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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Yeah I don't really want another Spidey film. But I do want him in that universe asap!
  2. So hyped for this should be playing it tomorrow if all goes well.
  3. @kav82 - the website still shows the same info for me too, it's only emails so far that have new info. I ordered within seconds of it going live, if that makes a difference. Just got an email from the Hut Group saying it will be delivered tomorrow!
  4. From Nintendo Store, that is. News gets even better: It's coming via DPD!
  5. Just got a dispatch email for my MM New 3DS XL! "Estimated delivery date: On or before 13th Feb", the adapter shipped too
  6. Yep, count me in, I'll be up for nightfall at 6ish too. Did you guys finish Crota last night?
  7. Dan can't make it now @Sheikah
  8. Anyone ordered hardware from nintendo.co.uk say whether they aim for release date delivery? I notice expected dispatch is listed as 13/02 and delivery type is "Delivery Method: Standard Delivery - delivered in 2-5 working days"
  9. Since you were updating Facebook every twelve minutes with pics and videos it didn't really feel like you went anywhere Looks like you had a great time. Not jealous or nuffin.
  10. Applying for a flat tomorrow, it was pretty popular so I was lucky (read: rang them over and over again til I got through). May actually be able to slightly improve my stupid piece of shit life. Yay \o/
  11. Yeah you just have to swap hard drives after a while instead :p
  12. What if the localisation of this game this game is poorly dubbed. Or poorly translated. Or like... censored. Or takes years to come out.
  13. That price is nothing special, it's repatedly cheaper than that for the disk version. In fact Nostromo Edition for PS4 is £15 on base.com right now.
  14. Always Sephiroth, never sepiroth
  15. I never thought of Link as being mute in the games anyway. You answer questions with multiple choice and people respond to things you "say". It's just a stylistic choice so you can imagine the character talking in your own words/voice. And if the series ever becomes reality, there's no reason for it to take anything directly from games, not even the main character. They might go a completely different direction.
  16. Right... which is why my whole point was that I'd like to have had a version which combined the best aspects of each :p
  17. I don't think it's necessary now, but it's certainly how I'd rather have played it (having only played P3P). Fully animated cutscenes are another aspect I missed.
  18. Call your local Tesco and ask if they have any in stock. Then call all your friends' local Tescos. Because they're currently £49.99 on clearance. Persona 4 Golden is the system's must-have game and one of the best games of all time ever.
  19. Yes please count me in, @Daft. I invited Dan and he's up for it.
  20. Yep pretty much When's Toukiden out again? :/
  21. I've got all my data on my new micro SD card ready for the transfer. New 3DS in one week Logistics, don't fail me now.
  22. You can't say "require to be", probably because "require" basically combines the verbs "need" and "to be" on its own. "They require tuning" or "Tuning is required" are fine. You're using it fine yeah. I wouldn't say it's 100% interchangeable, "most cases" literally refers to repeated occurrences and suggests that the majority of them will be the same, but "most of the time" could refer to the majority of all time or a single time period.
  23. Sounds good. Be tee dubs, you'll never guess what I got from the nightfall last night
  24. @Sheikah what time can you start a HM Crota raid on Monday? And what class will you be playing? With @DriftKaiser (interested?), @ReZourceman and @Dan_Dare we have five, just one more spot. Hope you've levelled up that Icebreaker and/or Gjallahorn Rez!
  25. Ugh. There's 101 bugs and a broken raid to fix and instead they start nerfing weapons.
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