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Everything posted by blender

  1. well done, you've changed my mind. i agree that it is the journalist whom generate content. But at the end of the day it is the editors decision to moderate and select what material makes the final output. Maybe it is a little less formal online than in magazines given the ferocity of updates. They should both be sacked! Who is "editor" on n-europe?
  2. was it 5000 stars? or less?
  3. i think you can take LAN play for granted. I hope GC games will use the wireless. Double Dash has a very underused LAN function
  4. sensible soccer would be good and it could suit the wii mote pad
  5. 15 October £129.99 2xwiimotes 1xnumchunk 1xclassic controller Wiisports included (this may be a demo or it may even be a downloadable) Future announcements(for the record, so i can say "ha told ya") *Apple or nintendo announce a multimedia docking bay. This allows DVD playback, 5.1 audio connection + has a harddrive for itunes or vc use. Maybe even a built in power supply. It is basically a cradle the wii plugs into. *Nintendo announce a multimedia DS which is basically a ds lite with mp3 player and internet browser combined.
  6. sorry but i dont rate him as important in anyway.
  7. "Water" is no match for Sponge Bob (and eye candy assistant)
  8. part 3 is up at gonintendo
  9. I read critism of sonys online strategy of leaving it for the developers to create their own online features. One of the problems here was a coherent way to handle micropayments accross different games. Indeed the existing itunes ecommerce would offer this with proven technology. I think nintendo have a lot to gain from apple and vice verca.
  10. + = The evidence 1) Apple Conference 12th September - "Its showtime" 2) Nintendo Conference 14th,15th - "Untitled - key details to be revealed" 3) Nintendo recently announced an MP3 player for their handhelds for no apparent reason. 4) Microsoft have put pressure on Apple with the new Zune. 5) Nokia have also pressured Apple with their purchase of Loudeye. 6) Rumours of this partnership have been brewing a long time. 7) Apple confernce has a showbusiness title "It's Showtime" while the Wii chips are "Hollywood" (CPU) and "Broadway"(GPU) (woah the cryptic connections typical of Apple !!) The conclusion 1) The wii has itunes support 2) A new ipod compatible with virtual console games. 3) The nintendo MP3 player will feature itune support and branding. or Apple's going to take over Nintendo ..... MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'll be queuing at Apple store on oxford street on the 16th of September This is absolutely true because it has been posted on a message board (but my name is not Matt)
  11. http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/726/726748p1.html This is only 3 weeks old. Link swings. Does it clarify thing or am I missing something. Or is someone getting their " " and "nt" mixed up
  12. Well I take your "Lead" and DESTROY it with Uprising. (can you see what i did there )
  13. *yawn* why does the lexical content of my posts matter ? I write my posts in my own style and basically mind my own business. Everyone can do what they want in their own posts within the rules of this forum. Please get a life and talk about video games.
  14. are australians big on games or do they have too much good weather and wide open spaces?
  15. shamelessly borrow from jarosh@neogaf
  16. Don't forget N64 games are on VC
  17. I think the shell is an investment nintendo will make: 1) Encourage people to download N64 games = PROFIT 2) Some games may not be suitable for wii control e.g. Pro-evolution Soccer and SSBB. Nintendo dont want to scare 3rd parties and allow a wide variety of games. Nintendo dont want to take risks either. The wiimote is unproven and so needs a decent backup for traditional games. Developers will only develop for the standard kit. It is a risk to leave it out. So again= PROFIT Overall, I think nintendo will gain more profit and 3rd support for haveing the shell. It is very cheap as wireless most the electronics are in the wiimote.
  18. I would say only if yoshi is included
  19. I dont think thats necessarily true. There is a huge installed base of cube owner that wont upgrade for a while. There is going to be a lot of competition for wii gaming dollar too. So gamecube games ought to still make money Myself, I will keep buying Cube games simply because they are cheaper and I prefer normal controls for games like zelda. i think i will only get a wii for monkeyball type games. i.e. games that are built around the controller.
  20. its got internal flash memory (512MB I think). So a memory card is not needed for any known functions. Another reason why the article above is a load of rubbish.
  21. sorry you are upset. I was not being judgemental of you. If you like profanities go ahead. I just won't quote them in my replies.
  22. maturity .....
  23. Its a lesson to all the hype-mongers out there: WE WILL CATCH YOU... AND WHEN WE CATCH YOU, WE WILL KILL YOU (or call you names).
  24. Check the characters out. Going to be awesome. http://www.superherotimes.com/newsarchive/001197.php
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