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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. I don't think the papers should apologise because it's free speech.
  2. Yeah it was Gordon's while I was at that age when all us school kids used to que up outside, then it was changed to Sweet Alexi or something, now I don't know. I still go in sometimes, yeah, I feel like a pratt, but they're nice sweets damnit!
  3. You mean in the arcade (near the nice little sweet shop)?
  4. "A wave of violent protests and heated debate has been brewing across Europe and the Middle East about the controversial decision of a Danish newspaper to publish cartoons satirising Islam." http://www.spiked-online.com/Printable/0000000CAF58.htm That's just so people know that my claim can be backed up by media sources. KTHXSBYE
  5. Sleaford, Lincolnshire. Everyone says Lincolnshire has good sausages but I was in the Bardge and Bottle a few nights ago having a Lincolnshire Suasage meal and it was shit. Lincolnshire Suasages: Don't Believe the Lies New book by Wesley the Sausagelover out soon
  6. Cause they are. No really, they are. I'm not saying nasty things to make people pissed off; they are!
  7. Ah ha! He knows the name of the gun; he's a terrorist!
  8. Why's it not closed? I'm in hell. I'm in hell I just know I am.
  9. Maybe it's a new Jihad kit they have for recruiting people; you give them an AK, selection of western flags and a phrase books full of useful terms to hand out to the 'infidel'.
  10. That old thread should of been put on sticky.
  11. On the one hand I care. On the other I don't... Maybe I'll explain the first hand later.
  12. That's just code for, "we're jerking off to porn and we'll stop when we want to; and when we want to is none of your business".
  13. Jesus Christ I had so many toys. Too much Lego for playing, Action Men all over my floor, dinning room tables filled with them Pocket Monster, Boglins that lived ontop of my wardrobe and Boglin tribes on my TV... Not too mention all the others I forget.
  14. Daikatana... what a game... not that I actually bought it. Did anyone?
  15. Jesus! How could I forget them! I had hundreds of them! Much to the annoyance of my Mother I set them up everywhere in the house and had little wars with them.
  16. It's really amazing to see them Mighty Max toys, I had all four of them. Ah... I'm so going into the atic to dig out my old Mighty Max...
  17. But... you listen to like... you know...
  18. If you would get fed up of doing that for the navigation menu all the time; then maybe you're buying the wrong console, you do realise most of the games will do this right?
  19. Action man... I was horrible with them. I think how a child plays with action men and the violence he expresses with them tells you how screwed up his mind is... But more pleasant ones include Lego and Mighty Max.
  20. Every single interface picture we have seen are completely off the mark; with their shitty old menus and what not. But it's not just whether it's sleek or not, it's the fact that they are menu systems in conjunction with a old styled controller, with your regular analogue stick and however many buttons. Think about it; Nintendo have just created a revolutionary controller, why would they make a menu system which doesn't use this? Wouldn't it be so much cooler if you had a menu system that you had to navigation using the motion trackers in the controller? Think about something akin to the screen in Minority Report, that uses these motion actions.
  21. Why does everyone care about the menus so much? It's the least important thing about the console.
  22. I saw this a really long time ago and I'm pretty sure it's not actually going anywhere.
  23. Haha, the replies to this thread make me chuckle. Friends has always been a show you either totally love or hate beyond any amounts thinkable. I for one though... cannot fucking wait! I'm looking forward to it.
  24. At my Toys R Us they just have a cable attaching the stylus, simple. Do the same with this, or if that fails just put a security tag on the side of it so no one steals it.
  25. I think Jo is alright, good to have a female on it. I love this show it's the only thing that makes me laugh since Peep Show finished.
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