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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. I had no choice but to play through most of Hotline Miami with a controller, as some weird glitch prevented me from being able to go back to keyboard & mouse. It still plays pretty well with a controller though, increases the challenge slightly too. Not that the game needs it.
  2. The fact that both of you agree on this is incredibly reassuring. I'd hate for the industry to go all-digital. Really get the feeling it is, but I'll be very happy to be wrong. I'm not getting it.
  3. Interesting points. I wasn't thinking about it from a hardware perspective to be honest. But seeing how bad the situation at retail has become, and looking at how the industry is changing (the shift towards digital) it gives me the impression that hardware could actually be the only thing being sold at retailers in the future. Do you think Gen 9 hardware will even have the option to utilise physical media? I have my doubts. That's right, 4 quid. Absolutely insane. Nope. Probably wont be getting anything on the next one either. Would have picked up Kirby Triple Deluxe, but apparently it's not eligible for a discount in a sale based on Kirby.
  4. Hahaha! That is brilliant. Congratulations, M_rock!
  5. I reckon, yeah.Especially digital downloads of retail titles, they should definitely be cheaper than physical versions. I mean there's no packaging/media, we pretty much have to provide our own storage space for the download, you're losing the ability to sell the game in the future, Nintendo's safeguards for digital content aren't exactly great, etc... I think if a game has an RRP of £40 it should be at least £30 in the eShop, not £50+ which has often been the case. Nintendo's presence at retail is shot to shit at this point, so they shouldn't be concerned with undercutting retailers now.
  6. Unfortunately not, as that would be slightly less annoying. Anyway, that's all I'm saying... Shouldn't be too long before we find out though.
  7. Just speculation on my part (based on some information that I'm not at liberty to divulge ) but it looks like Nintendo may have gone and done that incredibly annoying thing again where they release two high profile games on the same day... Hopefully not, but we shall see. Man, I wish the next Nintendo Direct would hurry up already.
  8. Think you might be right. TVii is definitely not happening. Not that I care. Would be nice if they removed the bloody icon though.
  9. Probably not. And I'd really like to know what the hell is going on with Flipnote Studio 3D.
  10. Wii U eShop thread:http://n-europe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1700950&postcount=1151
  11. Well, at least you outdid @Serebii in the prediction battle this time. Got a feeling he's going to win the Smash Bros. one though.
  12. So where's this goddamn Nintendo Direct at? Or maybe it's just gonna be the Pokémon thingy next week and that's it.
  13. Have you been using the green syringe? It slows down (and can even completely stop) blood loss, giving you more time to operate.Just don't inject yourself by accident. And if you do, use the blue syringe to reverse the effects.
  14. Visuals on this are astounding. Been playing GRID 2 on PC recently and was impressed by the graphics on that game, but this is... it genuinely looks real. Gotta be the end of the line as far as visuals go for racing games. I mean seriously, how can it be improved?
  15. I haven't played it for around 10 years and my memory isn't great at the best of times, but I seem to remember the automatic camera being pretty good in that game. Think the only time I used the C-Stick was for checking out dem graphics. The L button would always snap the camera behind Mario and that could obviously still be the case with Fludd mapped to the right stick. Plus I'm sure with all of the experience they now have in working with 3D cameras means they could improve it even more.
  16. They could easily switch it to the right analog stick, and just have camera control on the shoulder buttons or D-Pad instead. In fact that would probably work quite well as you'd be able to control both pressure and direction with a single input. :awesome:
  17. Yep.If they don't have some considerable content to show in the next ND then I give up trying to work out what they're playing at.
  18. So is lanky Sonic & Co. a permanent design change, or is it just for this Sonic Boom malarkey? 'cos it looks ridiculous.
  19. Did you pack away your Wii U again? Shame there's no web version of the eShop yet. That's still happening at some point, right?
  20. Smash and Fantasy Life for me. But yeah, some great games on the way for 3DS.
  21. Can't believe this is still over a month away for Europe. And I wouldn't be surprised if the PAL version is actually ready but getting a "strategic" delay similar to DKCTF/Captain Toad.
  22. Yeah, the messed up controls and physics engine definitely won't be everyone's cup of tea. I loved it though. The fact that it's such a struggle to perform even simple tasks, like picking up tools, using the phone, etc. And once you get into...
  23. Put it this way, you're not going to get loads of playtime out of this, but if it's priced similarly to the PC version (around a fiver) and you like the look of the game, then yeah it's worth getting. Only reasons to definitely not buy this game would be that you don't like purposely bad controls, or you're squeamish.
  24. Boring!? It's absolutely hilarious! Seriously, do buy it. Co-op must be insane. I can't imagine playing this game without the super awkward keyboard and mouse controls though.
  25. Interesting.So... Egg/Shine Sprite Cup = 8 original courses, and Boo/Spiny Shell Cup = 8 additional retro courses? That would be sweet. SNES Ghost Valley 1 for Boo Cup please!
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