I can't really relate at the moment because I have a girlfriend with some nice healthy sex and a nice social life.
But we can wait 5 months when she dumps me and I want to die, and then we can talk!
Yes it's an easter egg, they thought it would be cool to arrange this all, even creating the font before hand.
Sorry, watching Peep Show, feeling sarcastic.
Aracade Fire - (Funeral) Finally something truely different that doesn't totally alienate your listener! I've been begging for one of these sort of albums since The Dears last one.
Wolf Parade (Apologies to the Queen Mary) - One of my favourite bands finally release their first album!
Elbow (Leaders of the Free World) - One of my favourite bands go back to their Asleep At The Back-ish routes which was nice, I do actually perfer their last album's sound, but still: Lovely stuff!
I may see you about, I go to 6th form in Sleaford and I'm pretty much there all the time. If I do can I shout abuse at you in the street, maybe a call you a racist?
And if you see me, well, I look like my avatar but short hair at the moment.
GAME in Lincoln have a really small space, that is sort of misplaced in the middle and took me a few minutes to find, where as GameStation do have a larger section, one for the new games and one for pre-ownded - yet I can foresee these getting smaller.
If you want a really, really good bassist then look to jazz bands. The best bassist in the world is Jaco Pastorious. Yuo really won't find any better bassists than you do in jazz.
BUT. You insist on rocky music, so erm . . . I dunno.
I haven't got anyone anything yet and don't have a clue what I'm getting them.
So I've decided to be simple (and cheap) and only spend thought on my girlfriends present and buy everyone else chocolates.