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  The3rdChildren said:
I booked the launch Friday off work and if all goes to plan I'll be locking myself in my room for a three day Zelda weekend with all variety of body-killing snacks and treats.


Great minds think alike... i also have booked that day off.. because theres no way i could pull a sicky as they would all know what i would be doing!


Damn I won't get to play anything until probably the 17th December, cos I will be playing Smackdown vs raw on the 16th December, then a loverly dose of cube games me thinks.


Thats it.


Apart from I am going to watch every single episode of FFU, and other anime classics whil I wait


I don't know.


Zelda probably. I'd probably want Wii Sports first for the controls but I doubt I can resist the temptation.

I booked the launch Friday off work and if all goes to plan I'll be locking myself in my room for a three day Zelda weekend with all variety of body-killing snacks and treats.


That's the spirit! :D


My collegues know I won't be in that day, yet they have no idea why. They are not as gameminded as I am. And I still have free days to spare! Ah, the benefits of a government job! :wink:

  The3rdChildren said:
I booked the launch Friday off work and if all goes to plan I'll be locking myself in my room for a three day Zelda weekend with all variety of body-killing snacks and treats.

I too have booked that Friday off work and the following Monday. So I've got plenty of time to play! It's sad really:o


First NES games: Super Mario Bros. First SNES game: Super Mario World. First N64 game: Super Mario 64. First GameCube game: Super Monkey Ball. So...


...first game I will play? Well after setting the console (made Mii) Most likely Wii Sports so I can get to grips with the controller and see what it's all about. Plus my mate is getting his Wii at the same time so he will possibly come to my house and we will play some multiplayer.


Then it will be Zelda, Zelda, Zelda and some more Zelda!


im gona sit there and wait until ssbm comes out! sit there the whole time..watchin the wii waiting for my ssbm to be delivered. then i wont play ssbm il just watch the intro and drool.. then maybe a little zelda :)


I'm probably not going to play Zelda first. I want to get used to using the Remote first, so I'll probably play Wii Sports for a while and then get into Zelda.

  The3rdChildren said:
I booked the launch Friday off work and if all goes to plan I'll be locking myself in my room for a three day Zelda weekend with all variety of body-killing snacks and treats.


Sounds like a plan.

I'll be doing the same.

Guest Stefkov

I'll be getting it after college so first itll be a quick couple of goes/mulitplayer on Wii play and Wii sports.

Then after 7-ish/8-ish, Zelda. Saturday will probably be a go of Red Steel. Then more Zelda at night. Then sunday will be another go of both probably.

Then monday is college, and i will be extromendously tired.

  The3rdChildren said:
I booked the launch Friday off work and if all goes to plan I'll be locking myself in my room for a three day Zelda weekend with all variety of body-killing snacks and treats.


  cube_game said:
Great minds think alike... i also have booked that day off.. because theres no way i could pull a sicky as they would all know what i would be doing!


You guys arent hardcore :mad: why book it off when you can be a badass mother fucker and just not come in?


Honestly, dont listen to me. Your both well aware I havent got a job myself

  Moria said:
It depends who else is up, if my brothers at home we'll probably go for Red Steel co-op or WiiSports, if he isn't. Zelda all the way!


Red Steel co-op????


Oh as for me Wii Sports first then Zelda mmm Zelda! :hehe:

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