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Everything posted by Glen-i

  1. I'm not sure if I prefer it to The Devil's Chord, but it's damn close!
  2. Right, theme time! Super Heavyweight Tier I wanted to name it "Super Heavyweight Class". but there's only space for 22 characters in Arena titles... Much like that time I made a theme based around the lightest characters in the game, this time we're playing with the 18 heaviest characters in Smash Ultimate. It's based on the Classic route for King K.Rool, which is odd, because he's actually the second heaviest character. Miis are not allowed, and if you play as Pokémon Trainer, you're only allowed to use Charizard. Remember, you can press Y after selecting them to choose which Pokémon you start with. Stages generally match games the characters appear in, except Ike and Incineroar, who have no appropriate stages, so I just gave them the more vague Fire Emblem and Pokémon stages there. Items follow a similar philosophy. Except Sandbag, because that has an actual weight, and it's actually heavier then most of the characters pictured. Format - 3 Stock, 10 minutes FS Meter - On See you at 7:30!
  3. Anyone else seen this game making the rounds lately? It's gotten quite a few great reviews, and after playing through 3 chapters, I can see why. Utterly intriguing, and I can't wait to delve deeper. It's a narrative-driven game, with some light puzzle solving elements. Kinda? I'm not entirely sure, it's strange, and trippy, and has people who previously worked in Theatre and Performance Art working on it, aiming to tell a story that only the medium of games can tell. Runs great on Switch too! 60 FPS with only slight dips from time to time. I know I posted the trailer above, but if this remotely interests you, I'd recommend trying to go in blind. It's £16.75, but it's 10% off at the moment.
  4. Any game that rewards preorders with being able to play the game a week early? Also, shout out to the Duke Nukem Forever: Special Edition, for having the gall to include Duke Nukem Forever in it.
  5. Well, I clicked the thread on that sidebar thing, and it took about 10 seconds for me to get here, so there you go. EDIT: And just to make sure, loaded ResetEra, and it was practically instant. Something's up.
  6. Theatrhythm Final Bar Line: Premium Digital Deluxe Edition is a rhythm game developed by indieszero that released on the Switch and PS4 last year. It's the fourth Theatrhythm game to focus on the Final Fantasy series (There's also a Dragon Quest and Kingdom Hearts one). Effectively, it's an enhanced version of the Japan-only arcade game "Theatrhythm All-Star Carnival". Theatrhythm's gameplay is pretty similar to most arcade style rhythm games. A bunch of icons fly towards 4 circles on one side of the screen, and you need to input button presses and stick tilts in time to whatever song is playing. It's pretty standard stuff, but the thing that differentiates Theatrhythm from similar games is that the game asks you to build a party of up to 4 characters from the Final Fantasy series. You see, while you're playing the game, these 4 characters fight monsters in the background. The better you do, the more effectively they fight. Just like most RPG's, these characters can level up, and learn skills to make your life easier. This is kind of the brilliant thing about Theatrhythm, no matter how bad you might be at rhythm games, the party system provides you ways to clear songs other then just "Getting good". If you're struggling, you can just put healers in your party and use their healing skills to help you survive through the whole song. Contrary to what 8-Bit Theater claims, 4 White Mages will work! That said, the game has a scoring system, which the party system has no effect on, so you might be able to brute force a clear, but your score will only be good if you're good. It's genius and serves to make it very accessible to all players. This is helped by every single song (Over 400 in the base game, over 500 if you get all the DLC) having at least 3 difficulty settings, from "Anyone can do this" Basic, to "Some dexterity required" Ultimate. However, some songs have a fourth difficulty called Supreme, and yeahhh... That's the easiest song! Proper spaghetti fingers going on there. I can't believe I pulled off 9.8 million points here! Speaking of, the game has a bunch of "Feats". Basically they're achievements, except some of them are way harder then the crummy trophies on the PS4 version. This is why it took me 600 hours to pull it off. A rhythm game obviously needs good music, and well, this is Final Fantasy, it's kinda known for amazing music (And Final Fantasy XIII is also there). It also has songs from some of the spin-off games, like Mystic Quest! The DLC then introduces songs from non Final Fantasy games like Octopath Traveler and Chrono Trigger. An absolute treasure trove of music is here, and it's insanely good value! This game's amazing, and despite reaching 100% completion, I'll still be playing this for a long time.
  7. 6 is the best one, and that's that.
  8. Hopefully, they fix their horrendous mistake and make Boo playable again. It's endlessly funny!
  9. Player's Choice tonight at 8pm.
  10. Mario Land is still the weirdest Mario game. As Brawl In The Family demonstrated so well.
  11. A bit different when it has the subtitle "NES Edition", though, isn't it? If they weren't at least floating the idea around, surely, it would've just been called Nintendo World Championships?
  12. Ah, right. Something I realised yesterday is that Weapon Power-Up, while not using up a slot, still needs a passive slot to be free. So you have to wait until it shows up before filling all 6 passive slots. Also, it only appears if you have a Contra weapon in the first place, but I'm sure you knew that already.
  13. Rebirth's lukewarm sales seem to have finally got it in S-E's head that "Hey, maybe exclusivity deals will be unprofitable in the long run?" Now we just need to convince not to cop out on Nintendo consoles by lumping them with cloud versions of games the console can easily handle. (Yes, I'm still salty about that Kingdom Hearts collection)
  14. BTW, I highly recommend Emergency Meeting. The weapons there are way wackier then any other DLC. Kill enemies with Crappy ID Cards, Airvents, and Counting! Oh my!
  15. I can't wait until I get hit by this feeling when the next mainline Pokémon comes along! That one's gonna really sting for me...
  16. Today, I learned that there's people out there who, despite being alive during the N64 era, were not aware of the Buck Bumble title theme. Best fix that, just in case you're not the only one. Wait, what? Hang on... Huh. So, when going to get this theme, I just found out that the composer uploaded the full version to YouTube. A month ago... Creepy timing, that.
  17. Welp, I've done it. I became so godly powerful during a run, the poor Switch couldn't handle it, and the game crashed! So which character did it? Was it that super secret one that's purposely overpowered? A strong one hocked up on thousands of eggs? Nope, Sheena from the Contra DLC, with no eggs what so ever! So, a bit of context. Sheena's gimmick, apart from the one all Contra characters have, is that if you upgrade her movement speed, her weapon cooldown also decreases a bit. This gets ridiculous when you combine it with Empty Tome, giving her 90% cooldown naturally! Halfway through Mad Forest, I got to the point where I could've easily stood still and nothing could touch me, but where's the fun in that? Yep, this was me But yeah, it crashed shortly after the 30 minute mark. A bit annoying because the run didn't count, but still, I feel accomplished now. Probably won't stack Wings with Empty Tome with this character again though...
  18. Man, that Sora finish from @Ike was spectacular!
  19. First two episodes of this new season are on iPlayer now. First episode was pretty weak. Not gonna bother talking about that one. Did laugh at how much glee the Doctor has with scaring babies. Anyway, second episode was WAY better!
  20. I believe I'm coming up to the end of a certain game, so I should probably make a short post about this game first. I tried to find a more horizontal image, but they omit the Kangaroo character for some reason. This Australia erasure will not stand on my watch! He's way more prominent then blue-hair girl as well! Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising is a 2D side scrolling action RPG developed by Natsume Atari that released on all modern platforms in 2022. It served as a small game to tide people waiting for Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, which came out recently. It also serves as a prequel to that game. The game follows CJ, a poor treasure hunter who unwillingly becomes crippingly addicted to stamp collecting when she visits New Neveah. New Neveah's acting mayor, Isha (Blue haired girl), is trying to rebuild the town after a devestating earthquake hit it. Isha's trying to get travelling adventurers to help rebuild the town with a stamp incentive. These stamps are meant to provide benefits to the adventurers, but CJ's life quickly becomes consumed entirely by collecting these stamps, which means she travels through very dangerous places gathering materials for New Neveah. Various events has CJ meet Garoo, a Kangaroo Beastyn (Animal people with the same awareness and intelligence as humans) mercenary with a humongous, girthy, tool in his pouch, and he's roped into being CJ's bodyguard. He's not exactly pleased with it... Yeah, OK. The game's not really about stamp addiciton, but it is a recurring joke with CJ doing anything for a stamp, and Garoo griping about it. Reminds me of Banjo-Tooie, actually. The plot is fine, but it is carried by the characters. They have great chemistry, and even greater designs. I like fantasy settings that really lean into the fantasy aspect to have weird and wonderful characters. The characters in this game all show up in Hundred Heroes, so naturally, this game has more then a few hints to some of the main plot threads that Hundred Heroes has. The gameplay revolves around exploring various areas to complete a bunch of quests for the town of New Neveah. It does get quite a bit repetitive, as you traverse the same area multiple times to progress the plot. I can totally see people bouncing off of this gameplay loop, mind. Combat is pretty standard, with the key defining feature being the ability to swap CJ out with other characters at most any time. CJ is nimble, while Garoo has better range, and hits like a truck. If you swap characters right after you hit an enemy, the other character will swap in and deliver a strong attack. As well as this, each character can get various extra abilities to help find new areas. The visuals are fine, but with this being a bit of a side project, it doesn't look anywhere near as nice as Hundred Heroes. Which, to be fair, is kind of harsh. Because Hundred Heroes is a gorgeous game. The soundtrack is also servicable, not really noteworthy, but not offensive, at least. I enjoyed this game, it won't be to everyone's taste, but at least you don't need to play this to get the plot of Huindred Heroes.
  21. I can't be certain, but generally, it's not a good sign when it's in my vocabulary. EDIT: Oh damn, "Norse Wind" is really good! You weren't kidding!
  22. It gets it's own section in between XV and Mystic Quest. EDIT: Oh crud! I didn't notice the series quest thing! No, it doesn't. Sorry about that. It doesn't show up in Series Quest at all, but it (and all the other DLC songs) can show up in Endless World.
  23. You know, this is great... for a endless mode where the speed never increases. It is way too chill for Tetris 99, though.
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