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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. I'm working from home already (we were ordered to do that Thursday last week). It's alright but I can't work when my son's awake so I split my day into three: 6-8 work, 12-14 work and then 19-21 work. It's not a full day but it's the best I can do. My wife is home at 16 but then I do some exercising and make food, "usually". Also, I found this both fun and true: Twice a day I have to attend a status meeting. -_-
  2. My wife is a doctor, and her colleague has got it. Just a matter of time until she starts getting symptoms, I guess. Yay us!
  3. Here in Denmark, people panic bought stuff on the first couple of days after the government had shut down the country but after a couple of days, the shops had replenished their stocks and now only a few things are genuinely sold out. I hope for you guys that something like that also happens! But yeah, buying huge amounts of fresh food (millk for instance) is just a waste of food as no-one can eat it / drink it while it's fresh anyways. I also saw a photo on Facebook where someone had bought 100 cans of baby powdered milk... That's basically more of a year's supply and that's just mind-boggling and stupid beyond belief.
  4. Baldo, Blue Fire, and Last Campfire caught my attention. I enjoyed Enter the Gungeon but haven't got the time to even try to play it anymore so won't go for Exit the Gungeon.
  5. I think I found HW a bit dull and samey after a while, too much button mashing with no need for doing anything out of the ordinary. Co-op was fun, if I recall correctly. So it seems that I should at least give this a try then. Thanks!
  6. Is this any good? Just found it for the equialent of £2 and don't know if I should just sell it straight away or try it out - I played Hyrule Warriors but didn't enjoy it much in the long run.
  7. Yesterday I hit my goal - I ran 6.06 km in just 24:00, that's 3:57 min/km. There were next to no stops due to traffic lights, and the weather was really good with no wind. My route isn't flat but it's not much - the last 6 minutes, though, were mainly uphill but only a 10 meter increase. Now I don't know what to aim for - perhaps just doing it again for now. As I said, I'll be training home and I aim to do something every day. Thursday I did 20 minutes on the rowing machine, Friday I did this: 5 rounds of (13 burpees, 13 kettlebell high swings, 13 jumping squats, 13 push-ups, 13 atomic sit-ups) and yesterday I did the 6 km run followed by 3 rounds of (10 one-armed kettlebell overhead press @ 12 kg, 10 stiff-legged kettlebell deadlift @ 20 kg, 8 one-armed kettlebell rows @ 20 kg). Don't know what I'll b e doing today. Maybe it's a good day to take a break.
  8. Denmark has now closed the boarders. Only people with a real purpose (living or working in Denmark) may enter the country. And cargo trucks with food and other goods may of course enter.
  9. After actually doing okay in the leagues, when they opened up so you could enter the league you wanted, I've been losing more often than winning as of late. I can win 2-3 games per 5 games and thus, I never get to the catch reward and it frustrates me more than I care to admit. The two times I got there since they added legendaries I got a fricking Deino and a Tepig - I have enough of those... I hope it gets better when the real season starts again and all those Giratinas and Mewtwos go away when Great League starts. I hate that Legendaries and Mythicals are allowed in Ultra League.
  10. You build a course for Mario to go through before the timer reaches 0, I guess. It ties well into the "robotic" ideas that LEGO have been running with over the past few years. But it's not something I'd buy for myself, perhaps for my son in a year.
  11. Well, since I'm now forced to work from home, I guess I have to find some workouts to do every day. Normally I bike about 20 km a day but that's not necessary anymore. So guess I'll be rowing a lot and taking out my weights a bit more often now. On the plus side, there is no candy or cake at home - contrary to work. So that's a detox, I guess.
  12. Denmark has now been closed down. Schools are closing for 14 days from Friday (they couldn't do it earlier than that) and the public sector has been completely shut down, people are being sent home to work and if they can't work, they just get the time off (paid). It's a drastic move but I think it's the right one. Over the past week, things have been growing more and more intense. Today at work, noone really got anything off their hands. The private sector has been recommended to make employees work from home - so I'll be doing that the coming weeks. However, as my wife is a doctor she has to work so I'll be home with my son (2.6 years old) so I'll probably not be able to work very efficiently. I just hope there isn't any panic where people just run amok in the grocery stores. That would make this thing terrible. If we can just go about without feeling it much more than we have to maintain a bit of a distance to people, it will be fine, albeit a bit boring to work from home for such a long period of time.
  13. Interesting tidbit about the Direct there.
  14. I'd love to see a battleship, Bowser's Castle and Peach's Castle as Lego. That would be interesting. Getting bricks to make your own levels would be cool but not something you'd display for long.
  15. Speculation from my part. I don't care about AC - at all. I know, that's on me, but still, they should announce something that could release between now and August. And as Helmsly says: I don't think announcing games that come out after AC will hurt the sales of AC.
  16. News from Nintendo have been really slow the past month. Next to nothing has been announced and communication on their Twitter is just meaningless. It seems like a Direct has been planned but scrapped and instead of announcing stuff from it, they just keep it to themselves. I remember back when Iwata died, there also was a news drought and suddenly, a few games were announced out of the blue - it was probably a Direct that had been cancelled. Why hasn't that been the case now, then? And if the Direct is not cancelled, why don't they publish it? Occam's razor implies that it's probably because they haven't got enough content and games to announce to warrant a Direct (the simplest solution) but I certainly hope that isn't the case. What about the Direct Mini that suddenly released out of nowhere two years ago? I didn't like the surprise format they went with there but at least there were news.
  17. Somehow that confirms my hunch that the game isn't doing too well anymore. Recently, I've found that getting a good position in the leagues has become easier so I suspect that people are putting the game down now, and I don't think multiplayer will make them come back.
  18. Play-Asia has a cover for Journey to the Savage Planet for Switch. It has received some ratings over the past months so could very well be on the way.
  19. Oh, I actually thought that the legendaries in GBL was permanent and in all regions. Damn, I want them but I don't raid. I hate that they have changed the Research Breakthrough rewards to useless Pokémon (actually, Ferroseed's evolution is alright in GBL with the right moves...).
  20. @Grazza Oh FFS, just two more seconds of playtime and all would have been good. TWO SECONDS!
  21. Once again, I feared moving onto the new league - this time Master League with no upper CP limit but again I've been enjoying it and have managed to win about 70 % of my matches, I think. I'm going with a team that beats most of the very popular Pokémon types - a Mamoswine with Avalance and Bulldoze, a Machamp with Dynamic Punch and a Togekiss which has some bulk and can take on the dragons. But now I'm simply getting too many TMs and Rare Candy and no Pokémon to give it too. I only need the ones that are trade evolutions (no way in hell that I want to gather 250 Candy to evolve Timburr and Roggenrola and also a no to 200 Candy for both Karrablast and Shelmet as they are useless) and the fossil bird Archeops by now. I hope they release new Pokémon soon.
  22. I've always found 5-6 to be the best number of reps as the trade-offs feel more balanced. At the higher reps, it takes ages and the progress is minimal. At lower reps, it's just more breaks than exercise and it gets more dangerous as the weight gets heavier, and then you can't really transfer that strength into other things as you don't have the stamina. It feels great to lift a high weight a couple of times, though.
  23. I'm regularly running while at work - there is a decent 4-5 km route without stops that go around a small lake so it's quite a nice run. In the beginning, I took the 4 km route and was fine but a part of that has been overflooded by water so I'm now turning around a little over halfway through and get to 5 km instead. I feel that those 5 km are really hard, even though I'm used to running that distance by now, and have been looking at it - it's mainly uphill the entire way back home and the wind usually comes from that direction. This means that I'm running at a pace about 4:10 min/km which is fine but slower than what I want - I'm aiming for 4:00. Today, I went for a run starting from my home and hitting a ~6 km route withiout any breaks. Was surprised to see a time of 23:53 minutes - 4:01 min/km. I think those harder 5 km are making my normal route easier for me, and I think I could have hit the 4:00 today since I had to slow down at a point because I was passing two pairs of persons that where passing each other.
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