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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. Yep. This is why I was so confuzzled at the lack of interest for it in The Other Consoles Have No Games thread.
  2. Oh my God Hand! Yeah... started playing this a while back having picked it up in the PSN sale for the insane price of £2.40! :awesome: For those that have never heard of it, God Hand is a 3D Beat 'em up for the PS2 which was also the last title developed by the awesome Clover Studios. :awesome: The main appeal of the game is that it's preposterously difficult (like seriously, rock hard ) yet so incredibly well designed that it's completely fair. When you die, it's always your fault. It's also funny, really funny. Yeah, the characters and cutscenes are brilliant. Cheesy as hell, but that's exactly what makes it so damn good. This humour often leaks into the gameplay too:
  3. The crazier the better I say. Wish this game was coming out sooner though.
  4. Ah yeah, that's probably it.
  5. I was just using random for the custom fighters, it's nice to be surprised. How come whenever I got one that started with an item though (in the practice area) they no longer had it in the actual fight? Anyway, good games as always. : peace:
  6. To those that DC'd in G2, rejoin now!
  7. OK have added everyone, but remember I can't do pics of the results.Can anyone from G2 take pics?
  8. I'd be up for a few games tonight, after a bit of post-MK8 downtime. Probably around half 9. Will check later on anyway, see if there's a space. : peace:
  9. Not after discovering what DK can do on it tonight! That is so unfair it's unreal. Fear the Baby Face... BTW, was gonna mention this before but forgot (nothing new there ) I was working on another custom stage at the same time as Baby Face, and it also produced some very interesting results. Basically, there's a cannon that faces the floor and characters can get trapped inside it (like completely impossible to get out trapped ) BUT... it doesn't work on all characters. Some (including DK) will still blast through the floor. It gets weirder too. When playing against a CPU, the CPU characters get stuck to the floor right at the start of a match! They'll just stand there, rapidly flicking between idle animation frames. So yeah, didn't want to try that one online just yet/ever. Unless of course you want to volunteer as a guinea pig.
  10. Great games everyone, cheers. : peace: @Sprout, some GIF/Vid worthy moments tonight. Still laughing about me (playing as Kirby) getting bashed on the head by that falling baseball bat!
  11. Need. This. Game. :awesome: Knight Rider style Turbo Boost!!: Fucking amazing. Just Cause 3 is like the greatest collection of OTT 80's action/cheese all in one game.
  12. That was the first thing I noticed too, well, after the giant Pikachu. Wonder if those things are still running Windows 95.
  13. Hehehe! That reminded me of this moment from my playthrough of Arkham City: You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse Nice to see the Stretch Armstrong baddies are still around.
  14. My first ever Rocket League goal: Complete with excellent crashing into the wall celebration! This game is rad! Unfortunately it's also one to make my PS4 sound like it's about to take off. Really don't understand how this can give my system more trouble than Batman, but there you go.
  15. I wasn't really feeling it tonight. But yeah, cheers for the games Sprout and Gizmo.
  16. If you can handle the presenters of imagine-nation then here's a nice look at the game: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/vod/imagine/20150707.html Working alongside that giant Pikachu has got to be distracting. : peace:
  17. Yes I am interested in playing Smash at 8pm tonight... very interested.
  18. Yeah, that is nuts! @S\.C\.G, you did really well for having such a low defense!
  19. OK, if there's still space I'll try to join you later. Won't be until after 9 though.
  20. Not seeing enough love for Just Cause 3 in here. Come on people, get with the program!
  21. Nice pic. :awesome:What you playing first?
  22. You get them when you land in the plaza: You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse Yeah, I love the way this game looks at night. The way the ink glows slightly is beautiful. Hope we won't have to wait too long for the next Splatfest.
  23. When do you play online these days? I might be able to help out a bit.Keep in mind that I can do more harm than good in multiplayer though, due to being a hammer user, and a clumsy one at that.
  24. I'm assuming that's how it'll work. If it is, then Pop is screwed, as at least half of the matches I played tonight were Rock vs Rock teams. Eternal is the highest rank, and yeah you reach it after the 99 points on Charismatic... You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse Cool, I see you sorted the quality. Was it the bitrate?
  25. Loving Splatfest! You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse Seriously, sooo good. Seems like there are more people on Team Rock though, I've played quite a few matches now where it was taking so long to find a team for Pop, that it's ended up being Rock vs Rock! Oh well, Win-Win I guess.
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