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The Reviews Thread


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Does anyone else think that Gamespot did this just for attention? I haven't read the review but from the pros and cons it seems that they can't really justify an 8.8 for such petty reasons. And everyone else says that the Wii controls are great. And they gave Majora's Mask 8.5.. :indeed:


edit: Just heard it was the same person who gave:


Diddy Kong Racing 6.6

PDZ 9.0

Tony Hawks 10/10


Take it with a pinch of salt.

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Does anyone else think that Gamespot did this just for attention? I haven't read the review but from the pros and cons it seems that they can't really justify an 8.8 for such petty reasons. And everyone else says that the Wii controls are great. And they gave Majora's Mask 8.5.. :indeed:


edit: Just heard it was the same person who gave:


Diddy Kong Racing 6.6

PDZ 9.0

Tony Hawks 10/10


Take it with a pinch of salt.


Of course they did it for attention. This silly man is just some fat net geek who's probably a virgin, and he wants some attention. Gamespot have hit an all time low, this has really annoyed me.


Look, Gamespot are trying to make a name for themselves and get noticed. These are the people that praised PD0, batter Mario Kart, and seem to give perfect scores to a Tony Hawks game. Wankers.

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I never thought a review could piss me off as much as the Gamespot one has.


Does anyone else think that Gamespot did this just for attention? I haven't read the review but from the pros and cons it seems that they can't really justify an 8.8 for such petty reasons. And everyone else says that the Wii controls are great. And they gave Majora's Mask 8.5.. :indeed:


edit: Just heard it was the same person who gave:


Diddy Kong Racing 6.6

PDZ 9.0

Tony Hawks 10/10


Take it with a pinch of salt.



Here are EDGE's reviews:

Zelda TP 9

Wii Sports 7

Red Steel 5

SMB: Banana Blitz 7

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Here are EDGE's reviews:

Zelda TP 9


I knew it.


Anyway the fact that under the 8.8 score Gamespot gave Zelda it says great I'm not really that bothered.


But the fact that this was reviewed by a guy who's clearly retarded makes me angry.


Diddy Kong racing was one of the great multiplayer games on the N64, PDZ was just a poor guns-blazing game and everything looked like it was laminated and I just hate Tony Hawk games. :hehe:

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Err Jeff didn't review PDZ, that was Greg.


It's not the graphics, it's everything else. The lack of consistency between reviews, and absurd reasons. Sure you like FF, and for hardcores every time is different, but for people that don't like it, its been pretty much the same for 15 years.


But FF probably evolves more than Zelda. After OoT, the 3D ones have played pretty much the same and never really done anything extra, from battle mechanics to item collecting. The only new stuff(apart from the obvious like story) in Wind Waker was the graphics, ship sailing and the one off chance of hiding in a barrel.


I personally don't mind it myself, as I like the Zelda formula, but I can see where he comes from to some extent.

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Oh dear. I'm getting that too though. ^_^


Speaking on reviews though. I think FF12 deserves more than 9.0 and Guitar Hero 2 more than 8.7, but I aren't letting it bother me that they didn't. I just accept it and carry on playing the games.


but none of those games are zelda . . .

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Well Final Fantasy is just as big as Zelda. So I don't know about that reason. :P


P.S Congratulations! The good news is that you were one of the first customers to have ordered a Wii from GAME.co.uk and we are happy to inform you that we are expecting to receive enough units of Wii from Nintendo, to fulfil your hardware order for launch! WEEEE go GAME!

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Well Final Fantasy is just as big as Zelda. So I don't know about that reason. :P


but Zelda is the most high quality game series and has always received the most critical acclaim of all series and its been going for 20 years. FF is for its core audience, a lot of people don't like traditional RPGs. i don't like stealth so most MGS games for me deserve 8/10. Zelda is for all gamers who like games. anyone can enjoy it and thats one of the key differences.

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If he'd given it a 9, just 0.2 higher and no doubt deserving, it wouldn't have caused so much outrage. I'm thinking the higher ups told him to put his score in the high 8s because, while that's a good score, it'll also cause widespread controversy and get the site a million viewers in no time.

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but Zelda is the most high quality game series and has always received the most critical acclaim of all series and its been going for 20 years. FF is for its core audience, a lot of people don't like traditional RPGs. i don't like stealth so most MGS games for me deserve 8/10. Zelda is for all gamers who like games. anyone can enjoy it and thats one of the key differences.



Err The FF series is also high quality and had incredible reviews through its series as well. Don't forget that FF7 pretty much put RPGs on the map for the none asian people. Also more people buy FF games than Zelda games. It's the 3rd biggest selling video game franchise (Mario and Pokemon been the higher ones)

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Voice acting in games is rarely good and whenever it is I don't think adding it to an established series with established characters is a good idea. If Nintendo want to create a new franchise and use voice acting in that then that would be fantastic. It worked in Final Fantasy because despite being an established series, the characters were new in each game. I think having full voice acting added to established characters is enough to put some people off, look at FF7: Advent Children - the vast majority of FF7 fans who picked that up refused to play it in English, opting for Japanese with English subtitles instead.


The reason for that is simple, when you play a game without vocals you tend to develop your own interpretation of how the characters speak. People who played the original FF7 didn't want to hear english voices added to spoilt the illusion, it works in much the same way as Mario Sunshine and the recent Sonic games (Both of which had dreadful voice acting) were absolutely cringeworthy because no-one imagined the characters speaking in general, especailly not sounding as awful as Peach/Bowser did in Mario Sunshine.


I wouldn't like to hear any traditional Zelda character such as Zelda, Gannondorf or Link be fully voiced and frankly voicing everyone else but not them would just seem odd. Besides, a lot of scripting in games is quite poor and even games with the best voicea cting can have a few cringeworthy lines.


I'm happy with the random noises and I'm happy to read the text, its never spoilt a game for me in any way before. Gamespot have generally talked rubbish just to be controversial and whilst they write some good articles the vast majority of their reviews are pretty crap.


I would take Edges scores with a pinch of salt as well - Lets not forget Smash Bros has always had poor scores in Edge yet Melee is the favourite game of most Gamecube owners.


IGN tend to be the most accurate in my eyes, can't say I've ever hugely disagreed with a mark they've given.

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While I agree that 9 wouldn't have gotten on people's tits as much, there are two factors to consider. Gamespot don't really decide what to give a game, they just put in scores for different aspects of it and the final score is generated based on that. Sure you can tweak individual categories to get closer to a 9.0, but aren't you sort of reviewing games for the wrong reason then?


Second; Gamespot don't need to pretend to do stuff to generate site interest. It's well big enough as it is. It's perhaps unfortunate though - that Zelda is essentially a Gamecube game on the Wii with in some cases a convoluted way of using its unique capabilities and possibly also hardware performance - but also that this is reviewed back to back with PS3 games, bound to dazzle people with its visuals and HI DEF-ness and put 480p Gamecubeness in rather unflattering contrast. Especially for Jeff, who's a bit of a graphics nut.


One can only think that TP would've fared better on Gamespot had it remained a Gamecube game, is my conclusion.

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One of the things that really gets to me is the same guy gave THPS3 a 10/10? I got that game for launch with my Gamecube and yes, I loved it. But if you're going to criticise a game for being more of the same - that one would've got less than 8.


That review has been ridiculed for years now.

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