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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. Wesley


    Really? I dunno whether it's just the people I've added but I've already gotten so much more value from it. Bare in mind I don't have Facebook (the "real" social stuff doesn't interest me - I don't care if you're waiting for a bus in the rain).
  2. Wesley


    Yeah it looks like Facebook don't like the idea of their games being on Google+ as well... http://www.next-gen.biz/news/facebook-updates-terms-forbid-google-promotion Google should just buy Zenga. DONE.
  3. Yeah I'm the original Pimp Daddy. *fights off Moogle with a stick*
  4. This was a fun movie. It was not a masterpiece. Walking into the cinema expecting a film called, "Cowboys & Aliens" to be a masterpiece would have been stupid. But it was good. Quite funny in parts, which I wasn't expecting. Those aliens shouldn't have messed with James Bond. That dude is rock hard. EDIT! I thought I had posted about this before! (From the General Movie Thread)
  5. I wasn't talking about the DRM... I was talking about the locked frame-rate, no AA and weird bugs.
  6. There's only one way in which you can have a clear conscious after this: Resign so they can both have jobs.
  7. I'm going to wait to see if it's patched to fix some of those problems they've been having.
  8. Maybe you weren't as into the origin of James Bond and Indiana Jones as I was. EDIT: Wait, where did the other post go? Now it looks like I was talking to myself. Which is how I look most of the time in the street.
  9. Planet of the Apes is fucking AWESOME. I saw Cowboys and Aliens last night. It was really good. I thought it was odd that James Bond and Indiana Jones were in the same movie, but my friend explained that they are in the same timeline in the later films, so I guess it works out. It was nice to that Indiana Jones picks up his "can't forget my hat" thing from James Bond originally. Good origin story.
  10. Well done dwarf! What are you studying at uni?
  11. So this is now out! Just spent a little while this morning playing it. So awesome! And I fucking LOVE the art style. GET IT!
  12. Odd. How are you sampling the image? Are you literally just taking a small amount and swapping them?
  13. Will probably see Cowboys & Aliens tomorrow. Seen a lot of cinema stuff recently. Captain America and Planet of the Apes last week. I actually hate the cinema though. So noisey.
  14. Wesley


    Yeah it's fine. They should also be allowed to ban any posts and groups that criticise Facebook as well. AND THEN TURN INTO CHINA! Sheesh McPhee... The last time you said something like that CHINA happened. CHINA!
  15. No they're pretty much the same, dude.
  16. It's a dirtier version of Mirror's Edge.
  17. Right now someone has admitted to taking Prov Donk... So can someone please admit to taking Maddie?
  18. GiffGaff are fecking awesome. Me and my girlfriend have been with them for 3 months and it's been sweet. If anyone wants to pair-up with me we can both get £5 free credit. (By me sending you a SIM from my account.) No catch, it's just part of getting people to join. PM me if you're interested.
  19. I'm both scared and excited. I sank way too much time into CS1.6 and CSS.
  20. How is even possible not to judge something before you try it? I mean, it's a nice ideal. But... Never make a final judgement. That'd be fine.
  21. Are you sure that woman didn't just grab a Currys top while in there stealing stuff?
  22. Um.... no. Also it's "it's". Why do people keep saying "feds"? That's annoying. Also as my main man Tupac said, "I don't have to talk about whether or not I got raped in jail." ...I couldn't find a relevant quote.
  23. I was kidding. Pretending to be the black guy.
  24. Fresh draws like a crazy man!
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