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J Allard, try not to make me laugh too much!


Has he been paying attention to the developer comments and enthusiasm behind the Rev controller?


If he did come up with a "similar" controller idea, then it must not have been good in it's application and thus not got much attention!


What a plonker!


Well i'm sure loads of people have had a remote in their hand and wanted to just move it around instead of scrolling up and down. He's making it sound like he was first to come up with the idea. It's not really an invention at all, the technology was already there.


Pfffffff....Very impressive Microsoft. Youve managed to both insult Nintendo and license yourself to copy them all in the same interview. Well done! *thumbs down*


J Allard is a stupid cocky c*nt!!


I don't need to read that thing to know the kind of things he would have said. He's my most hated person EVER!!


.....Now I've read it and have one thing to say: SHELL!!!


"How am I going to watch a movie on Revolution? Am I going to have a different remote than that or am I going to have to use the four colored buttons?"


-_- its a games console, doesn't seem to grasp that does he? Ah well, amusing read none-the-less.

  Ashley said:
"How am I going to watch a movie on Revolution? Am I going to have a different remote than that or am I going to have to use the four colored buttons?"


-_- its a games console, doesn't seem to grasp that does he? Ah well, amusing read none-the-less.


The buttons aren't even coloured!!! What a dick!!


I don't like him, he does seem a bit full of himself... full of cr*p too.


I laughed when he said 'how am I supposed to watch a movie on Revolution' as someone said, it's a games console! Buy a dvd player if you want to watch movies or go to the cinema or better still stay inside and watch it on xbox 360 while you're making toast with it and doing the 500+ other things it'll probably do that have nothing to do with gaming.


[EDIT] Although.. it'd be pretty cool to have a console that can make toast :grin:

  Ninja Mullet said:
[EDIT] Although.. it'd be pretty cool to have a console that can make toast :grin:


And there was I thinking that this comic was just kidding! ;)




Well to be honest, any one could of thought of it.

Its only a revolution in gaming, any were else it could of been used. Its just adding a ton of motion technology into one.

And I know exactly how they could of gotten the idea for this, Nintendo might not have nicked it off some one else, just had an idea, but im pretty sure some one else was thinking the same thing elsewere.


The way they got an idea -

I noticed playing mario kart one night, when i got nervous and realy wanted to win, I kept turning the controller the way I turned my kart. Example: Leaning to the side in reality while power sliding in mario kart.


And heres were the imagination comes in, What if there was a way that acting as if your playing made a different inside the game?


I've thought about it before, but I was only thinking motion sensor, Nintendo have gone big on there idea, and I can guarantee Mariokart on revolution will most prob be my favourite game ever.


Does anyone else read through the Rev forum if only to mentally check off forum users as fanboys and non-fanboys?


(If you'd like to know how you scored, just PM me, or, I'll be publishing a list at the end of the year!)


Oh yeah, that J Allard, what a "c*nt"!

  Bowser57 said:
Does anyone else read through the Rev forum if only to mentally check off forum users as fanboys and non-fanboys?


(If you'd like to know how you scored, just PM me, or, I'll be publishing a list at the end of the year!)


Oh yeah, that J Allard, what a "c*nt"!


If you do that....then you're sad. And plus I am not a fanboy, as you suggested by the "c*nt" quote. I like the XBox....but Allard is a sad immature prick.


Gotta agree with Kurt there, I have an xbox myself and Microsoft have accomplished a lot by bringing online console gaming to the masses but J Allard is just an arrogant git.


I only scored 4/10 on Bowser's fanboy ratings. I blame all you Sony and Microsoft fellatio conductors, go burn in hell with your next generation consoles of most homosexual orientations. Let death beseech itself upon you kindred fellows, whom shall hereby be refferred to as female genitalia, take forth with you the corporate corpses of heathens from the hellacious valleys of Sony and Microsoft.

  Pit-Jr said:
Pfffffff....Very impressive Microsoft. Youve managed to both insult Nintendo and license yourself to copy them all in the same interview. Well done! *thumbs down*


Indeed. This is something that Microsoft have specialized in.


Also, I in fact thought up the internet a few years back. Ahem.

  Athriller said:
I only scored 4/10 on Bowser's fanboy ratings. I blame all you Sony and Microsoft fellatio conductors, go burn in hell with your next generation consoles of most homosexual orientations. Let death beseech itself upon you kindred fellows, whom shall hereby be refferred to as female genitalia, take forth with you the corporate corpses of heathens from the hellacious valleys of Sony and Microsoft.

I love this guy! He makes the Video gaming industry sound like a bible!


But yeah, Allard realy does need to come out of his shell. He's only thinking about the possible good future, not the bad side. It seems like he does not know the threat from rival consoles! I maybe underestimating here, but PS3 does not sound like much of a threat at the current moment. So, thats there main worry solved, but they are realy underestimating nintendo. Allard, if you think the only thing revolution is good at is making simplified buttons, your wrong. It is a great idea, Not able to play sports games? Basket ball, you bounce the ball with the controller, and swing the controller in the direction of a player you want to pass it to. Football, This is a great idea, you move the controller to move the player, and use the buttons to pass it or shoot, you dont need that many buttons to play football games!

And the thing that makes him sound like an idiot: i cant see racing games working for this thing. Have you not read gaming websites? No of course not, your still brainstorming on how to make more profit ripping off your customers making hundreds after hundreds of peripherals at a 50 dollar price tag to make your gamers comfortable, instead of actualy including it in your console. Nintendo does this! One way people have thought is to turn the controller on its side, and steer it like you do with a peripheral.


Face it, he's written this for the sole purpose to entice the people who havent heard much of revolutions controller, Nintendo is doing Microsoft a favour, enticing new players in to the industry.


Now, i know for a fact he wont read this, but this is what I would say if we talked.


Its an easy Idea to come by, I dont care who says it isnt, but it realy is. Nintendo have been absolute geniuses by making this for Video games.

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