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Showing most liked content on 01/23/24 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    Man, I bought an imported copy of this, and it won't run. It gets to the title screen but then just nothing happens. What a waste of money. The title screen says NTSCWorld as well, but I think that's just locational differences.
  2. 4 points
    Agreed. The notion of a game being released in “Early Access” is entirely a misnomer. Your game is “done” as soon as it’s available for sale; and should be judged accordingly. Besides, most AAA games are released in such a blatantly unfinished state that they may as well be called Early Access anyway
  3. 3 points
    getemoji.com And to clarify for others: emoticons are the ones you see in the reply box between quote and spoiler and are from about 1996. Reactions are responses to posts and are custom to N-E designed by @RedShell hence why there's a specific one in there... Wouldn't get rid of either, but could potentially add some more modern emoticons alongside the old ones.
  4. 3 points
    Transformations trailer: There are also some pastel pink Joy-Cons on the way to commemorate the game's release:
  5. 2 points
    Paging @Jonnas I remember you mentioning last year that you were waiting for a release date – and now it has one!
  6. 2 points
    Not to be that guy but the character of Mickie is still copyright protected. The short Steamboat Willie is in public domain and you can use that version of Mickie in relation to that public domain story. No gloves, normal size shoes (at least for a cartoon mouse) and the eyes are different. Plus I wouldn't be surprised if the hat has to be included. Just a warning if you were planning to make anything 😋 But if you want to see Disney characters with guns check out their World War II propaganda output. (And my phone wouldn't let me delete that Pokémon video, obviously it's a fan of Mewtwo). As for this game it looks like American teen edgelord nonsense. The kind of thing I imagine Elon Musk financing after being refused entry into the Pokémon café because he was drunk.
  7. 2 points
    Still looking really good: That shot of that Agni Kai Just a month to go...
  8. 2 points
    It's strange seeing the same websites and social media accounts that complained about the likes of Alan Wake 2 and Hellblade 2 setting a "dangerous trend" go on to celebrate the success of an unfinished digital-only game (incidentally, Baldur's Gate 3 also tends to not get mentioned, despite it being an example to publishers that digital only can be a huge success). I also think that "Early Access" (or Game Preview) is a completely irrelevant designation. If a game is being sold, then it has been released and should be judged the same as any other game being sold (after all, the updates are just promises and not guaranteed). As for the game itself, it looks completely and utterly unappealing. Just seems like just another average game in a genre that itself is rather tedious, just endless grinding to be able to grind more. Its popularity seems to be entirely based on the Pokémon rip-off side of things.
  9. 2 points
    The second game makes that much clearer. They're making fun of him being useless, and then he accidentally strands them in another world and sets an apocalypse in motion. F1 Pole Position 64 JP release: 28th March 1997 PAL release: 1st October 1997 NA release: 15th October 1997 Developer: Human Publisher: Human (JP) / Ubisoft (NA/PAL) N64 Magazine Score: 71% A racing simulation game about Formula 1. This features real racers and tracks, and a lot of options in terms of customising your car. You can play through a entire Grand Prix (10 laps per race, with qualifiers to improve your start position), individual races or time trials. It was the N64’s first racing simulation game. The biggest problem with F1 Pole Position is the draw distance. You can never see much of the track, so you can’t see upcoming turns at all. It’s also very distracting as stands and buildings appear out of thin air. The up-close graphics are well-detailed for the N64, but it doesn’t mean much when it hampers the gameplay severely. To make matters worse, your icon on the minimap is not very clear and blurs in with all the others. The driving feels a bit sluggish and unresponsive, too. It doesn’t feel broken, it just isn’t a lot of fun. I’m not very familiar with the history of racing simulation games (all I know is that this was shortly before Gran Turismo), so I can’t comment on how this fared for the genre, but it’s not really a game that needs to be looked back upon. Remake or Remaster? Other F1 games have eclipsed this one. Official ways to get the game. There is no official way to get F1 Pole Position.
  10. 2 points
    ...You know what? Makes perfect sense. This is probably the team that's mostly made up of former Cing staff. They live!
  11. 2 points
    Doraemon was huge in Portugal and Spain (still is, I think)... but not yet in 1997, so this game never came out here I'm impressed that such a substantial adaptation came out so early for the N64. Anyway, that Nobita comment made me laugh Him being useless is pretty faithful to the show!
  12. 1 point
    I love our emojis They're expressive, charming, cute, and characteristic. Somehow, we went from having a surprising variety of smileys throughout the internet, to gradually having every single platform share the exact same set of emojis. Except for N-E It's the best corner of the internet
  13. 1 point
    FINALLY! I kid you not, I checked if there were updates on this just this morning. I can finally play this 2022 game on my Switch. (Should've added FP2 to the 2024 pledge, I think ) By all means, Steam reviews are glowing. They also claim this to be a surprisingly long game.
  14. 1 point
    NISA did the Switch ports of the previous games, this is the first one Falcon did themselves.
  15. 1 point
    Yeah, it's hard to say I disagree with anything you mention – it really does look great. I'm super happy about the shots of levity, it feels like so many live-action projects these days kind of forget the joy of just being fun, or maybe it just feels that way because those aren't the ones getting the big budgets and being allowed to set the pace? I think the debates are going to come along after this first season has completely aired and the eternal discussion of how it holds up to the original animated series kick off, as happened with HBO's The Last of Us last year and the game. Not saying that's right or wrong, but yeah, it seems inevitable I'm also actually really curious to see how long conversation around this adaptation lasts. The Last of Us was only a game before it was adapted, meaning it could only be played by people with certain consoles, and with the changes they made too, having weekly episodes made a lot of sense – and a lot of the discourse was kept to the contents of the show itself. On the other hand, this entire first season of Netflix's TLA is being thrown out all at once, and with the story already being a known quantity and the original animated series still being available on the service (at least over here) I'm not sure it'll have that same long lasting impression on the public consciousness that TLOU managed to. I'd also love to know what the split is on existing fans checking it out vs total newcomers – I mean, at this point, surely the only holdouts of the regular Netflix subscribing crowd are going to be people who just don't care for animation? Anyways, I'll shut up That seems to be the plan from what I can gather? At least, this first season is covering all of ATLA S1. It's not been officially confirmed that the second and third seasons are locked in, I don't think, so I think they're waiting to see how the first season does, but I'll be shocked if it tanks and ends up getting cancelled after it's first season. My attempt at understanding Netflix wanting to adapt the series to live-action in the first place was to still have the franchise on their platform in some way after it potentially moves back to Paramount+ in more territories. Also, as great as the first season of ATLA is, the second and third seasons are overwhelmingly seen as the better seasons of the show. It's not really at risk of being a Cowboy Bebop situation from my POV because there wasn't all that much to adapt and they did so weirdly, whereas if they're capable of adapting ATLA S1, I'm going to have a hard time believing that they don't think they can make some serious waves by then going on to adapt S2 and S3.
  16. 1 point
    Doing so would be tantamount to admittence, and the courts would look unfavourably on it (See Emblem Saga Tear Ring Saga). There's no way they'd do something so stupid. If they were to attempt an oh shit! replacement strategy? The time for doing so would've been well before launch (really, before its first trailer). It's too late now to make that change without legal ramifications.
  17. 1 point
    Here's hoping that Capcom release a 3D version for PC then, huh?
  18. 1 point
    Trademark infringement is much easier to prove than copyright infringement, and Nintendo have already (inadvertently) set a legal precedent that allows for plagerism to take place with so called "spiritual successors", so long as assets are not stolen. Nintendo were able to DMCA take down the Pokemon Palworld mod almost immediately because it was a blatant and inarguable infringement on their existing trademarks, but that's not something that can be applied to Palworld proper because it does not explicitely feature the actual trademarked characters seen throughout the Pokemon series. Even though anyone with a working brain can see what Pokemon characters are being ripped off with Palworld, they're not actually the same characters and thus are technically legally distinct as far as trademark is concerned. Now. There is legal precedent that protects the infringement of Trade Dress with video game mechanics and design, specifically Tetris Holding, LLC v. Xio Interactive, Inc., but Palworld would be unlikely to fall under this form of infringement, because its gameplay mechanics do not steal from Pokemon; only its character designs and models. And as previously determined by Nintendo VS Enterbrain? Similarity in visual design is not enough to prove copyright infringement. If they want to make a legal case, they need to prove that actual Pokemon game assets were stolen or appropriated in such a way that the models seen in Palworld could not have been made in any other fashion. That's not an easy thing to prove, and also comes with potential serious commericial ramifications for them, as well as the entire Japanese video game industry, if they fail to win such a case. It's not impossible though. But it's something that will take time for Nintendo to dig into Palworld's assets and build a legal case against.
  19. 1 point
    The N-E smileys are really quite iconic at this point though, I'd be mortified to see them go. They're my favourite smileys on the interwebs Likewise, I'll always choose to give a "Thanks" rather than a Like because it's the classic N-E response
  20. 1 point
    I'm intrigued as to how the Fortnite style shooting is going to work. Why capture them in balls when you just shoot the shit outta them.
  21. 1 point
    So, big news just out. Netflix just secured the rights to WWE RAW. And outside the US, all WWE programming. Link here.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Yesterday, I was reading a thread about this. It certainly seems to have piqued the interest in the younger generation. Apparently the game is the hot topic in the playground at the moment, with lots of kids either playing it or wanting to play it.
  24. 1 point
    I do like a good survival game from time to time. This one looks like it could be fun but the plagerism is just way too blatant for me to reward the devs by buying it.
  25. 1 point
    First of all, the concept of "Pokémon, but with guns" is what initially drew people in. The initial trailer went all in with that. Other factors include the fact that Survival games are huge with the PC crowd. They can't get enough of them. "Streamer bait" is another contributing factor, as has already been mentioned, with viewers of said streamers going on to buy the game themselves. Then, as it became apparent that plagiarism has occured, some people have jumped on to "stick it to Nintendo". Yes, it's incredibly immature, but that's console warring for you. And I'm willing to bet a not-insignificant number of people have bought it, because they believe there's a real chance that it could get delisted because of said blatant theft.
  26. 1 point
    Yeah, they just play games that are trending because more views = more money. At least most of them do As soon as interest in Palworld drops or there's a new big thing, they move on.
  27. 1 point
    Sorry meant to say the streamers 😀
  28. 1 point
    Most out of the 6 million, or most of the streamers? Because the latter usually only play games to make cash, even if they don't enjoy the games. Out of everyone? I'm pretty sure most play them because they enjoy it. It seems to be a good game. My friends will be all in if it ever comes to PS5. I might dabble with it, too, because I like playing games like these with my friends. There's always good banter to be had.
  29. 1 point
    I've never understood the love/hype for survival type games. Guess they just aren't my thing. That's certainly what some of it will be. It's the hot product and so the streaming community will no doubt jump on it.
  30. 1 point
    Jesus fucking Christ, the blatant theft going around in this game is insane. Like, you don't even need to look at the 3D models, that's just Meganium's face! They didn't even bother changing the format of its eyes! From an artistic standpoint, this is simply repulsive. And of all properties they wanted to steal from, they went to the biggest IP in the world, owned by the most paranoid-about-copyright company in the videogaming space? They're going to get what they deserve. They would have better luck stealing Mickey Mouse, and I'm not even kidding.
  31. 1 point
    TPC might be getting more concrete grounds to sue. Because yeah, this can't be chalked up to coincidence. VGC article on the matter. EDIT: Also, a list of just over 50 Pals that range from blatant to suspect.
  32. 1 point
    Very cool! Interesting that the design language was already set in so early. Would’ve expected it to more closely evoke the Wii U & 3DS considering that this menu design hails from circa 2015-2016.
  33. 1 point
    Day 300 of no alcohol, woohoo!
  34. 1 point
    Did not think Eastward was going to be an action RPG with a turnbased Dragon Quest game inside it. Seems like a good game, even if it's a bit slow going, at least to begin with. Interesting style, atmosphere and music. Not looking for this sort of thing right now but will be keeping it in mind so that's somewhat job done as far as the game trial goes. Reminded me there's a few other eShop games like Jack Move and ANNO: Mutationem I'd like to get, too. Just wish it had d-pad movement.
  35. 1 point
    Man, there were one or two I'd seen that I thought were stretches, but so many of these are pretty damning. I'm not normally a fan of how Nintendo and co. handle things like fan games, mods, etc., or how they used to be with their games/music being on YouTube (they're generally getting better)... ...but I am really interested in seeing how they choose to handle this particular situation. This is maybe the first time I've seen where it could easily call for Nintendo & co. throwing their full force behind doing something here – so many of the smaller situations are easy to foresee being taken down, there's been nothing close to this scale and it really brings into question even further the debates about art currently, almost parallel to the AI art discussions we've seen over the last few years. I haven't looked into it but I wouldn't be shocked at all if some of these designs utilised an AI in their construction, because they certainly have that look to them. Anyways, 5 million purchases now and currently the third highest game on Steam for concurrent players (behind only PUBG and CS2). Nuts.
  36. 1 point
    That would be telling... I'd rather show with vids. So, look forward to Thursday. But let's just say the glitch that you use to skip Mia is called the Retreat Glitch, and it still works in The Lost Age. To hilarious effect. EDIT: Actually, wait. Screw it. Can't wait. This is the kind of silliness I mean, @EEVILMURRAY.
  37. 1 point
    Considering the time frame of its release? This honestly looks pretty impressive, especially for a cheap licensed game. 3D platformers are amongst the most difficult types of games to make, but especially in the mid 90s where nothing was standardised and middleware didn’t yet exist. This honestly looks fairly comparable to Croc 1, which is no mean feat. Kudos!
  38. 1 point
    Doraemon: Nobita and the Three Fairy Spirit Stones JP release: 21st March 1997 NA release: N/A PAL release: N/A Developer: Epoch Publisher: Epoch N64 Magazine Score: 60% Original Name: Doraemon: Nobita to Mittsu no Seireiseki Doraemon is a very popular anime/manga character. I’ve definitely seen the robo cat’s design before. The first N64 outing took inspiration from Super Mario 64 – to the point that multiple reviewers at the time suggested it was close enough for Nintendo’s lawyers to get involved. While it looks a bit like Super Mario 64 (especially the first level, with trees looking like they were stripped out), but it doesn’t play like Mario. Doraemon is a 3D platformer and is a lot like Mario, but different in many ways. You have access to five different characters (plus a bonus one after beating the game) – Doraemon himself and the kids he hangs out with. There’s a girl that jumps higher than the rest and throws bombs, there’s kid that looks like Tommy Pickles that punches and does more damage, while Doraemon has an arm cannon. Interestingly, the title character, Nobita, is just a poor gameplay clone of Doraemon, so there’s no reason to ever use him. You can swap between them at will, but the game never makes use of this mechanic. Then there’s the actual movement. Mario had a wide moveset, in Doraemon you have one kind of jump. It’s stiff and clunky and to make matters work, your character comes to a complete stop when you land. When the movement of a platforming game is dull, it makes the whole game dull. There are a few minigames thrown in, such as a racing game and a scrolling vertical shooter, but these are similarly boring to control. The story is something I had to rely on Google translate, which baffled me as the first line came out as “Is it coronavirus?”, it turned out that the King’s name is “Korona”. Anyway, an ancient danger has awoken, the princess is sent to get help from another world because Doraemon has a magical pocket. The pocket gets stolen, but you get it back early on, but the objects are missing. Oh, and there are some fairy stones that you also need to collect pieces off to defeat the ancient evil. The stones are simple, as they’re just at the end of levels, but the other objects are hidden in chests across the world. Some are optional, some are required, and you have to do some really random things for some, including repeating previous levels (but only some). Doraemon isn’t atrocious, there’s just nothing good about it. The levels all feel random with no stand out visual design to them, and the gameplay itself is just boring. Japanese speakers who are fans of the show might get something out of the (fairly generic) story and random objects (I’m just guessing that they might be references), but it would still be tedious to play through the game. Remake or Remaster? There isn’t much reason to play this game. Official ways to get the game. There is no official way to get Doraemon
  39. 1 point
    Hahaha I tend to sneak in every now and again! Though I've never found a community like this one so may stick around this time who knows lol. Reddit is pretty toxic! What I like about these remasters and remakes is reworked controls. I loved what they did with Goldeneye on Xbox literally felt like I was playing a different game!
  40. 1 point
    The original games bypassed me as I never owned a PS1 I was an N64 kid so I'm going to give it a go anyway I enjoyed the recent games so be good to play the OG games for the first time.
  41. 1 point
  42. 0 points
    Here are a bunch of examples I nicked from Era.