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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Aye I'm in [edit: for the raid]
  2. Yes I'm sure I can fit both in, won't be free til 7ish though.
  3. I've downloaded the demo, I'll be on this evening, is it multiplayer?
  4. If anyone else had the issue I did with PayPal, I managed to get it resolved by making a minor fuss on twitter :p
  5. Hammond and May have changed their Twitter subtitles to "former TV presenter"
  6. I know this guy complaining about what happened to him was the right thing to do, but I can't stop thinking about how he's deprived this series from 350 million people rather than just resolving things quietly. Of course it's more Clarkson's fault... but this guy still had the power to do it this way and made the decision. I wonder how May and Hammond feel. Of course they always said they wouldn't do it without him, but now they must be a bit disappointed that they've lost this amazing job.
  7. Can you play the digital version at midnight? Never pre-ordered a download before! Edit: just seen the preload timer thing, will indeed be playable at midnight guess some lucky pre-orderers might get theirs in the next day or two though. @Daft did you check for updates? Apparently it has a 2.something gb patch too.
  8. S'all good brother, I actually wanted some numbers from a previous episode to compare to but was significantly too lazy for that :p I still don't really care about any of these niggles too much. Easily the best comic book TV on right now, so true to the source material and so openly fun. If they would just approach the whole inhumane super-prison thing, I would be so happy. They've actually come close with http://chroniclesofcisco.tumblr.com/ (apparently they do actually feed these people) - but I think a great season finale/opening would be to have a worldwide acknowledgement of meta-humans, complete with funding/staff/security for STAR Labs.
  9. Hm that's bs, the checkout process clearly shows £40 coming from BACS and £10 from the voucher. If I do get the £10 as long as I can withdraw it, I guess that's okay. Big if
  10. Literally was my first point under "more things that annoyed me" :p Unfortunately it's just the usual case of "this will look awesome, hope nobody pays too much attention".
  11. I also managed it eventually although Paypal shows I funded my account £50
  12. Has anyone else successfully redeemed that Paypal voucher? It won't let me use it :/
  13. I'll be on from around 7pm probably.
  14. Oh yeah! And a Scientist should've realised that :p
  15. I wasn't going to get it... I already cancelled a pre-order. But... digital version for £40 and I just fitted a new HDD. I cannae stop meself. Although....
  16. Perhaps we're a little more realistic? There's not much point in speculation at this point, we know little more than a codename and a promise of "something unique", which we got with the DS, Wii, 3DS and Wii U, so we're not that surprised about. We can throw around crazy ideas but they'll really just be a waste of energy. The one thing many of us do know is that we don't want the marketing fiasco that lead to the Wii U paling miserably in comparison to its living-room filling, money-printing, powerhouse of a predecessor. You need to stop taking such personal offence to everything. Discussion is discussion, whether it's joyous babbling or realistic debates, people only want to talk about the things that matter to them. Instead of the whole meta-rage we constantly spiral into, try out some new concepts like: debate, consideration, empathy.
  17. Maybe I'm misunderstanding you you can't use this voucher to get Bloodborne for £10 less. Unless of course you buy something else for £50 first.
  18. Yeah that almost killed it for me :p
  19. Just to point out, £10 voucher when you spend £50 isn't the same as £10 off a £50 spend! Still decent though. I have to reiterate that the games are not frustrating. Not in the typical way anyway. Not like "ugh, why is this bit like this? they made a mistake, it's too hard, I cba to try again". You might get frustrated at yourself. Sometimes. You gotta look at it differently, the Souls series is all about being strict, not giving you anything for nothing. You're never spoon fed any abilities or pointed the way with a big glowing light, it's just you and the game. Remember the first time you played Resident Evil, and that first zombie took a lot more to go down than you thought it would, and then you didn't have any ammo and you were like "where the fuck is all the ammo"? It's hard like that.
  20. Such awesome games. I'm not interested in getting them again but those who never played them in the first instance are in for a huge treat.
  21. I have never really cared about framerates in the past, but yesterday I went straight from Wolfenstein (60FPS) to Destiny (30FPS) and I honestly thought my PS4 or Destiny was broken for a moment. It was like when you start playing a PC game and forget you've left a bunch of programs open which are eating all your RAM.
  22. You can put me down indefinitely since I'm a miserable git with nothing else to do in my life
  23. I also got a second Mythoclast I also got my first ever Hezen Vengeance... yay I loved how fast we downed Atheon 3x though. On one go we did about 90% of his health in one relic. With one or two more Thunderlords (hint, hint, RNG) we could easily do it in one go.
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