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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. I was counting myself in for VoG, so you can take that nightfall spot. I'll be around for nightfall too, mind.
  2. I'd be up for this.
  3. Disgaea and Ys are going to be £15 each soon, should I check them out despite playing nothing else in the series?
  4. Well we beat Crota in one go yesterday so tomorrow I expect to do better than that and beat him in half a go.
  5. Mmmkay, count me in then.
  6. Raidbros @DriftKaiser @Deathjam @MilaGi @Eddage @Map. High-fucking-five for crushing HM Crota in one go. I also consider it that we beat Ir-Yut in one go too, since it basically was once we got her to stop glitching around. Got all the raid helmets now and the ship
  7. Sure thing @MilaGi just give me a mention or a PSN message when you know what's happening
  8. The Legend himself illustrates the awesomeness of Gjallahorn, Soloing HM Crota: http://www.twitch.tv/sc_slayerage/b/625814895
  9. Anyone for Hard Mode CE Tuesday 8pm? 1 space left Me @DriftKaiser @Deathjam @Eddage @Map <space>
  10. @Rummy loving it tbh. Found the biggest change a bit of a disappointment but I'm over it. I actually find this easy just with the left and right speaker
  11. No, that's not true. That's only the officially supported size from Nintendo. If you format it FAT32 it will work fine.
  12. I'm using a New 3DS XL and I have the framerate dropping all the time.
  13. Ice Breaker is amazing. I love it. But you're seriously missing out on something if you a) never use any other special weapons (Black Hammer is better in the raid) and b) never try any primary or heavy exotics. Especially Gjallahorn, which is insanely powerful and so much fun to use. Also you don't need a dedicated sniper player these days, everyone has IB/P&T/Black Hammer/LDR/Longbow. Especially on HM Crota where everyone has to snipe the Sword Bearer anyway. If you have a Gjallahorn, rarest and best heavy in the game, but you don't level it, tbh I think you're just intentionally hindering your team's progress in the raid.
  14. To be fair the good Zelda games never did this either. In fact I'd say it wasn't really til that spinning top thing came along in TP that anyone even had this complaint about Zelda. If we go back to the 3D debut, Ocarina of Time, almost everything you got would be used again in subsequent dungeons. In a sense, the Child Link items "upgrade" (slingshot replaced by bow, hookshot succeeding boomerang). Those items upgrade further too. Adding fire arrows that burn webs or ice arrows that create platforms are not far off getting explosive arrows in Tomb Raider. Similarly you turn your hookshot into the longshot and in a sense even upgrade your boots and tunics to have different attributes. I'm not saying you don't have a point, but I think Nintendo already know that they've made mistakes on this in the past, that's why SS took a new approach to shields and pouches, and ALBW came up with a whole new system for dungeon-dependent gear.
  15. Oh right, I assumed that the limited edition had never been below £40. I be happier with £28 of game than £40 of tatty clutter :p
  16. How about now? :p
  17. I've just beaten the first temple, then I chased after the prize you're offered from chasing the butler... but I was too close to the end of the day so not only could I not make it through that maze (I had to bring up my ocarina with <1s on the clock :p) but I also didn't get all the fairies in the first dungeon so had to start that again! Oh well. Realised my earlier comment about highlighted items was my mistake, but still finding the framerate plummeting a lot, especially on the field and during boss fights. Still a brilliant game, despite any minor niggles, goes to show how special a title is when it's still great to play despite them seemingly trying to dilute the experience.
  18. I'll hunt.
  19. I'll join for a normal or hard raid if you need to make up the numbers.
  20. The 3DS comes in proper packaging, the figure is just in a plain white box.
  21. Yeah I got it on release but to be fair I haven't played it that much. Once I knew the New 3DS was on the way I waited for that to come out so I'd have more to play on it, so I've just started playing it again in the last couple of days. Just nice to go back to those characters, trying to ignore some changes in voice actors but otherwise it's a lot of fun. I can't comment enough on it just yet because I've not even cleared the first dungeon. So far it seems like: don't expect another Persona game (social links etc) but expect a lot of content in there to appease the fans and some relaxing gameplay. @Dyson I got that case on eBay, last one available from the seller I used - who was selling the one that came out of the special edition (so cheaper but no packaging). It's also on PlayAsia, a version that was sold separately.
  22. I bought this to protect my New 3DS XL
  23. Anyone gone from the 3DS XL to New 3DS XL (A #5 from above :p) tell me whether they fit in an average sized 3DS XL case? I just bought one from America so too late to go back now, but meh :3
  24. Just MM discussion in this thread from now on, not 3DS transfer process discussion, see specific thread for that.
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