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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Damn, that's a lucky break. They're worth thousands on ebay. Currently one at 4k with 4 hours left, don't think I could resist selling it.
  2. I would also suggest not using glimmer items (house banners etc) because if you ever hit the cap then they were essentially wasted. Better to store them all in the vault and use them only if you really need to buy something right away.
  3. Why does Fitz keep taking that RAM out of that cheap motherboard and putting it back in again? Why would a transceiver need SATA cables? *switches off cynicism and goes back to watching*
  4. Hope not Destiny wouldn't have been anywhere near as good without the [NE] clan!
  5. Yep definitely. Vault of Glass - Hard Mode "Suddenly We Want Shards Again" Sunday 2pm 1. Me 2. @Sheikah 3. @lostmario 4. @ReZourceman 5. @DriftKaiser 6. @Zell
  6. Yep sounds good. @ReZourceman is in @Daft and @Dan_Dare are maybes
  7. I'm up for that @Sheikah Anyone fancy VoG this weekend? Suddenly running out of energies with all my re-levelling of upgraded weapons.
  8. I've really enjoyed the DLC so far :p might help that it didn't cost me anything close to £20.... The raid is awesome.
  9. @S\.C\.G can you ask Wii for his IP address (google "what is my ip") and PM it to me? It probably is an IP block, although I'd be a bit concerned as to why his IP would be one of those that I had to add to a list because it hammered us with >2GB bandwidth usage (the average user uses a few meg)
  10. Well, that's RNG isn't it. You got Gjallahorn and Vex mythoclast from Atheon where I only ever got Timekeepers. I think if you'd gotten something from the bridge yesterday you'd probably be singing a different song. That said, you seem to have burned the candle at both ends with this game! @Zell I feel really bad for asking you to try disconnecting - but if you could've seen it from our end... as soon as you would join or start disconnecting, enemies would rubber-band around, the gatekeeper's health would drop to nothing then go back up thus killing us. The last time you came on we had just got five people over and I was worried it was going to wipe again once the enemies started vanishing and reappearing behind us. It was also impossible to hear you from then on, like you were on a mobile and driving through a tunnel. If you could figure out the cause it would be great for you to team up with us again. I know I went on about it but I work on the web and it seemed like your bandwidth and ping were being crushed as opposed to port/NAT issues. Either someone using up your connection (HD video streaming?) or your ISP capping you. Again, really sorry!
  11. One beer isn't going to do you much harm, even if it's a habit, it could be worse. If you want to know if it's a problem, just see how easy it is to not have one tonight. And if you say "well, I'll try tomorrow, not tonight because <excuse>", then ask yourself again. If you could switch it for a glass of red wine, you would actually go from big calorie intake to good for the heart.
  12. Well done both of you! @Sheikah, stop reading about the raid! :p Also, I'm not available Friday which I did mention at the start.
  13. Yeah Destiny would really benefit from some kind of Diablo/L4D mix, where you could go into parts of the map, or even generated maps, and the fights are different each time. There could be chests at the end, random events. It would really boost the endgame. It might come, one day.
  14. Bloodborne was pushed back to March so it's not really in the first couple of months of 2015 :p but I did actually forget about it and I do want it
  15. Our team's full this week, better to put your name down for next week!
  16. Yeah cos it wouldn't be possible to just not buy the game immediately on release Personally I'm gutted, don't give a shit about anything else coming out in the first couple of months of next year, except maybe Grim Fandango.
  17. PS+ currently at exactly £40 on rakuten, which means you can get it for £30 with code "GIFT40" http://www.rakuten.co.uk/shop/shopto/product/PS4PL01/?l-id=gb_cart_product_1_1&sku=PS4PL01 edit: although I'm just getting errors when I try to checkout 2nd edit: the problem was with having no phone number associated to the account after migrating it from play.com, worked after that.
  18. Yeah, we seem to get hammered a lot by unknown bots and strange IP addresses. I'm not sure it's a DDoS, but it has the same effect....
  19. Sorry man, I was away most of the weekend.
  20. Thanks, everyone
  21. Thanks, everyone
  22. Epona dodging the trees, that's one of those features that just makes you ask "why isn't this the case in all games??" I mean, of course a horse has a mind of its own, and of course it wouldn't run headfirst into a tree.... A little AI in there will actually make it more like really riding a horse. My only concern right now is how they're going to fill that huge space with interesting things, like they did with the ocean in Wind Waker, by next year.
  23. @Blade, Xur has an exotic Titan Helm. Edit: I should mention/remind you though, it doesn't make sense to spend ages levelling it up if you plan to upgrade it next week, as your progress will be lost.
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