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UCAS Application


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That time of year has come around again when a bunch of us should be applying to University. I was just wondering what everyone was planning and if they're having any problems, perhaps we can solve them here.


My main problem is that I don't know what I want to do. I've already taken a year out. I'm good with computers but thats such a cliche... I'm pretty good at English and wouldn't mind being a journalist... I supose the only thing to do is go and see my careers advisor - which I'm doing on Tuesday.

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Good music, skateboarding and social scene.


Minor details.

Must not be a shit University, must not speak Northern (no offence but I don't understand you guys.. I was open minded to Manchester before going there)


Probably end up in London and in huge debt, oh well.


I will probably study science, perhaps Chemistry if I bother going. I might just be a simpleton.. working for alcohol and skateboards until I'm 30 with my friends.


University is the key to a nice big house, fancy car and lots of things you want. It's the key to middle class.


Not sure if it's for me personally. I am smart.. but lots of smart people are fuckers.. and I wouldn't want to spend 3 years with them.

It would change me or depress me, I don't want to end up like 'them'.


My local institute teaches vocational stuff, pretty good for arts too. Might be a photographer.


Conclusion- I have no fucking idea.

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Primary Education, 3 yrs at Bangor, Wales. Or another subject, and do Teaching as post grad maybe, for 4 years.



Ah.....the one and only slightly decent course at Bangor (or any Welsh uni, bar Cardiff, which is the only good uni in Wales)...remember: It's cheap for a reason.


For any other subject, I'll recommend somewhere in England or Scotland. Still, if you like the place, then It doesn't matter.



must not speak Northern


Only way to do that would be to avoid university altogether.

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I think I'm going to apply for Business and Law at Edinburgh Uni. I want to apply for other things as well, but I'm not sure. 99% sure I want t ostay in Scotland as I wont have to pay fees, don't want to go to a Glasgow uni as I dont really like the area much, Edinburgh is my preferred choice by far.


I've filled in all the things apart from my personal statement and course choices on the UCAS site, need to do that soon actually, my school wants everything done by November 9th or something like that...

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I think I'm going to apply for Business and Law at Edinburgh Uni. I want to apply for other things as well, but I'm not sure. 99% sure I want t ostay in Scotland as I wont have to pay fees, don't want to go to a Glasgow uni as I dont really like the area much, Edinburgh is my preferred choice by far.


I've filled in all the things apart from my personal statement and course choices on the UCAS site, need to do that soon actually, my school wants everything done by November 9th or something like that...


Move up your ass up north and go to Aberdeen Uni.

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Theres a university in Swansea?


There sure is. A few of my friends go there, and they're doing some kind of engineering course. They love it. It's positioned right next to the beach, too, which makes me quite jealous. :)


I applied there, but eventually went to Brighton instead. But, it was pretty hard to turn down Swansea. I also applied for Glamorgan university, too. Not as great as Swansea or Cardiff, but it's still pretty much an up and coming place.

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Chase the dream. Sounds pretencious, but if you don't chase what you really want you'll kick yourself when you're old.


If love is all you want that isn't any less of a dream, but if you have a dream job, go for it.


Also really look at whether Uni is good for your job. So many people get into jounalism by simply sending in articles/starting at the bottom of a company. Degrees aren't always the easiest option.


So many people get degrees in "the arts/creative jobs" but aren't actually any good.

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I really need help on this. I've been all my life looking for something to study at university, but i just can't find anything that gets me excited, and i need a goal, so as to feel that i'm going somewhere.


I'm planning to study here in the UK, but i don't really know which universities are good or which places are nice.


Someone knows of any site on the internet which can help me to see all universities and the different degrees and things?


...Now that i think about it, maybe something wich mix filming and music composition would be really interesting... some ideas?

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That time of year has come around again when a bunch of us should be applying to University. I was just wondering what everyone was planning and if they're having any problems, perhaps we can solve them here.


My main problem is that I don't know what I want to do. I've already taken a year out. I'm good with computers but thats such a cliche... I'm pretty good at English and wouldn't mind being a journalist... I supose the only thing to do is go and see my careers advisor - which I'm doing on Tuesday.


found the perfect course for you:



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I'm at Swansea Uni and so far its great! Top quality at the moment, excellent enrolment, and the course I'm doing is awesome (Computer Science)


I'm doing copmputer science at hull and is in the top 5 in the country, and top 10 in europe.


We had a tutorial from this guy who looked like "the godfather of playstation" and spoke like him and said some weird things


Like if statement A=the cat is black

B= it sat on the mat


then you carn't have a statment like this B carn't imply A, but A can imply B.


I already know this I was one of the first finished on some excercises all right as well

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Tip: pick a course with very few hours of lectures like me, then you can laugh at all the engineers/physicists/whatever when you see them in the bar after they've had yet another 8 hour day :D


Thursdays are fun!



9am to 6pm. One hours break. Still physics is pretty average in terms of hours. (I'm studying Physics and Astrophysics at the University of Sheffield. Great uni)

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