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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. SNES Aladdin was made by Capcom and this is apparently only the ones developed by Virgin. Screens have been released and it seems to be just an upscaling in resolution and no new graphics. Shame.
  2. Yeah, I've been waiting for Gen V for a very long time, I feel. Hopefully they'll add the new Pokémon faster than the drip feed of Gen IV.
  3. You didn't know that there was a sad reason behind the delay so your inquiry is totally justified, I'd say.
  4. Nah, it was a Danish marketplace and paid over the phone (we have something called MobilePay that lets you send money directly to other people, very clever). I am going to press charges towards him today but I'm a bit concerned about it as I have no proof other than his bad reputation online. I have asked for proof that he has sent the package as he claims but haven't given one in 24 hours - a reasonable amount of time to get it, I would think. Thing is, he used another person's MobilePay to get the money, claiming it was his girl friend but now I'm not so sure. I'm going to press charges towards her as well and that might make things more serious as he has used another person's identity which is a far worse crime than stealing money. Yeah, it hurts my pride a bit but isn't anything serious and now I've learned a valuable lesson about online trades. And I was suspicious of him but thought that if it were legit, it was a very good deal.
  5. I found Ducktales Remastered rather frustrating because I had to do the same parts over if I died enough times. After a few tries, I just quit the game and never got back into it.
  6. Well, Ducktales Remastered had some sort of save states but was neither easy nor especially short (compared to the source). It's kind of the premise for these remakes of (very) old games.
  7. Out of nowhere! Cool! I haven't really played either game at all but remember playing The Lion's King at a classmate's when I was young. I remember the second level really well. I hope they have made the games a bit more accesible and modern and then just include the originals in a Classic Mode or something. That way, I might actually pick them up at one point.
  8. Ugh. Fell into a trap and bought something from a fraud that I probably wont receive. I didn't do my homework and checked this person beforehand but when I got suspicious, I did and didn't find anything good. I wanted to buy a secondary Switch dock and this guy was offering one for about £30 including the charger. Thought it was a good deal but nothing unrealistically low so went ahead and paid the money, even though I was a little bit suspicious. And now he's stalling, saying stuff and can't provide proof that he has sent it and such, if he even answers my texts. It's not about the money, really. It's not so much. It's the feeling of being cheated that's bothering me.
  9. I think of it as a rumour and not a leak but yeah, some might want to remain un-rumoured - I've hidden it. @Hero of Time or @Hero-of-Time could perhaps edit as well. (Why are there two of him??)
  10. Is it also coming out in Europa that day?
  11. Shouldn't there be a Phase 4 thread by now?
  12. Review embargo is today at 2 pm UK time, by the way. 3 pm CEST.
  13. That's earlier than expected! It does look rough but hopefully that's also seeing it in hi-def in Youtube - watching it running on the Switch will probably make it look better. But I hope they at least can keep it at a steady framerate - that's far more important to me. I'll definitely get it but not until early next year, I think. There's just too many games on this side of Christmas and I do expect this to drop in price rather quickly. I'm currently reading the books and have made a dent in The Time of Contempt. Enjoying them thus far.
  14. I have complety mixed up Shakedown Hawaii and Hotline Miami. Like.. Total mixup. And I have apparently got the idea that Miami had already appeared on Wii U. Then I guess that announcement was a bit bigger than I first thought.
  15. I honestly can't see whats so great about Superhot and I'm kind of glad that I got that spoiled as I wouldn't have seen enough of it in that trailer to see what was going on. Hotline Miami Collection isn't much of a surprise since the second game is on Switch. So I'm only sad that I knew about Ori but since it was only a matter of time before it was properly announced, I didn't mind it much. But generally, yes, leaks are unfortunate. If they only stated it like a rumour, I would like it more as it leaves room for more speculation.
  16. Hmm. Yeah, that wasn't too exciting but a few games stood out to me: Ori naturally, but I'm also concerned that it doesn't really hold up anymore. To me, it seems like the Metroidvania genre has shifted a bit after the release of games like Hollow Knight. The Touryst had an interesting premise and graphic style. Eastward seemed interesting as well. Then there were some already known games in the reel in the end that were interesting:
  17. Finally got my squat rack yesterday and I now have a completely functional home gym (perhaps except two things: a bench and a pull-up bar). The important thing is that it can be stowed away and this is how it looks when stowed away: There is more or less a cubic meter in that space. I think that's an acceptable amount of space to use on training equipment. The rowing machine is in another place, though. That obviously doesn't fit. I haven't tried the squat rack yet but it seems fine and sturdy. It can't take more than 100 kg but I don't even have that so it's fine. Lately I've been doing more cardio than strength. Running 4-6 km twice a week and rowing 20 minutes once a week (I manage about 5.6 km in that amount of time) and then some gymnastics (push-ups, squats, etc., no weights) but I'll try to get a new routine at home with some strength a couple of times a week.
  18. I'm not that far in the game but given what I've played I'd guess about 15 hours for the main story on casual.
  19. I think you are right. Which is kind of sad since I've only played that game with the JoyCons once.
  20. It was the very first thing I did when I got my first game. That and smell the box. Nothing like the smell of new game.
  21. Wasn't aware of the event. It was stupid of us to trade at that time as we became Ultra Friends a couple of weeks later. However, I'm glad that I got my Gible before going on vacation so I could have it as my buddy while walking a lot around - just passed 200 km with it (also gave it 50 Rare Candy that I had stocked for it so I'm actually almost able to get a Garchomp now - but I won't until I can get a GIble with higher stats - it's only got 2 stars). In other news, something has happened so biking at lower speeds using Adventure Sync can hatch eggs for you! I've already passed 20 km this week due to this (usually never go past 30-35 km in a week). So I just hope this isn't a bug. Also lately, I've been hatching a lot of Riolu. Currently have three and have transferred one away - I already have a Lucario.
  22. Had an issue with drifting yesterday and noticed this on my control stick: Seems like something's broken off. I haven't noticed it before now but it's possible that it's been like that for some time. Hopefully Nintendo's support will help me out as it clicks in that position when going round.
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