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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. Aw man I thought my tweets were private.
  2. Create oneeeee! Okay one is up.
  4. I wish that no one had replied to this. Would have been such an amazing statement.
  5. Those Vancouver riots were fucked up.
  6. On the day when the guy was shot there was some people from the community talking about him for the camera. One guy was saying that if two people were fighting that he was the man who could stop it. Saying that he'd help out people who were struggling when the government wouldn't do anything. He would sort out community problems and arguments. To be honest he ended up sounding like a gangster-type figure who had sway over a community. But I didn't want to immediately take that as fact. It didn't help that the guy saying this was straight up GANGSTAAAAA.
  7. I was too busy rioting to play iSketch.
  8. I don't think anyone really knows the full story about the shooting yet. I was watching the Counsel Leader and MP talk on the BBC and heard all the heckling... But I don't understand why people are so crazy about this guy dying... They found his gun at the scene? So he was carrying? If you carry guns around with you then... what the fuck do you expect? I dunno. Best to wait for the IPCC to report I suppose. Also those riots were fucked up/pointless.
  9. He... doesn't look shocked?
  10. Oh look, someone walked into a thread called, "Dead celebrity party" and decided to be offended.
  11. I had a dream that you and I went to a theme park last night.


    It was awesome.


    Although the roller-coaster we went on was a bit odd...


    Its' tracks were made of lovely green hedges.

  12. I think we should combine the two!

  13. You bought The Town? Ace movie!
  14. I think I'm on a "YAY I'VE FINISHED" high. Really want to buy some tech... a few hard drives and a Kindle. (I'll force myself to wait though...)
  15. Holy shit I'm done! Just finished the project I was working on. Not only is this the end of my crunch time, but it's the end of my placement. YAY! Can't wait for final year.
  16. This crunch time has lasted longer than I thought it would. 86 hour week last week. I thought it would be over today. But it looks like one more day. My brain is so fried right now.
  18. Really? Dude...
  19. Now in gif form.
  20. Holy shit that sounds awesome.
  21. That shit be dope, yo! I think it's a good word.
  22. Yeah I was going to mention...
  23. Monday Night Combat. Portal 2. Discuss.
  24. I hate it when people say, "In your opinion..." I was talking about a movie not long ago and said something like, "Man that movie sucked..." Then someone said that annoying sentence... I think they think they're being smart maybe? I usually end up ranting about that phrase and probably looking like an ass... but... I mean, yeah, no shit! It's my opinion, oddly enough... did you think I was going to be talking about another person's opinion? Are you so stupid that you can't tell when someone is talking from a personal viewpoint? Fucking mong.
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