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We Have 10 Years To Save the World


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BIKES haha I'm guessing in big cities bikes get old fast.


Actually it's not all that bad........ If you ever take a trip to Japan, take note at the massive amounts of bikes being used...... It's quite cool walking down the road and then seeing a massive pile of hundreds of bikes. lol Whilst it's quite messy it takes up less room then cars and it's a lot cleaner..... Only problem is you occasionally have to quickly dodge bikes whilst walking down the street. >.<;;;


It's quite funny seeing people saying "blahblah I'm not doing anything without proof blahblah" but if/when the proof does come and it's too late the same people are gunna be crying for the same people to save them from the rising waters... /sigh

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Except global warming is not a problem. Maybe I stand alone, but I have not seen any evidence that global warming has a human cause. All you ever see is what is going to happen when global warming is upon us and how the entire problem is America's fault. Just because the Earth is warming does not mean that it's the error of man. I recall, about 30 years ago, when every scientist the world over was hysterically screaming about how the next ice age was upon us and we were all doomed. Now the problem is the Earth getting warmer? Unless they present me with undeniable, unarguable, indisputable evidence that global warming is caused by humans, the scientific community can take a nice long look at my middle finger.


Scientists are all doom bringers anyway. They said the oil would run out in the early 80s, early 90s, early 00s...has it? No


Really they put glib statements out just to get the government to fund their research. I highly doubt it is anywhere near as bad as you said. They always do this. The polar Ice Caps were meant to be completely melted by 2002 if I recall correctly


Why is it always the scientists that get the blame. Yes science can be inexact, but they're trying to predict the future, which is never an easy task. Back in the 1980's predicitions for oil reserves were made on the information had back then, but because of the predictions of oil being exhausted, exploration was stepped up a gear. As a result new reserves were found and the prediction had to be revised based on this new information. Don't go thinking oil is an infinite resource, it isn't, it will run out soon unless some new large deposits are found.


Also it is still thought an ice age could happen. Nobody can quite predict what effects global warming might have and there are some models that predict that despite the world warming an ice age could occur, in Britain at least. As the ice at polar caps melt it is releasing a vast amount of fresh water into the oceans, which decreases the concentration of salt. This may slow ocean currents which provide a large role in stablising the Earth's climate. As a result we may see extremes of a hot desert environment at the equator and cold polar environments at the poles. Anyway, the trends between CO2 emissions and rising temperatures over the last hundred years seem so closely linked it seems a bit daft to completely discredit it as at least a factor in climate change.

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Except global warming is not a problem. Maybe I stand alone, but I have not seen any evidence that global warming has a human cause. All you ever see is what is going to happen when global warming is upon us and how the entire problem is America's fault. Just because the Earth is warming does not mean that it's the error of man. I recall, about 30 years ago, when every scientist the world over was hysterically screaming about how the next ice age was upon us and we were all doomed. Now the problem is the Earth getting warmer? Unless they present me with undeniable, unarguable, indisputable evidence that global warming is caused by humans, the scientific community can take a nice long look at my middle finger.



probably because you haven't looked for it, right?


the evidence is there, and it's undeniable now- even the men who spend their lives being paid to discredit factual evidence in the name of corporate profit margins are going to have to admit it sooner or later.

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ok so i have read this thread, very interesting it has been too. What is the answer? what can we do? this is a problem not many are denying it but what are the alternatives?


i have one that i am quiet frankly surprised no one has ever mention (publically anyway) solar power. have big ass solar pannels in the desert. all you would need is someone with the capital to get it going and they could basically make money then on for relatively little out lay.

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probably because you haven't looked for it, right?


the evidence is there, and it's undeniable now- even the men who spend their lives being paid to discredit factual evidence in the name of corporate profit margins are going to have to admit it sooner or later.


Yep, I really hate those guys. Anyway a couple of dandy looking graphs lifted from my lecture notes which hammer home the point a bit:


Lovely selection of scientists thoughts on temperatures over the past 1000 years, looks like we're stuck in pretty massive upwards spike.



And a graph showing the increase in CO2 in the atmosphere over the past 100 years. Going on these two, I'd say we're pretty screwed.


ok so i have read this thread, very interesting it has been too. What is the answer? what can we do? this is a problem not many are denying it but what are the alternatives?


i have one that i am quiet frankly surprised no one has ever mention (publically anyway) solar power. have big ass solar pannels in the desert. all you would need is someone with the capital to get it going and they could basically make money then on for relatively little out lay.


True the Sahara desert apparantly could produce enough solar energy to power the whole world three times over, but you got to think how massively expensive and technically difficult a project like that would be. With oil it can be shipped anywhere in the world to be burnt and create energy, but for that to happen with a massive desert solar power station you would have to create some massive cables to get it where it would be needed. One place it could work though is around Las Vegas, think of how much energy that place uses when all around the is perfect place for clean energy production.

Either way, renewable energy production and nuclear power will pretty much have to be the future as far as I can see, and preferably sooner rather then later, before the fossil fuels run out.

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I found this site to have some nice information about this subject. Read it. Pretty basic, but it explains the problems and how we should fix it.





Also, about the solar panels in the desert. I think the problem with that is to get that power to cities that need it. You'd only really be able to get it to nearby cities. You don't even need to place them in a desert though. What with the roofs of buildings? They're used for nothing at all (especially skyscrapers and the like) and could house quite some solar panels. You don't even need direct sunlight to create energy, just light particles (there's a word for it but I forgot what it is). There's enough of those.


There are enough alternatives available right now, it's just that people like to hang on to what they're used to. As long as governments aren't going to make a change, I don't think the people will follow.

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Mm. You have to take these things with a careful eye. Basically I remember a headline that said AIDS would be curable within four months.... that was 5 years ago.


While I agree we cannot continue as we are forever, we have to look a sustainable and reasonable options for change. Socially, we are simply unprepared for this though.

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Yep, I really hate those guys. Anyway a couple of dandy looking graphs lifted from my lecture notes which hammer home the point a bit:


Lovely selection of scientists thoughts on temperatures over the past 1000 years, looks like we're stuck in pretty massive upwards spike.



And a graph showing the increase in CO2 in the atmosphere over the past 100 years. Going on these two, I'd say we're pretty screwed.


Go back a few million years. The CO2 in the atmostphere did the same thing. Temparature, too. So, no direct evidence that humans are the main cause.


Global Warming will happen, and has happenend before. Ironic result of global warming - Ice Age.


Main effects - volcanic cycle, Earth's axis of rotation moving.


Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. Mercury is the closest. Venus is hotter because of Global warming. There is also evidence of global warming on Mars.


edit: Also, how many meriorites, according to the media, were going to hit the Earth in the past 10 years? Quite a few. Media likes saying that the world is going to end. Makes them money, like mass deaths.

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bottom line is i learnt about this just after saddam had finished gassing people. so how the hell is it a big issue now. surly we could have started work back then to change things other than not using spray on deodarent eerrrr!

blairs just tryin to paint himself in a better light thats why hes jumped on the band waggon. im sticking with branson. only he can save us now.


woooooooooooooooould yoooouu, like to swing on a star, or carry moon base home in a jar.


eeeeeeeerrr think i will take star bob and no i dont need to phone a friend


and who ever the american is GUNNA is a word. if shizzel has enterd the dictionary i think you should let gunna slide to be honest go to manchester and you will see it being used like water with tea because i am going to..................naa just doesnt work GONNA thats better and faster.

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Go back a few million years. The CO2 in the atmostphere did the same thing. Temparature, too. So, no direct evidence that humans are the main cause.


Global Warming will happen, and has happenend before. Ironic result of global warming - Ice Age.


Main effects - volcanic cycle, Earth's axis of rotation moving.


Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. Mercury is the closest. Venus is hotter because of Global warming. There is also evidence of global warming on Mars.


edit: Also, how many meriorites, according to the media, were going to hit the Earth in the past 10 years? Quite a few. Media likes saying that the world is going to end. Makes them money, like mass deaths.


True, climate change on the current scale has happend in the past naturally due to factors like volcanism, movement of the Earth in the solar system and sunspot activity. However at the moment there isn't a vast increase in volcanism, sunspot activity seems pretty stable at around 150 and the temperature is jumping up far too quickly for the Earth's tilt of axis or elliptical orbit to be a cause as that creates a gradual shift in climate. Which leaves the a pretty damning bit of evidence of the current rise in greenhouse gases which can only be accounted for by human activity.

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the evidence is there, and it's undeniable now- even the men who spend their lives being paid to discredit factual evidence in the name of corporate profit margins are going to have to admit it sooner or later.


Not really, it's entirely possible it is something else, but, to say we aren't doing crap because it might be is just the stupidest thing I've ever heard.... It's like playing russian roulette. :-/

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Remember the film "Day After Tomorrow", remember when "the shit started to hit the fan" and you saw a scene with the Vice President who wouldn't act soon enough cause "it would cost too much" money, remember thinking "I told you so".... we'll likely be telling our own governments and leaders "i told you so" very soon

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