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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. Okay, so it's primary harddrive so it has my system and boot - which also includes page file, active and crash dump. Does 20GB for these not seem excessive though? I've never had my PC take up that amount.
  2. HEY GUYS! I have an 80GB SSD and it says that 50GB is being used. But the combined size of all the folders in the root directory, including hidden folders, is 31GB. I'm CONFUSED.
  3. Holy shit Sony are doing good adverts again!
  4. Told you a Mac Mini was a good option!
  5. Fuuuuuuck! I'm impressed by your confidence.
  6. What's the difference between a long distance open-relationship and a... I feel too mean. Sorry for your loss Gizmo.
  7. So you can essentially tether your PC to your phone and... that's fine by them?
  8. The way the threads were ripped meant that post lost its context. Care to make a post that contributes something rather than simply trying to chastise someone? LOLIRONIC because of this postlol Let's correct that with an example: Could you explain what WiFi HotSpot actually is? I thought I understood it but I don't think I do if you've used over 10GB. I may look at getting this on a Three contract then... My girlfriend will hate me because I managed to convince her to go on GiffGaff as well, and now I'm leaving. She'll think I'm a traitor and will try to stab me again.
  9. So are Three the only big network that offers unlimited data now? I found out that last month I used 780MB of data - and that's without downloading or updating any apps at all.
  10. I wish everyone had to wear uniforms to life.
  11. The biggest reason why I'm excited about the Fire, and most friends people I've spoken to feel this, is that a major content company is behind this. So many tablets are released that have reasonable specifications, but then sit and idle. Where as with the Fire you have this huge library of content that can be delivered. Considering that the same company is behind the device (and largely the software) and the content you know that it will be effectively utilised on the device. In all honesty, it's the same reason why Apple products are usually so great. Except this is obviously cheaper.
  12. This is more important than both of those things. You know it in your heart of hearts.
  13. Ur.... okay....
  14. Okay I think I may go for it as well... I was thinking WP7 for a while but the apps just aren't there yet for me. Don't know if I fancy finding 500 quid right now though. May look at contracts. Does anywhere even offer unlimited internet? I've got so used to it on GiffGaff...
  15. I actually meant because it was a liquid diet. BUT THEN. While typing that I remembered a distant family member has the old C (not cancer, the less deathy C) and he actually can ONLY drink liquid stuff. Helps him loads. So it probably doesn't affect it, may actually make it better.
  16. Or look out of the window.
  17. Well... no, before. October 16, 2011, at 9:00 pm EST.
  18. Okay, that was pretty awesome. May still wait until the Nokia event later this month before buying a new phone though. I still have an iPhone 3G and it's getting pretty terrible nowadays. Also I don't like contracts, so I generally buy my phones SIM free.
  19. The Sun did it as well. This should be in the funny stuff thread.
  20. I don't get how the apps and music stuff works with iCloud. Surely you could always re-download those from the iTunes store? Is this instead somehow easier? Maybe not having to go and search for it and then re-download, etc.
  21. Psch, who isn't? EDIT: Oh I actually am! I was going to edit this saying, "EDIT: Awww I'm not. :(" Joke ruined.
  22. Cheers for posting that! I haven't been to the gym for about a month (my pass ran out and I wanted to change). Should sign up at a new (and better) gym this week, As I left I was jogging for 3 minutes and then walking for 2 minutes, and I did that until I had jogged for twelve minutes. Wanna switch to this. May jump in at week 4? Although the changes from week to week seem crazy-drastic. Not used to doing such big changes.
  23. There's the reason.
  24. What if someone does a really nasty fart?
  25. As long as it's not too deep and is the right curve I think it'd be pretty amazing.
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