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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. Interesting read. But I do not believe.
  2. Playing: Nothing Listening: The Smiths - The Queen is Dead Watching: Nothing
  3. I haven't read any of your posts so if someone has mentioned this sorry. But companies wouldn't be allowed to release games that were on a Nintendo platform without Nintendo's permisssion.
  4. I don't have a clue what games are on it. Most likely not though, seeing as I hardly play videogames.
  5. North Korea are able to fire missiles to western America and do have, although very rubbish ones in today's standard, nuclear weapons.
  6. There is something there I do not deny. I don't know what it is though and I don't believe anyone has proved what it is. Therefore the theory of it being dead people, pfft. Just because you can't prove something don't start assuming.
  7. I'm sorry, but this feature is fucking lame. Seriously, get rid of it, please.
  8. Wolf Parade. Seriously sort this message length thing out.
  9. Erm. No? ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  10. Yeah you'll be the coolest in your class.
  11. The Dears. ((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))
  12. So here is an example of the meaningless "lol". Frankly, Mr. Shankly, since you ask, you are a flatulent pain in the ass says: hey RoSy Nyeh says: heya Frankly, Mr. Shankly, since you ask, you are a flatulent pain in the ass says: how are you? RoSy Nyeh says: im fine thanx lol RoSy Nyeh says: u??? Frankly, Mr. Shankly, since you ask, you are a flatulent pain in the ass says: yeah im good thanks lololol
  13. Wesley


    JESUS. Since my girlfriend left my house today, it actually feels like the rest of my friends have all been brain washed or something! It's really fucking weird. Not one of them are ok! What the fuck is going on! I cannot stress how weird this is right now!
  14. Hahaha! "lol" has taken away people's laughter! One girl I know says it at the end of every sentance and it is now meaningless from her. Why can't people just put "haha"?
  15. What the heck is going on? Everyone is god damned depressed all of a sudden! One of my mates is REALLY depressed like suddenly, and also two of my friends split up and are depressed, now another one of my mates i depressed. What the heck is going on?! "Frankly, Mr. Shankly, since you ask, you are a flatulent pain in the ass says: dude! Frankly, Mr. Shankly, since you ask, you are a flatulent pain in the ass says: what the hell is happening?! TOBY THE REFRESHER- And now i see its you thats tearing me, ensnaring me nil iligitimi non carburundum! says: with what? TOBY THE REFRESHER- And now i see its you thats tearing me, ensnaring me nil iligitimi non carburundum! says: explain Frankly, Mr. Shankly, since you ask, you are a flatulent pain in the ass says: everyone is like, depressed! Frankly, Mr. Shankly, since you ask, you are a flatulent pain in the ass says: tell me you are alright man TOBY THE REFRESHER- And now i see its you thats tearing me, ensnaring me nil iligitimi non carburundum! says: sorry man TOBY THE REFRESHER- And now i see its you thats tearing me, ensnaring me nil iligitimi non carburundum! says: ive been better" That's ANOTHER person. What the hell is going on with everyone? Anyone ever had one of these moments where everyone seems to be falling apart? And you feel like a complete bastard cause your life is awesome at this point.
  16. Depends on what mood I am. If I'm in a bad mood I could talk for hours on all these little things that annoy me, but in a great mood like I am now I can't. But one note about people talking really loud on a phone. I think it's because they haven't worked out that because there is a phone, they don't need to shout so loud as though they are actually trying to talk to the other person who is miles away on their phone. They don't seem to understand that the phone carries these messages to the other person.
  17. Them questions really did suck.
  18. If PDZ turned out to be what GoldenEye or PD was for the N64 (landmark FPS that set the standard) then I was thinking of buying an XBox 360. But it doesn't look like it will, I've read nothing but disappointment and that feature on teletext was a bummer.
  19. Wesley


    I think that this thread actually killed someone.
  20. . . . oh. (15 CHARACTERS AND STUFF)
  21. It's ok that you don't want to talk about death. It's fine, really. I guess you weren't expecting to see a post about death when you clicked a fucking thread titled "Death".
  22. I was just wondering if it was appropriate to put joke style writing in parts in your essays. For example in my government and politics essays I sometimes put two examples of what I'm talking about, and then for the third I put some completely random. "I personally would like to see who these 32% of the population are; my feeling is that it may be die-hard loyalists of parties, bureaucrats given power by politicians and mistrusting old ladies who open their doors to men pretending to be gas men who use their bus pass as British Gas ID." I mean is that suitable in your opinion? Just wondering because I know no one else in my class that would try to put something like that in.
  23. That FHM thing is fucking sad. A decent game and character has turned into some sort of geeky Lara Croft style sex idol and it's just fucking pethetic.
  24. Why the fuck would you want this? Do you hate your life that much? ! Don't take offence from that I was kidding. !
  25. I would like to die by my own hands. No famous person giving a speech at my funeral because I don't know any famous person, so they wouldn't know me. Why'd I want a stranger giving me a speech? Do you realise? would be played at my funeral as a message to them attending it. No special requests. I wouldn't care what happens to my body, donate it to science if you like. I don't know for sure what happens next but I am thinking something along the lines of: your brain stops working and so do all other physical functions. Fuck you, too.
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