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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. I got it for review purposes. It's good fun, mostly in multiplayer, with a lot of laughs. I didn't have any problems with controls bar a single boss fight that needed me to be very accurate with lasers which took quite a few attempts. Also tried playing it with my son (6 years old) and he found it fun but a bit hard. My biggest gripe with the game is the amount of content. Yeah, sure, lots of microgames but not enough game modes to play them in. Once the story is done - which takes less than 2 hours - there really isn't much to do alone, especially if you don't care much for high scores. And with only four multiplayer modes - five if you are four players - it quickly runs out of gas.
  2. I believe Netflix tries to put out content at the same time all over the world. So it's more a question of them getting the streaming rights on Europe. I hope they did.
  3. Nintendo put out a trailer for this yesterday.
  4. We just bought a treadmill for our garage gym. Got it Tuesday but haven't had the time to assemble it yet. My wife wanted one for training after giving birth so she wouldn't have to dress up for a really short run. She can then combine it with our waterrower and weight equipment for some effecient exercise during winter season, while staying close to our daughter. We also held my daughters baptism recently, and an electrician just finished upgrading lights in our home. So yeah, a lot of money has just been spent!
  5. I'd be okay with that, though. Maybe not high quality media (story-wise) by today's standards but entertaining and beautiful. Don't forget the Master Sword, though. That will be the item that Link will have to find to kill Ganon. Deku Tree is Gandalf.
  6. They should just make a new story in the Legend of Zelda-world rather than copying what the games contain. That wouldn't make any sense at all. But having the princess find the chosen one to make him help take down Ganondorf and his hoard of evil monsters, all ending in a giant battle, Link vs. Ganondorf, like the Spaceworld 2001 demo. It'll probably be inspired by the LotR-movies, setting-wise.
  7. I don't think it's that short. I reckon most people will spend 20 hours getting 100 % in the game, or at least getting all Wonder Seeds and Purple Coins.
  8. My son played a few of the levels which I haven't even tried yet. Going through those as he did not care about secret stuff!
  9. I also got to the end credits the other day and am going through courses where I missed something. The course overview is really good in this regard but when standing next to a course that has been cleared it should show what was found in that course. It's very satisfying to open up secret levels and routes in this game, and I'm itching to get back to it. I just don't have the time right now.
  10. Yeah. That sucked lives from me as well. After a few attempts, I just said fuck this and looked it up. Ashamed of that, but whatever.
  11. I came across a Big Purple Coin today that seemingly required a specific badge. I have not met that before (this was world 6). Besides the obvious like Dolphin Kick Badge in underwater levels and Badge Challenge levels, is there any other coins that require specific badges?
  12. Yeah, I'm interested in getting this for Switch at some point, I hope it does well and is a decent port. My wife even showed interest in it so maybe it's something we could enjoy together, if we had the time.
  13. As I said, I play with my son (6 y.o.) and I force him to play as Nabbit and Yoshi as he is terrible at avoiding enemies (I don't get it, why is that so hard) so it's great that they don't take damage so that he doesn't die all the time. It's just a shame that this feature isn't selectable on every character, because he really wants to be Elephant Mario. I'm a bit baffled by that design decision. However, besides it being horrible to watch, he has actually got quite a bit of progress in the game. He doesn't do the hard bits of course and seldom gets all the purple coins but he doesn't care about that anyways, he just wants to go face Bowser ASAP (he's quite the impatient one). I'm curious to see how far he would get if I didn't play on the same file as well (and thus I am grateful that I don't have to pursue an achievement for completing the game with no game overs - the penalty for getting game over is so small that they just as well could have skipped having lives...).
  14. I've played it with my son for an hour. Characters don't interact this time around, so no boost jumps or teasing the others. However, if one player dies, it turns into a ghost and the other players can revive it. That helps a bit. Other than that, no real multilayer.
  15. Disney Speedstorm has gone f2p. Is it any fun or mostly just a tedious grind? Might download it for my son but don't want him to be discouraged.
  16. Have you met my wife? Yeah, I know that I won't be getting any sympathy but I was (and am) frustrated by the lack of flexibility in an otherwise excellent scheme. But it turned out that my workplace is not to blame, the government forced some new rules on paternity leave that make it impossible to spend the time and still get money after the child is 1 year old. Previously, there was an upper limit at 7 years old but they wanted the fathers to spend more time at home in the early years so they changed the system and made 11 weeks exclusive to the father where it was shared beforehand, meaning that less fathers took the time off.
  17. My wife and I started Sex Education season 4 the other day. Two full episodes in, and I just really don't care about it. It' way too much this time around, can't really enjoy it.
  18. I'm having af small beef with HR at my work at the moment. Thing is, I got a daughter in August and am planning my paternity leave. My workplace gives me my normal salary for 12 weeks of my paternity leave (which is pretty normal here in Denmark). However, they will only do that if I spend all 12 weeks before my child is 52 weeks old - but my wife and I think it's better for our child to be at home for a longer period of time so my wife takes one full year (some of it is without income) and then I take over. But we can't do that because of my workplace's random rule, and HR is not willing to discard it even though they can give me no reason at all as to why it is there in the first place. In the public system, we can take our paternity leave (or parent's leave) at any time until the child is 9 years old, and we get compensated by the public system with a (somewhat) small amount of money. A workplace can then take the compensation and pay out the full salary instead which is a privilege, I know, but this being the case, my work should not care the least about the age of my child, which is what provokes me. It's just a local agreement with a local union at my work. When I talked to them, four HR people quickly surrounded me and told me that what I wanted was simply not possible, despite me having done it twice without problems. I lose about 65,000 Danish Kroner. because of this, which is about two month's pay, so it really affects my financial situation privately, even more so because my wife is without her usual income for half the year already. But since I believe that more time at home will give me a more robust and strong child, I'll take my leave. I could also just accept the situation and take the leave within the 52 weeks but then I wouldn't be alone with my daughter, my wife would be home as well, and then it doesn't really make sense for me as the time is spend to bond with the child.
  19. Oh, that's nice. And much more affordable than the other Mario sets (though of course also less bricks). Might grab it!
  20. If I were to play this, my wife would kill me the moment I started it.
  21. I've considered it but haven't really seen the anime or read the manga, so it's not on the top of my list. It does look like some silly comedy that could be great to watch during the fall.
  22. I know it's normal to have a Direct in September but I don't feel like I need one. We pretty much know what's coming until February and the rest of the year is already pretty packed. I could see them throwing out a Partner Showcase, though.
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