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Everything posted by blender

  1. its rude to copy and paste articles without giving the source(gonintendo.com)
  2. i thought one of the reasons the smaller discs were faster loading was becasue the laser mecahnisms could move from the start to the end quicker because of the shorter distance to move to different potions of the disc and so faster access times? The spin speed is another factor. I think i am just guessing here but it sounds plausibel
  3. first to post a hi res video gets one million billion pounds
  4. games like this ought to be able to fit on a gamecube disc size. That would boost loading time, but for marketing reasons, i expect this wont be done for any wii games.
  5. a little forest creature tells me that a knightrider game is heading to all platforms. the wii version will have kitt talking out of the controller and of course fancy steering. est. 2007
  6. I know, they are taking the piss by charging more compared to other formats . Most of their stores dont even stock GC games anymore. Gameplay is owned by GAME (something they try not to mention). So I would expect them to probably stock their exclusives too.
  7. surely ninty could make a downloadable patch to add wii capability to Gamecube games. Personally, i wouldnt bother. But there are going to be a lot of people new to nintendo and this make some $$$. In terms of polish, I doubt there will be anything too significant. Zelda Ocrina on time was polished well on the GC remake. I just dont think the wii is going to have much more power to add much to the already highly polished gamecube games. Remake Doshin and Mario Tennis though!
  8. check the latest trailer on gametrailers.com and no GC logo at the end! (think because its a HD trailer for PC and x360) I've been told by HMV no less, that GAME has the uk exclusive for the GC version. Hence a high pre-order price. £37 DVDcrave (AUS) have it for £17 ish if you like a bargain
  9. I heard the emulator was not brilliant quality on the game port. it will be interesting to see if this works on the wii though. maybe they will rerelease it when the time comes
  10. is this like aerobics or is it a FPS against the hunger demons from those shreddies adverts...? Diet implies something to do with food rather than exercise. So maybe the translation is off. My idea for a game is "DaStopSmoking Training Game" TM
  11. 1)y 2)n 3)y 4)y 5)n
  12. You can use the the cube controller for the wii version. the cubed version will have a cube exclusive dungeon. the wii version will have a fancy exclusive dungeon of its own. If the wii detects gamesaves from both versions, you unlock the secret bonus.... a NES download of the original. (which you can also buy separately) So basically Nintendo screws the fanboy who wants it all
  13. indeed.
  14. happenened to me too. It is a very dirt tactic by ONM. Will be shouting at someone on monday. You ought to be able to get your money back. But this is handled wrong.
  15. they will most likely charge you triple as a punishment for trying to exploit their mistake. If you want to loose all your money, the GC version is similarly marked. Though, you will probably end up in jail before then.
  16. could mean cheap but decent integrated jobbies
  17. Dont bother trying to make any money... Just let the world know and get some satisfactionthat some of the ideas have been used. Be a true gamer!
  18. its all about where the legos at!
  19. you only get stars for the game. try http://www.gamestation.co.uk 17.99 inc bongos last time i looked (and bought)
  20. the fact we have not really seen the gameplay in rayman hints that it could turn out to be a turok game. all marketing hype and no substane
  21. now its absolutely pointless to buy the magazine. love the internet!
  22. the resolution sounds dogy. It needs a native resolution to match the xbox output to look any good. more info requred
  23. cracked ds bug http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7868
  24. The fact you have 20,000 points and want to spend £49.99 on a game shows you must be on a different planet (financially anyway)! PS Did anyone get their SP keyrings from the last batch?
  25. The wiiconnect is not a standby feature. The wii is clearly serving some function when in wiiconect mode (ie gamedownload, message exchage etc). The government initative would be to stop things like tvs which serve no function when in standby. ... another crap weekend new story I'm afraid. So don't get over excited !
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