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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. That actually looks pretty darn good. Will definitely take my oldest son to the cinema to watch this. He was really excited when I showed him the trailer.
  2. Found this for kind of cheap for pre-order - about £77. So I couldn't resist and pre-ordered it.
  3. I haven't followed the game intensely but I haven't seen those gameplay segments before, hence being surprised by them. I've only seen the 2D sidescrolling bits before.
  4. The top down 2D style with characters following the lead character. Or it's perhaps more a Zelda-like here, with it not being turn based battles but rather action based.
  5. How many styles does this game have? This seems like an old school RPG now but the older trailer I saw showed lots of 3D and 2D blending action and platforming. Nice to know it's coming soon but will probably not get it right away. It looks cool but I'm not quite convinced that it'll actually be fun to play.
  6. It's about 1200 pieces, the Piranha plant is 540. So it will be more expensive but about £100 does seem right.
  7. Looks nice but will not pick it up. I go for sets that my son can play a bit with. Unless I find it cheap if course
  8. Nice. I completed it the other day, at least got ending C. I don't want to go back. It was too tedious and the story didn't wrap up in any satisfying way. I might have to read up on it but at the moment I can't be bothered. It had a novel way of telling the story but the story itself is simply not worth the grind, I find. Ended up spending 27 hours on it officially but due to my Switch turning off sometimes, I might have lost an hour here or there.
  9. I'm (still) playing this, just started working towards ending C. I get the praise for the game, I do, but I do find it a tad... boring to play? The world is bland, the combat is a bit dull (I know, I might not have explored it thoroughly as I play on Normal), and while the story seems interesting, I think it has been dragged too far out with me having to play the same game twice to uncover the true story. I get it, it's a way only games would be able to tell a story but I think the revelations in 9S' story were... too weak. I will finish it, though, as I am curious as to what the heck is going on.
  10. I've started my paternity leave now and I'm spending the time my daughter sleeps in the morning with weight lifting and exercising. She sleeps for about an hour from 8.30 to 9.30 so it fits perfectly. My wife is home as well so every other day we do a WOD together, and the other days I lift weights, mainly focusing on squats and legs in general as I find that more useful (and I don't have a bench for bench press). Doing squats 4*8 @ 75 kg. I need some smaller plates as I can only go up to 85 kg from here (which I tried a single rep of, and it went fine!). Then I do some auxiliary movements - push-ups with weights, overhead lunges, single leg squats (just bodyweight though) and other stuff. I'm really enjoying this routine.
  11. Perfect timing for that Silksong shadow drop after the Direct next week.... One can hope.
  12. Oh No, which version to build!?
  13. I don't know, I the Deku Tree isn't that interesting to me but I probably can't withstand the temptation once it's revealed. And if the rumour is true, we get some great mini figures with it...
  14. Yesterday I got some 20 kg bumper plates (used but in good shape) so finally I can get some proper weight lifting done. I now have a total of 95 kg which is enough for most lifts. Tried it out just now. I haven't lifted more than 60 kg in more than 2 years so was a bit nervous but did 4*7 back squats at 75 kg with nice form, then did 3*10 Deadlift at 75 kg and then 1*5 at 95 kg. That last one wad great but I'm not looking forward to the DOMS tomorrow. On another note, I am having some pain in my knee, the outside of it to be specific. It's referred to as the LCL and might stem from biking (2*20 minutes a day in high speed) bit as Ove been biking most days for years it's a bit weird that it suddenly comes now. Might have to see a physician about it.
  15. I don't think we'll see anything this year. Then they'll reveal it in January or February and release in May 2025. A full reveal of the successor will most likely dampen the Christmas sales considerably.
  16. I bought this for my son a while ago when it was cheap. He hasn't really played it as he prefers the franchise Lego games like Marvel and Ninjago but I have tried to convince him that this could be fun too. Might even want to play it myself of I had the time.
  17. The story we didn't really need: Why is there snow? Beautifully animated though.
  18. I'm was unsure if I'll jump in. Now I'm not, I want to play this again. Don't think I played it since it first released.
  19. I think it's normal for Nintendo games that reviews come out two days before release.
  20. No new trailer for Silksong is too bad, I wouldn't have counted on a shadow drop but at least show us a bit from the game again. It's been ages since we last saw something. Haven't watched the show yet but it seems like there was a few games that might spark my interest. Now if only I had the time for games...
  21. So, 3 Body Problem is out. Yay or nay? Can't decide, the trailer didn't really do much to me but when reading about it, it sounds promising.
  22. Finally found all shrines and I at long last went on to find Ganondorf yesterday. Will try again tonight. Now with better preparation.
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