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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. But that was really funny....
  2. You have the gamertag Goron360... so I'm guessing you have an Xbox 360, you know it was released on there in HD right?
  3. Good clean run last night think we did well to fit it in after their late-running maintenance. I'm only slightly miffed at watching two people get the only gun I want whilst I got my third No Land Beyond and second Dragons Breath
  4. Goddamn I miss 3D platformers. Pls Playtonic. I need this.
  5. People are going nuts for this but I thought it was kinda bad. Death/sex for the sake of being edgy always bugs me. You want to seem cool and mature so you kill off characters you know people love just for the shock factor, it's meh. The lycra suits looked crap (the original movie armour style would've been far more suitable), the stupid floating minority report touchscreen crap that's been done to death and never well. Two parts were also particularly bad objectively: the slow clunky black ranger fight and the ending
  6. ^ Only just found it back up, I'm in now.
  7. The word was that it would be two hours, might be ok, won't hold my breath :/ cos I can't hold my breath for two hours that would be too hard
  8. The take down ones are definitely the best, like the throwing knife etc.. And I really like the syringe that highlights enemies and animals so I buffed that.
  9. I won't be swordbearer unless @Deathjam promises never to say gat-lahorn again.
  10. Oh it was intentional in your case. Srs though, you can get on now from your regular computer yeah? Edit: been through the list and got rid of any that weren't on a spam blacklist anywhere.
  11. Basically I blocked some IPs from accessing the site because they were using an extraordinary amount of bandwidth. This wasn't based on the forum, or users in any way, just a faceless list of IP addresses in the server stats. In the past this has always been bots, but twice now it has been you. I'm not really sure why your IP is hitting the site so hard but I guess someone trying to hack your account is definitely related. I'd appreciate you changing your password yeah and also scanning your PC for viruses etc..
  12. If you did the math I imagine you'd be looking at a couple of seconds difference in recharge time, remember how much glimmer and materials it would take to level up, too.
  13. I love my New 3DS XL but I wouldn't have upgraded from a 3DS XL. I mostly did the upgrade because I wanted a better battery life (than my old, tired 3DS) and a bigger screen. The stable 3D is an added bonus that I'm pretty impressed by.
  14. I actually like the c-stick, it responds to pressure rather than physically being moved, and I think that works fine.
  15. Has anyone bought this game just to play on their own? If so: got enough fun out of it?
  16. Aquaman normally has a top with scales all over, not tattoos, this is a different direction. Incidentally Momoa's real tattoo is actually mostly covered up.
  17. You would be surprised by how much free time I have.
  18. I keep hearing people throw around the fact that the game is super short but that's not really what the reviewers are condemning. Read the snippets on gaf http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=995216
  19. http://www.pogdesign.co.uk/cat/ or http://trakt.tv/ look worth a punt.
  20. And if I could only buy one? :p
  21. 8pm is fine by me.
  22. I was counting myself in for VoG, so you can take that nightfall spot. I'll be around for nightfall too, mind.
  23. I'd be up for this.
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