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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Epona dodging the trees, that's one of those features that just makes you ask "why isn't this the case in all games??" I mean, of course a horse has a mind of its own, and of course it wouldn't run headfirst into a tree.... A little AI in there will actually make it more like really riding a horse. My only concern right now is how they're going to fill that huge space with interesting things, like they did with the ocean in Wind Waker, by next year.
  2. @Blade, Xur has an exotic Titan Helm. Edit: I should mention/remind you though, it doesn't make sense to spend ages levelling it up if you plan to upgrade it next week, as your progress will be lost.
  3. Yeah I can't say it enough, there's a turning point after the first "choice" mission which makes everything up to that point just feel like a prologue. Everyone should at least get that far before losing sync with the game.
  4. I can't do Friday next week but I'll probably be free over the weekend.
  5. I think the time on that has changed to Wed 8.30, and I'm in. @Sheikah, update plox.
  6. @Sheikah: Not sure if I can do Tues, I'll get back to you. Really want to because I want to go in without anyone knowing anything. @Daft: Definitely can't do anything this Sunday, except possibly 8.30pm onwards. Otherwise I'm only free Thu/Fri/Mon.
  7. I got Ascendant Energies from 1.5 raids and nothing else. I guess I needed Ascendant Energies. I guess.
  8. You know, you can just switch to playing as someone else and then it's basically the same as if you rolled another type.... Mage does get better later on although I think I have the most fun playing as an archer.
  9. There'll be plenty of guides online, it's pretty straightforward.
  10. Yeah it's getting a bit confusing now but I'm definitely still in for the Hard Raid at 7.30 with my alt :p
  11. Right, that's what I'm getting at. Who buys that these are in-game? Where did this trend arise from? We saw it for Watch Dogs too iirc.
  12. Can't fit in the second part today if we're doing a second raid, but I could do Thur/Fri/Mon. If anyone's wondering, we did try cheesing him off the side instead of the back, no dice.
  13. I think I remember reading that Atlus will be there? In which case, I'm holding my breath for one possible showing....
  14. Guardians, our preferred method for beating Atheon on hard (no audio because for some reason my PS4 only recorded my voice ):
  15. Men In Black 2 and 3? Bad Boys 2?
  16. Not sure the reasons for this, but you can change it from your options in the meantime.
  17. What's the deal with these "screenshots" :/
  18. ^ Oh TV is TV and movies is movies and never the twain shall meet. Innit. Margot Robbie will be an amazing Harley Quinn. She practically had the voice right already in Wolf of Wall Street.
  19. Hold on, you've not actually played it, you're just giving it away on the cheapsies? You know it won a tonne of Game of the Year awards and it's a brilliant game, right?
  20. I heart all the new updates except a bug which gave me nothing at the postmaster after the daily event. I actually got two replies from you, so no worries : peace: someone completely ignored me though
  21. I'll give you one whole English pound.
  22. Well done man, looks like you're winning at life right now, keep it up!
  23. Took that dragon down last time I played, awesome fight Rogues are awesome, I love switching to Sera from time to time. Glad I rolled a mage though, I like the extra dimension it adds to your role in the Inquisition. As for the guide, if you're happy to read up on all the lore you find lying around, or ask all the backstory questions, it does fill in a lot of gaps. But I'm still glad I understood some basics from that guide such as Lyrium, Dwarves' role in the world, Mage circles/templars etc.
  24. Are you guys trying hard mode yet? @Daft put me down for both days.
  25. OoS at the mo, but when they're back, "Like" them on fb for an easy extra 5% off.
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