehow works.
  17. Yep, and the hole-in-one. :awesome: I've done the odd daily tournament. Not played that much online though, there's just too much to do offline. Will hopefully get into the online side a bit more at some point. Nice one. I think the platinum on this is pretty much out of the question for me. Still haven't even got all of the stars, and only about 5 or 6 crowns so far. Even easy mode is rock hard on some of them.
  18. Sorry for the gargantuan bump, but I just had to share this (@Cookyman might be interested ): Finally got the albatross trophy! What a fucking fluke. This game though... so good. Still playing on a regular basis, such a ridiculous amount of content! Also, I had no idea there was playable cat DLC until recently! Snapped that up last night. Someone be sure to let me know if a PS4 version of Everybody's Golf gets announced.
  19. Nothing other than loads of people expecting there to be a Direct in August.
  20. So... Nintendo Direct next week then? I'm guessing Wednesday to remind people about the MK8 update, and hopefully announce the amiibo plans/DLC.
  21. http://www.smashbros.com/us/music/
  22. Or is it? Mwahahahahahaaaa!! Yeah, I heard this is nothing to do with the announcement next week, figured this was still the best thread to post it in though... Whatever the hell it is.
  23. On the subject of Hotline Miami, when is the sequel due? Looking forward to messing around with the level editor.
  24. In more ways than one. You have no direct control of the players in Pocket Football Club, so scoring a goal actually is completely random. *EDIT* Ah! Seems like it's not actually using the main game, but a penalty shootout thingy. Still, weird promotion.
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