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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. But then they would just be called Band.
  2. I would. I will! My other half will love it. I need more lighthearted movies like this in my life and this looks great to me.
  3. Adventure Sync is working great. Can hatch eggs walking around work!
  4. I haven't been following it, but can't I move either of these into Lets Go from Go? And Arcanine?
  5. Shorty

    Destiny 2

    That's pretty shitty. I mean it's good in the end but people who bought the expansions just to play Forsaken ought to be due a refund.
  6. I think I need to give Celeste a look. I watched someone else play it and even took the controller to try a few bits, and I just couldn't see what the lasting appeal would be. But the positive reaction can't be ignored.
  7. I was very confused by Cores yesterday. The more expensive saddle you buy for example the higher your core drain %. Surely that's just a mistake, and they don't realise that increasing a "rate" of "drain" sounds like you mean it will drain faster, when I'm sure the opposite is actually true. The game is great but a lot of core mechanics are left without details.
  8. I've left my PS4 on rest and told it to start downloading so hopefully I'll get a little time on this tonight
  9. True! In the height of N-E's days we had a very busy IRC channel on quakenet, certainly to no detriment of the forums
  10. I just used to use the web bomb all the time. I can't see myself venturing back in though. I got my platinum and I've read the DLC doesn't bring much new to the table. Something I'll pick up if it goes cheap I reckon.
  11. I think the biggest issue is that there's no new generations taking interest in forums. They're a bit of a dated, clunky format in a world that generates most of its user content on phones, which lend themselves to shorter, snappier bites of input. All the way through the lifetime of this and other forums, people have grown up and moved on from gaming. That's not surprising and shouldn't really be an issue to the "bottom line" of the userbase. Because back then, old members were always replaced by new, bright eyed young players. Every year there'll be a new wave of kids old enough to have their own console etc and then old enough to be on the internet chatting about it. But a wide variety of those young people want Instagram, Twitter, Discord, Twitch, Youtube levels of contribution, not paragraphs of opinion. Those that want to take their contribution more seriously, will want to make videos because that's where the reach is at. I've been thinking recently that a Discord channel wouldn't hurt N-E. It's the right balance between chat and forum, and allows lots of channels for lots of "threads" of discussion, whilst offering lots of modern benefits like notifications on a per-channel basis, announcements/moderation, and can tie itself easily into setting up online gaming sessions. I don't want to do anything that could make the forums even less attractive, but I also don't want to miss the boat on a maybe necessary migration while we still have a userbase.
  12. Ok... hopefully though at least if someone else logs into the Switch they can have their own game, right? Like I can't see any reason that wouldn't be the case, just so used to Pokemon games being limited to one save that I have my doubts. Edit: I bet only one player will get Mew from the pokeball edition!
  13. Just managed to get a Mewtwo in time on my fourth legendary raid. Met lots of people who play this game hardcore. Like, people using two phones and saying that during Articuno day they did 30-40 raids and most of these people were middle aged women
  14. Are there details about how local co-op will work in this game? For example, if two people play Pokemon Go on their phones, are they going to be able to make good use of one copy of this game on Switch? Are they both going to be able to take advantage back in the mobile game? Or is game going to be tied to one mobile account and the second player more of a drop-in assistant?
  15. A factory reset wasn't required, from what I understand, just a database rebuild, which takes some time but doesn't have any lasting effect.
  16. I wonder what goes into a decision like that regarding viewer numbers... I mean it's Netflix, TV on demand. You don't have to watch it immediately or as it airs. For me, the second season of Iron Fist was something I'd definitely give a chance, especially after hearing it improved on the first one. But I hadn't gotten around to it yet.
  17. That's great Cube, glad to hear it's going well for you!
  18. Where did you hear this? It doesn’t seem very likely... and if it was true it would be something you could solve very easily.
  19. On the other hand I heard rumours before that, suggesting that the change will potentially wipe everything from your account except PS4 purchases. So, trophies, PS3 games, etc etc. it's almost akin to making a new account. If that's true, it's basically pointless.
  20. It's only two quid more brand new and without trading anything in! People please, you've been on the internet long enough now, a quick google before you spend silly on the high street...
  21. This page of the thread is basically just drahkon's blog doesn't anyone else have anything good going on? I went to Spain last month with some friends, had a great time lots of great food and wine and good evenings, hanging out in a villa with our own pool and hot tub.
  22. On the NES, even as a kid, I could put my thumb on B and then roll the side of my thumb onto the A. Totally fine, but that's because there's only two buttons to worry about
  23. I actually had a moment where I saw a crime taking place, but I'd already completed that district, so I swung over it thinking "well I don't need to help here, there's nothing in it for me" and then I realised Uncle Ben was going to die again.
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