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Virtual Console - All you need to know


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In the time it took Nintendork to make his complaining thread, he could have probably found ROMS of the games he wanted to play online and downloaded them. For free.


If you feel Nintendo of Europe are screwing you over - enough to warrant an angry thread then go ahead and pull your chocolate-coated finger out and screw them first.


Wind the sweet clock of piracy. If you need extra feel goods from it, rig it up so an edited clip of Emporer plays saying "Journey towards the Dark Side Complete" every single time a download finishes.

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In the time it took Nintendork to make his complaining thread, he could have probably found ROMS of the games he wanted to play online and downloaded them. For free.


If you feel Nintendo of Europe are screwing you over - enough to warrant an angry thread then pull your chocolate-coated finger out and screw them first.


Wind the sweet clock of piracy. If you need extra feel goods from it, rig it up to a clip of Emporer plays saying "Journey to the Darkside Complete" every single time a download finishes.


Everyone should download roms, illegally, until they make them worthy downloads.


Why get streets of rage? When you can download the streets of rage remake (which includes the classic mode) for absolutely free.


And dont give me no loyalty crap. I for one am not a tool.



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Everyone should download roms, illegally, until they make them worthy downloads.


Ah, encouraging at crime. Hayz, I'm cool romz guyz.


Why get streets of rage? When you can download the streets of rage remake (which includes the classic mode) for absolutely free.


Which is quite illegal as it is derivate fanwork, and will probably shut down after Sega gets the hint.


I for one am not a tool.


Nah, you are just spoiled brat that thinks he is somewhat mature and cool. Only idiots who haven't ever in their life created anything that would be worth protecting think that it's perfectly OK to rip-off other's intellectual work. They are explaining how every game and piece of music should be free, and how they are fighting against "the man", although the truth is that they just don't want to pay for anything.


why one or two when the usa get three?


Well, consider this. USA got two games last week, Urban Champion and Baseball. So blaming NoE for slow pace isn't really that fair.

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I'd rather Nintendo hold fire on releasing all the good games early. There's really no point in rushing things.


this isn't true. from day one Nintendo could have created the single most comprehensive collection of retro games available on any current console, but instead they choose to drip feed us crap so that we keep buying these lesser titles before building up to the good stuff. I hate the way when it was announced Miyamoto specified it was not being used as a business model it was intended to give something back...so much for that bullshit.


looks like my 200 points spare won't be getting added to for another week.


EDIT: Xevious and thats it GRRRR!!!! wot do they think just cos wario ware is out they can forget VC for a week.

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this isn't true. from day one Nintendo could have created the single most comprehensive collection of retro games available on any current console...


Considering that average Nintendard like you would buy only 1st party titles, it would spell catastrophe on the longer term, as 3rd parties would stop* supporting VC. And I find it incredibly amusing how some of Sega's, Hudson's and Konami's finest works are "lesser titles" to average Nintendo fanboy.


* And after that, you would probably be complaining in another thread how it is Nintendo's fault that 3rd parties are abandoning VC.

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Teppo Holmqvist Considering that average Nintendard like you would buy only 1st party titles, it would spell catastrophe on the longer term, as 3rd parties would stop* supporting VC. And I find it incredibly amusing how some of Sega's, Hudson's and Konami's finest works are "lesser titles" to average Nintendo fanboy.


* And after that, you would probably be complaining in another thread how it is Nintendo's fault that 3rd parties are abandoning VC.



I don't agree Teppo considering the majority of comments on this forum suggest that yep, a lot of people are waiting for and wanting nintendo classics like myself ( mario Kart 64, super mario world etc ) but from what i've seen the majority of wants seem to be for games from other systems. Surely if they are ''Fanboys'' they will have all the Nintendo Classics and won't be bothered about the virtual console.


Considering that average Nintendard like you would buy only 1st party titles, it would spell catastrophe on the longer term, as 3rd parties would stop* supporting VC. And I find it incredibly amusing how some of Sega's, Hudson's and Konami's finest works are "lesser titles" to average Nintendo fanboy.


* And after that, you would probably be complaining in another thread how it is Nintendo's fault that 3rd parties are abandoning VC.




I don't agree Teppo considering the majority of comments on this forum suggest that yep, a lot of people are waiting for and wanting nintendo classics like myself ( mario Kart 64, super mario world etc ) but from what i've seen the majority of wants seem to be for games from other systems. Surely if they are ''Fanboys'' they will have all the Nintendo Classics and won't be bothered about the virtual console.

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Surely if they are ''Fanboys'' they will have all the Nintendo Classics and won't be bothered about the virtual console.


You don't need to do anything else than look at few last year's sales data that Nintendo's customer base tends to buy 1st party over 3rd party, no matter how good quality 3rd party titles are. This is problem that Nintendo's current management is well aware, and they are doing their best to balance things little bit. VC and its releases also reflect current thinking.


And people will also need to consider that with current pace (10 games per month), we are looking over 120 new titles during first year, six hundred during five year period. There isn't really that many great titles, so it's just natural that there will be "filler" titles.


P.S. Rather bizarre looking doublepost you have there. :wtf:

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What titles are worth getting? I've got gunstar heroes, which was good though I enjoyed it far more the second time through!


but I've only got one, maybe 2 more games I can get with my current points, and don't want to waste points basically!


Comix Zone and Streets of Rage will be well worth getting. Both excelent titles.

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That's the thing- why should I pay for an inferior version.


I have no problem testing roms before I buy them.. I played Mario 64 on rom before I copped £7 on it.

But Nintendo are losing my money, and interest at an alarming rate because they cannot be arsed to provide stimulating updates.


What if Channel 4 said, oh well we can't be arsed to show Desperate Housewives this week.. so here's an old episode?

People would be fucked off.


This is content delivery, and I see an uninspiring lack of content- considering their "stellar" library available. It is blatant raping of our wallets because they know when consumers have their choice restricted- they will settle for second best.

If it was 1 game a day- and 1 day they uploaded a shit game, no big deal- there's always tomorrow. But this is not enough.


I was being sarcastic about the whole childish thing, I just wanted to kick Nintendo while they appear to be riding a wave of bullshit.

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That's the thing- why should I pay for an inferior version.


I have no problem testing roms before I buy them.. I played Mario 64 on rom before I copped £7 on it.

But Nintendo are losing my money, and interest at an alarming rate because they cannot be arsed to provide stimulating updates.


What if Channel 4 said, oh well we can't be arsed to show Desperate Housewives this week.. so here's an old episode?

People would be fucked off.


This is content delivery, and I see an uninspiring lack of content- considering their "stellar" library available. It is blatant raping of our wallets because they know when consumers have their choice restricted- they will settle for second best.

If it was 1 game a day- and 1 day they uploaded a shit game, no big deal- there's always tomorrow. But this is not enough.


I was being sarcastic about the whole childish thing, I just wanted to kick Nintendo while they appear to be riding a wave of bullshit.


I agree with you, they aren't putting any effort in. We should have had Street Fighter II and Super Probotector in December, but they simply didn't appear on the Virtual Console and no explanation was given.

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I can understand why people are disappointed with slowly being drip-fed largely crap games but it is still early in the consoles life.


There are still people who are finding it hard to get a Wii so perhaps Nintendo feel it may make more sense to make the better games available at a slightly later date (once the console itself is more freely available).


After all , to experience the Wii fully there is a fair bit of outlay to begin with - the console itself , a couple of Wii-motes/Nunchuks , Classic Controller , decent AV cables and thats before you have chosen a few games. The last thing that you want to be faced with is a daunting range of VC games to also pay out for *.


* This is the rose-tinted optismistic view , because there is still every possibilty that NoE will screw us over.

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Considering there's always some git from NOE that comes out and says 'We will only release games that were released in PAL regions!' I'm no longer hugely optimistic. Do they not realise how much money they could make if they just converted NTSC games to PAL format?

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