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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. If you want a really, really good bassist then look to jazz bands. The best bassist in the world is Jaco Pastorious. Yuo really won't find any better bassists than you do in jazz. BUT. You insist on rocky music, so erm . . . I dunno.
  2. I haven't got anyone anything yet and don't have a clue what I'm getting them. So I've decided to be simple (and cheap) and only spend thought on my girlfriends present and buy everyone else chocolates.
  3. I like to buy a new Tony Hawk game to play on boxing day.
  4. I had hoped they had all died in some way since their last pop album.
  5. Wow it's Carlos! Hey, Carlos!
  6. I saw the Nintendogs advert inbetween South Park on Paramount a few times.
  7. One minute they are up, the next they are down. It goes like this a lot don't worry about it.
  8. I was in Gamestation a week or so ago and this women started talking to the man about buying a PSP, he eventually got her into the XBox 360 shit and got her to buy one. They basically just lead people onto what they think is best and ignored the fact she wanted something handheld for her son. He said the PSP wasn't new technology, so then she should go for the XBox 360, where as he should of said, "it isn't new technology, so you might want to try out a handheld with new techology" Not skipping onto a home console.
  9. Aww I feel so sorry for him. I mean, all that booze going down his throat, it was't his fault: he didn't buy it and drink it out of free will and doesn't deserve this at all.
  10. I never really took notise of who was morderators on this forums to be honest.
  11. Jesus, bringing in your colour and everything, man. Calm down.
  12. No, simply because I am not willing to sell or buy games over forums.
  13. Well we all know that more information has yet to be released about the Revolution, and after something like the controller being shown I really wouldn't be surprised by anything anymore. So, if you could wish for one thing for the Revolution to be revealed, what would it be? Mine would be a NES/SNES/N64 all-in-one card reader. That'd be awesome.
  14. I really don't think anyone in this internet forums are trying to fit in . . . Everyone I have spoken to at school didn't think it was that funny either.
  15. It was ok, but I didn't laugh at all.
  16. Really? Awesome. I actually was, what time roughly were you in there?
  17. I was in GameStation today and like . . . Shiggy was in there, and he was all like, "yeah, so the new Revolution Zelda will be released for Chrsitmas next year, it's a lot like the new Zelda for the 'cube but answers a lot of questions. We er . . . scrapped Mario 128, and hvae gone for erm . . . Mario 256. . . . Really."
  18. I saw the advert and laughed my head off. No one got it. But that doesn't matter.
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