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Everything posted by Glen-i

  1. See, now you've just reminded me of another video from Jay Foreman that looks into the reasons people don't vote. Pretty sure you're under the "I HATE ALL OF THEM!!!" crowd. Which is fair. But you do have the option of spoiling your ballot. I did this once about 10 years ago by drawing a big massive Totodile on the paper. (I positioned it's arm so it looked like it was holding the Labour Rose, BTW) See, the thing is, that piece of art was not a valid vote, but it was counted. Everyone can see how many ballots were spoiled, which can change the behaviour of what MP gets in to try and figure out what might sway you. Ah, and you're under the "My favourites going to win anyway!" group. You say it doesn't make a difference, but that line of thinking is how former Tory MP Michael Portillio lost his safe seat in 1997. It's still funny.
  2. This line of thinking is what allows the people who always vote for the types of people who've been given free reign to do so without much resistance. Even if you don't fully agree with whoever you decide to vote for. Even if it is just a case of picking the one that will do the least damage. Do the legwork, and you'll be able to make an informed decision. For the love of Arceus, please vote. Anyway, I'm gonna post this video, because it's important. It's 9 years old, so it's a tad outdated (Lol, UKIP...), but the advice is still mostly useful, even today. Also, it's legit funny.
  3. Given the name, I imagine this is an enhanced version of the main campaign. So don't expect Plague of Shadows and the other 2 campaigns. 20 playable characters, all with different playstyles Local and online multiplayer co-op for the single player adventure Features from the different versions consolidated into one package (Challenge Stages, Custom Knight and the Battle Ghost Arena, previously known as Streetpass Arena) Stereoscopic 3D support Rewind and save state options Over 300 gameplay altering cheats, all can be used simultaneously No release date, and only confirmed for Steam at the moment.
  4. Watching that live, I literally said "Coming Soon" halfway. Called it!
  5. He's checked out, simply put. He knows he has no hope, it's why he called the election when he did. Just get it over and done with. At this point, I'm more concerned that Farage is going to go for the Tory leadership afterwards, but I want the Conservative vote to crater as much as possible...
  6. Yup, I misremembered. To be fair though... Must have mixed up the ordering, it was Square, but then Capcom from 2 onwards. I'll take any excuse to post that hilariously awful box art, though! That's "American Kirby" to the extreme!
  7. Violence!? My word! What has become of videogames these days!? Yeah, it's probably gonna be in the Direct. The past few weeks for the Switch has been a bit calm. But you know, always a calm before the... well, it's end of the console's life, so not a storm. More of a slightly windy day.
  8. There's a demo available, apparently... Miitopia is a turn-based RPG that released on the Switch in 2021. It's an enhanced port of the 3DS game of the same name, as well as a sort of spitual sequel to Tomodachi Life. It's also completely insane! An evil Dark Lord is bringing terror to Miitopia by stealing people's faces and sticking them on monsters. It falls to a random Mii tasked by some kind of deity to sort this out. With Miis making up the entire cast, the onus is on the player to choose who plays what role. You can use the vastly improved in-game Mii Maker to do this, or go online and use other people's creations to do that. However, I don't have an internet connection at home, and I am not talented enough to make around 100 different Miis to fill those roles. Unfortunately, I can't use the Friend List like I could with the 3DS version, so for this second playthrough, I decided friends are overrated. What a coincidence! That's my name too! So yeah, I made everyone me. A veritable "Me"topia, if you will. Egotistical? Yeah. Hilarious? Definitely! Confusing? You tell me. I had to tweak the hair colour of the 10 Miis that make up the main party, because I literally couldn't tell them apart in certain menus. How do letters even get anywhere in this environment!? Gameplay is mostly automatic, apart from the Glen that's the main character, everyone acts of their own accord. It sounds like an absolute disaster, but the uncontrollable-ness of the Glens adds to the comedy of the situation. And believe me when I say that this game is weird. The heroic Glens have to face terrifying monsters like goblins, demons, sandwiches, sentient noses, and most terrifyingly of all, a Turkey that twerks (It's called a "Twerkey"). This game was made on drugs, and you can't convince me otherwise! Throughout the game, random stuff happens, and this is an absolute goldmine of comedy, because the fantasy RPG setting doesn't stop the most stupid of settings from taking place. This is expanded upon with the "Outings", a feature added to the Switch version that involves 2 Glens going on a trip together. Why they can go to a cinema in the middle of a snowy mountain is not elaborated on, and that's for the best. Anyway, here's a minute amount of the stupidity that I saw. Mad props have to go to the European localisers for their effort here. A lot of mannerisms you'd only see in the UK show up in this game. "Nosh", "Soz", "Cream Crackered", it all helps to elevate the absurdity, and it makes the American localisation look really dry in comparison. Music is pretty catchy, and the visuals are nice enough. Some of the outing backdrops look really great though. It's a simplistic style, but that fits the Miis anyway. Anyway, Miitopia is still a very unique RPG, it's probably the RPG that best represents the "Role-playing" aspect of the genre. Even if going for 100% is incredibly grindy... Didn't stop me, though
  9. Did you change the favourite colour? I believe it's that colour that determines the voice used.
  10. Pity about the connection problems, it was all fine on my end.
  11. Player's Choice tonight at 8pm.
  12. God bless whoever came up with that modification for the crate!
  13. Aww yeah! We got David Wise doing our music! How do we capitalise on this pedigree? By using a god-awful pop-esque song in the trailer! GENIUS! Other then that, it does look pretty decent. Not shy about wearing it's gameplay inspiration on it's sleeve, but that's fine.
  14. It's pretty neat, previous games had Stamina Mode as a seperate thing where players were immediately out when they were reduced to 0 HP. Ultimate merges the option into the main Smash mode, and lets you choose the number of lifes everyone has, like a normal stock match. You should give it a go, it makes for an interesting dynamic shift. Because the knockback of attacks remains mostly conisistent, no matter how much damage you take. For example, our usual voice chat group universally agree that Sheik is pretty mediocre normally, but if one of us get her as our random pick during Stamina night, she actually tends to do pretty well, due to her "Death of a thousand cuts" style of gameplay.
  15. Close, but no cookie. Stamina matches still run on a life system. If only you waited 2 more weeks...
  16. It's a fair concern, but one that I think can be dispelled if the game capitilises on the opportunity this can provide. Now what if, instead of just "Hey look, remember this franchise?" Some of these Robot versions of Sony characters help Astro Bot out in certain parts and actually directly change the kind of gameplay you go through? For example, this guy comes along and now you're playing a kid-friendly version of Uncharted. There's potential here, and I hope they capitilise on it.
  17. I have to give props here, the fact that this game has everything looking like it's made of Lego instead of the weird mishmash we've seen in previous games is such a massive improvement, artistically speaking. Just looks so much more cohesive as a result.
  18. I dunno, for me it was Wanderstop. It's from the guy who brought us "The Stanley Parable" and "The Beginner's Guide". If there's anyone with the pedigree for me to garner interest from a farming sim game, it's this guy. Very interested in this!
  19. Sakurai out there, rubbing his hands together. "I've conquered Microsoft, now I aim for Sony!" Honestly, as much as I don't care for the Horizon series, the thought of the big three being in Smash in some capacity is such an amazing thought, that I would be all for Aloy in Smash, just to see them all in the copyrights on the title screen. Just when you think it was mad enough to have Disney in there...
  20. See, I always knew Street Fighter wasn't for good boys and girls!
  21. Definitely thought you accidentally posted on the wrong board there. Um, sure? Wonder if Lego themselves mandated it be on Switch as well?
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