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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. I'm really looking forward to this! Airs in two weeks? Also I forgot what the spoiler was that I clicked on.
  2. Another one...? Already? I said happy birthday not long ago. I can't be expected to be saying it all the time like this. ....hum. Okay then... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! That was in caps and with two exclamation marks; I'm done for a while.
  3. If you're wanting to preserve actual KNEE history then the awards threads? Or the threads that discussed the live E3 events. Also are we wanting to keep the darker and shittier threads that have happened? If we do then there are a few break-up threads that, while quite sad, did define a few members here.
  4. Oh fuuuuck, looking back at that Eating habbits thread is insane. So many forum members... And they're all dead... Anyway sorry, I don't have any suggestions - I can never remember half the stuff that happened.
  5. Wesley


    Just tried the Hangout for the first time. HOLY SHIT. Did not fully realise how amazing this is.
  6. *mind blown*
  7. I used to wear a big high vis jacket... It was comfortable and kept me warm in the winter though!
  8. Viiiiiiiiiiiiiiirgin. They have good adverts.
  9. Really? Also I think that any ex-PM is generally going to be pretty wealthy... The media reports about his businesses, and those being in conflict with his UN position, are largely over-blown.
  10. I would like more people to post their favourite terrible album covers. I do like the big lists of terrible images though.
  11. Is this where you got your bearosity from?
  12. I've gone back to trying to mention you in every post I make.




    (This counts as a post)

  13. Terrible album covers. They're great. Metal always seems the worst for this; often trying to get across some kind of deep meaning but instead looking like a thirteen year old has been given Photoshop. My favourite terrible album cover for an album I do actually like is "...An Education in Rebellion". My all-time favourite gym music as well. EDIT: Ah lame... I just found out the album I'd been carrying around for years was actually slightly incorrect. From listening to it on Spotify for the first time I realise there's a bunch of songs (that I don't like all that much) and a different order. LOLZ as ReZ would say lozlozlcin
  14. You made me look on that shitty (Facebook inspired) notification system for that GIF? You're the reason why I'm leaving KNEE.
  15. I'm 23. I have to think about it for a second before I realise that. But I don't suggest you delete anything that's older than 23 years because nothing will get deleted. Although I appreciate you trying to preserve anything I may have had an affect on.
  16. I suppose it's because no other company hooked their future onto Facebook as much as Spotify did.
  17. But... what about the sweaty sweat?!
  18. Anything older than... two months?
  19. You're the reason why I don't use Facebook.
  20. Awesome. Delete anything older than a month. Go on. DO EEEEET!
  21. Are you saying that these "bendy buses" have a higher kill ratio than regular buses? I want proof. PROOF I SAY! I don't really, ignore me.
  22. Happy birthday!
  23. Yeah I mentioned that not long ago... Does anyone have any idea when it might release in the UK? I'm actually slightly gutted it's not out over here before Christmas... I've wanted a tablet for ages, but kept waiting because of this rumoured tablet.
  24. I'm with Odwin about deleting stuff. It'd be awesome if you just chopped off 95% of the history.
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