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Everything posted by blender

  1. yep . So they can add it on when ever they want. I dont think they want people making comparisons like .. DVD playback vs HDDVD Playback DVD playback vs Blue Ray Playback The wii looses. Hence it is better to just not compete. If it is excluded, it is just a marketing decision. I am sure it will appear at a later stage when the wii is established as a games machine
  2. exactly . "Wii keep our promises". Wasn't that the tag line from the german press conference. They must have known the impending problems.
  3. strange how red steel gets all the exposure. I guess thats the joys of being an exclusive.
  4. Oxford street is always good. They usually give away a free game for the first 100. For the GBA sp it was in the morning. I got zelda LTTP game free and a bobble head mario. Nice!. Though I feel like a right nerd in the queue. There were a couple of tv crews so I had to hide my face as I am usually awol from work. So we anyone up for a revo-europe meetup in the oxford street queue . We can have awkward conversations when we realise the 10-20 year age gap differences. We can all go dressed as retro nintendo characters (not!)
  5. it could easily be added at a later stage. maybe nintendo dont want to bother at launch as they want to be the only "DEDICATED GAMES MACHINE". only technical reason not to include it may be to do with a copy protection system. its about as wanted as that GBA mp3 player thingy anywat
  6. also, this might mean that nintendo delay a key title so they have something to show against the ps3 on launch. maybe mario galazy or smash brothers will be held back until march
  7. this is bad news, nintendo will probabaly put their prices up in europe.
  8. hmm ....beating death is a tough one ... but not for Judge Dredd I AM THE LAW
  9. This is what I'm thinking. Patches dont have to change what is already there. They just provide alternatives and the instructions to use these alternatives Whatever resources (files, graphics, librarys) that are good stay the same. Whatever resources are redundant are substitued by the patching program. Since you cannot overwrite what is on a disc, a patching program alters the resource mangement so that the pointers are to the new files that it provides. Hence such patches could be interpreted as another program running in the background. The patching program is actually executed first and controls the whole show rather than the boot program on the gamecube disc. Software is developed through versioning and building libraries. You can add to these libraries and create a program to use these alternatives. I'm not a games programmer but dont see why it would be any different to other software. Maybe copy protection could bitch things up but I'm sure Nintendo would know how to hack their own software. Also, i'm not sure how deeply compiled games really are which could add further difficulties.
  10. when you think about it, action replay and free loader were just patches. the approach is to use a shell or preloader, that could patch games. (Also, think of how those GBA flash cartridges allow you to access their game change/save menus while playing a rom ) so definately possible for gamecube games....however, nintendo wont do this because there is no money in it. The only retrospective patch, I can think of would be to disable unofficial software like the forementioned freeloader. for the wii there are lots of possibilities for patches as seen in xbox live
  11. dont need to exercise just take some of these.......... l33t
  12. worried how short of stock they will be. Argos are excellent at competitive pricing. They had the biggest allocation of ds last christmas. So will probably end up buying from them.
  13. October 29 6.00pm GMT : Releseased to public October 29 6.00pm GMT : Sells Out October 30 12.00pm GMT: Wii Connect 24 comes online October 31 12.00pm GMT: Nintendo issues product recall October 30 9.00pm GMT: Wii Connect 24 gains conciousness October 30 10.00pm GMT: The consoles rise up November 1s 2006 : JUDGEMENT DAY ... ... deedee dum dum deedee dum dum deedee dum dum deedee dum dum
  14. The wii is sinking. Will the crash airbag double as a flotation device. I don't know. :horse:
  15. I can think of one, "Advance Wars" on the GBA. This therefore prooves that the power of the cell is necessary for great AI. It has absolutely nothing to do with the developer AI is not like graphics. You dont just up the horse power and instantly get better effects. And totally agree with the reasoning that AI is largely irrelevant in the age of online multiplayer. And we really dont want anything too smart else skynet will come online.
  16. it got 93% in the latest OMN calling it one of the best gamecube games.
  17. release date announced http://www.wiisource.com/articles/730/wii_release_date_234.html Wii Console: $219.95 US (included accessories yet to be revealed.) Wii-mote w\ nunchuck: $29.95 US The release date October 3rd in the USofA. Is this for real? Looks like an IGN page... but is not and you cannot navigate to it from http://www.ign.com I SAY FAKE SHIT
  18. as i said earlier GAME (inc gameplay) has the uk exclusive and so will be inflating the price. Don't put up with their crap and import it!
  19. and i thought sailing was tediusly time consuming.
  20. remake of a clasic game on the virtual console, "Jet Set Wiily"
  21. I haven't either.... but then thinking about it, the wii needs at least one of its launch games to use the wireless connection if only to advertise it exists. Some thing to speculate about.
  22. golf - just swinging power tennis - various shot types forehand, backhand, volley, slice etc remember e3 conference but cannot control player position baseball - swinging or throwing. rumour is that there will be a lot more games and there should be because they will all be shallow but FUN. think "evangelistic games". I'm sure it will be cheap or even bundled.
  23. the speaker in the wii mote coupled with pro-logic is a "poor mans" immersive surround sound of sorts and the best you can hope for.
  24. I wonder if sarah is going to keep the muscular wonder woman look
  25. can only find this for pre-order at game and gameplay. does this mean that game group plc have the exclusivee again ? (just like lego star wars 2 and monkey ball advanture). Dont want to pay too much .
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