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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Just edited my post, yeah all 13 will air at once, they just only have three listed with titles on the Wiki page which threw me off.
  2. I'm up for one or two on Thurs.
  3. It's close enough now that I think I'll stay away from trailers It's out in a month, I believe all 13 episodes all available at once.
  4. Smells like a bit of a publicity stunt to me :p already heard the story develop this morning to include statements along the lines of "we have to think about what the public wants". Petition to reinstate him is approaching 300k signatures already.
  5. See at N-E you can always guarantee clear left-hand/right-hand communications :p
  6. It could be shit so.... no I don't have a pre-order :p I am interested though.
  7. @Sheikah @Eddage @Daft @DriftKaiser be up for running through Normal mode first? It will easily take <1 hour and I'd still like the Swordbreaker. Then @Deathjam might be up for joining? If not, fwiw I won't be doing Deathsinger/Crota on HM more than once because I'm after the Swordbreaker more than the Crux. Exotic chances are the same if you do Normal + HM, there will just be slightly smaller chances to land things like Abyss Defiant, Fang etc..
  8. Gifv is nonsense, just a webm/mp4 container that has nothing whatsoever to do with gif. We have videos and we have gifycat support so I think that will do.
  9. Yep I'm in, no problem. Maxed out my Don't Touch Mes and raid helm too at last
  10. I just think it makes DC's integrity seem a little flimsy. They took the leap with the New 52 and redesigned all of their core players, putting Superman in a suit of armour with a collar and dropping the super-undies. It was a bold move not many people loved and they refused to backpedal on it... for a while. They partway bring the outfit into the Superman movie but don't go the whole way. They continue to release cartoons with the old style because they're more relatable. It's not that I want one outfit or another*, I'm just reminded of Xbox One having all those daring new ideas and then chickening out because of the public's confusion. That said, this Supergirl outfit just looks exactly like the one from the 80s movie, albeit with a "modern" texture à la Spidey 00s/Superman Returns. It's more than a throwback, she looks like a cheerleader.
  11. I never even realised the light novels got released over here. Let us know what you think.
  12. Huh, the last I heard about Supergirl was a rumour that turned out to be false, now we've jumped to promo shots, apparently I missed a memo somewhere. I wish DC would stick with their decisions, Supergirl was redesigned for the New 52, why not go with that look? I wonder if this story will follow the MoS comic which brought Supergirl to Earth in that ship Supes found in the arctic.
  13. "had to do x for bounties", this is what makes people get bitter and fed up in this game! IMO unless you're just about to level up something awesome, you should never even start a bounty you won't enjoy completing.
  14. @DriftKaiser you want to do Crota (just end checkpoint) this evening at 8pm? Rez can't make it.
  15. It's not really employment law it's basic contract legislation. Breach a contract you signed and you can be sued, simple as. They wouldn't, but they could. @Animal if you've handed in your notice it's time to chill. Don't worry, just work what you can/have to work and hold your head up high 'cos you'll be out of there before you know it.
  16. No worries @MilaGi, we quit then, can have another go tomorrow if Rez's about.
  17. Sony gives Roll7 estimated first month earnings + x aka a lot of money. People sign up to PS+ and hopefully forget to disable auto-renew :p
  18. Shorty


    Damn. I am seriously hungry now.
  19. Crikey, it took them 3-4 months to fix it?
  20. Naruto should get to the end of the original canon story this year (although apparently it's going to carry on with its own stuff afterwards). I might recommend leaving that until it's reached the manga ending, and get a good list of all the shit fillers and avoid them like the plague. That will make it much more enjoyable and a fair bit shorter.
  21. HTC Vive sounds even better than Morpheus The VR race is well and truly on.
  22. The Dark Below was about 2GB.
  23. Do we still need a 6th for the raid at 8pm? Anyone in?
  24. @nightwolf check out Log Horizon, I think you would enjoy it. Fairy Tail is ongoing, you won't be finishing it any time soon!
  25. They should give you a full size cardboard box as a pre-order item.
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