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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. lol it sounds rude!!!
  2. Wesley


    @Wesleyhill EDIT: Oops I just notified myself lolz!
  3. Yeah if you liked either of the first two then you'll definitely like this. My flatmate and I thought this was a whole lot better than the first two. While two of my other friends preferred the second. But they're wrong.
  4. THIS FILM WAS AWESOME! Just got back from the cinema. Better than the first two.
  5. Holy shit! That is pretty impressive. Well done guys*. *Minus ReZ.
  6. Yeah you need to wait for Google to update its thingies of doom. I often get @Ashley to edit things out for me. He's changed my name to "Weasel Bumhole" and "Wesley the Sausagelover". He so great.
  7. Yeah that's what prompted me to get it - from gog.com
  8. Some of that looks great, other parts is just over-the-top and distracting. Also banging on about tessellation in games is kind of stupid at this point - unless the whole art-pipeline is created with tessellation in mind then the effects are only worthwhile on a couple of things. Looks pretty though!
  9. Awesome deal for PC version: http://www.thehut.com/games/platforms/pc/batman-arkham-city-the-dark-knight/-batman-begins-bluray-bundle/10564453.html
  10. I might do a digital pumpkin! Maybe a real one too.
  11. I did think the episode was really good though. Great start to the new season.
  12. HA! That's pretty awesome. I miss Jordan.
  13. Quite simply wrong my dear friend.
  14. Awwwwwwwwwwww yeah bitches.
  15. I was surprised and a little grossed out at the zombie having a baby.
  16. Fecking awesome! I liked the twist of making the zombies the good guys for a change.
  17. I like your style Lillster.
  18. Wow! Not going to the gym for a month really puts you back a lot!
  19. I was super confused as to why there were game covers in my thread. Also I'm glad you kept the capital letters @Josh64.
  20. hahshahsad yeah imn durbj too1
  21. I didn't realise [ mention ] [ / mention] did it too. @ReZourceman Sweet it does work! Thanks for showing that @ReZourceman
  22. That's some seriously messed up hands.
  23. *opens link* *closes tab*
  24. Oh ok, thanks for clearing that up.
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