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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. If film companies use this, then blockbusters is well and truely fucked.
  2. How about them not revealing the specs of the Revolution? You could make a comic that takes the Micky out of Nintendo tongue-in-check style.
  3. *all in monotone voice* I am angry. Agh. Grrr. Etc, etc, etc.
  4. Ok, I'm going to stop looking at this thread because a lot of you don't seem to know what you are really on about.
  5. Haha, that awesome! Have some of my love! *hugs*
  6. Break down of family structure, with can lead to high crime from children.
  7. You can get them to play nothing for the first hour, and then start playing. Meaning that you were most likely asleep when it plays.
  8. I just completed this two days ago and it really was an awesome game.
  9. Wesley


    I'm talking about the ones who are ran by someone who claims to work for Nintendo, etc.
  10. Wesley


    Just a quick question. Did any of these hundreds of blogs, all ran by people who are "in the biz", get the Revolution aspect right? If, like I presume, none did. Maybe it is a point you should take in when you start to read them. I myself don't read blogs at all because they are all a bunch of old cobblers.
  11. Damn, beat me too it. (in relation to the little child thingie)
  12. Mine was vegeterian spaghetti bolognese. Which was really nice: sadly I nearly through it up in anger because when I got to my computer I got told one of my best mates tried it on with my girlfriend! Yay!
  13. Stella used to do it for me. But now being a t-toal water is quite nice.
  14. "omg nintenGAY wont even tell us wot the specs r cus they know the xbox and ps3 r waaaaaaaaaaaaay better its prbs just the same as the GAYCUBE! LOZLZOZLOLO!L!!" - Someone who forget to take English lessons and also hates Nintendo
  15. Yeah, they sure are dumb . . .
  16. Thank you! Thank you again because of this message thing!
  17. I'M WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Oh my god . . . You've cracked the code! Call the papers!
  19. lol has stolen people's laughter. I prefer haha much more.
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