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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. Couldn't disagree more. Also I never got the internet hate for GTA4. I know it was more serious and less "cool shit" happened. But I liked the gritty depressing stuff.
  2. WHAT?! This isn't opinion based. This is fact. This game, officially, did not exist outside of the Rockstar and Take-Two company. It just didn't. Now it does. How was this not an announcement? (I'm finding this quite funny by the way, I'm not actually annoyed over something so trivial.)
  3. There's a difference between people who sign-up to gaming forums "knowing" something exists and a company officially saying something exists. Whether or not we "knew" this existed; this is an official announcement. To the company, and their marketing team, who spend hundreds of hours planning these things, this game didn't exist in the public domain until today. Just to clarify: I also think announcing announcements need to fuck off... this wasn't one of those though.
  4. This isn't announcing an announcement. This was the announcement that the game exists (never officially confirmed, just rumours and leaks). And there will be a trailer in a week.
  5. I like that you add extra detail for the onion rings, but not the octopus part.
  6. My favourite GTA was GTA 4. After that GTA 2.
  7. Yay! I got excited the other week when they announced the GTA 3 re-release; suddenly realised it'd be the perfect time to announce GTA 5.
  8. Subscription. Already feel it changing my life.
  9. I thought it was cool. Those types of people who do crazy/cool/inventive stuff for their passion exist. That's what I loved most about this, the two adults in this felt pretty real to me. Can't say that much for the others in that respect.
  10. So who got Noel's new album? (Note, if you didn't because you hate him you can probably just stay silent at this point.) I've listened to it a couple of times and it's grabbed me pretty much straight off the bat. Really feels like he's going to be that kind of Ashcroft/Brown type artist which makes me pretty excited. Fucking ace!
  11. OH HI @mummy! It's seven for me. But if we count breakfast then fourteen.
  12. I actually like to sleep naked, on top of a ludicrously overweight person.
  13. Awwww....
  14. Awwww... I missed @Daft's birthday thread. Here you go!
  15. It's because he's gone on Twitter. And that's all the papers write about now. Got to keep people up-to-date with a service that's... instant in its up-to-date...ness. *shrug*
  16. You leave my mum out of this man!
  17. What? That's mong logic right there.
  18. Well The Sun also said that his "Tweet that" picture was his "mong face"... So... Also I meant the actual source... you know, like a clip of him saying the words. Not just another news site that says incorrect information. I just can't actually remember him saying that. I've just told my nephew that he's a cunt. Him and his 9 year old friends say it all the time. What a mong.
  19. It's not the face of an evil woman.
  20. Did Ricky Gervais ever actually say that she looks like a mong? I don't really remember that to be honest.
  21. Well straight away it doesn't explain it because that's not his "mong" pose. He's never said that's his "mong" pose. That's just The Sun being a massive mong-corporation right there. ACTUALLY! I take it all back. Look at this massive twat. Fucking monster.
  22. The only people offended by this are mongs.
  23. F YOU REZ!
  24. So I'm a huge Smiths fan... But I had never actually listened to "Strangeways, Here We Come"... A couple of different reasons, but mostly for FEAR. Anyway, the opening track of that album is now one of my favourite Smith songs.
  25. ...which is what the publishers want right?
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