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Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts


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Is the demo a decent representation of the final game? Cause if it is then I'm steering well clear. Played it a couple of days ago and absolutely hated it!


Of course it probably didn't help that I've only recently finished Banjo Kazooie on XBLA! :heh:

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Is the demo a decent representation of the final game? Cause if it is then I'm steering well clear. Played it a couple of days ago and absolutely hated it!


It is precisely like the game, unfortunately. What you do in the demo is pretty much what you do for the entire game.

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As much as I agre that the missions themselves are very samey, I get a great sense of "must better this time later when I get better/more parts." The leaderboards are a great help for the longevity of the time you spend trying to fine-tune your efforts. It's not hard to get into the top 50 on the L.O.G. Choice levels. Once you have a better selection of parts by finding crates and, to a larger extent, by getting Jiggies, you can really go to ( Showdown? ) town with your creations and it's this aspect which you have to have a penchant for if you want to progress and especially fully complete the title.

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Because they didn't want to.

What they want and what is sensible for sales (and overall customer satisfaction) is a different thing. And yeah, they're a business, they should have been thinking about sales.


It's not a surprise that this game didn't do too well in sales.

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As much as I agre that the missions themselves are very samey, I get a great sense of "must better this time later when I get better/more parts." The leaderboards are a great help for the longevity of the time you spend trying to fine-tune your efforts. It's not hard to get into the top 50 on the L.O.G. Choice levels. Once you have a better selection of parts by finding crates and, to a larger extent, by getting Jiggies, you can really go to ( Showdown? ) town with your creations and it's this aspect which you have to have a penchant for if you want to progress and especially fully complete the title.

You can do that? How do you unlock that feature...

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You can do that? How do you unlock that feature...


He's talking about using new parts with the non-L.O.G.'s-Choice challenges.


You can't add parts to L.O.G.'s Choices. All you can do is make something different with the existing bits.

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They're not too bad. I only had trouble getting the TT score on one challenge (but you can skip one TT if you want).


As for the multiplayer ones. I'd just suggest using the parts in the crates with the ghosts on (you need the horn for it).

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Just hit 66 jiggies yesterday. Not really a fan of that Terror-thingy level. The previous level (the Olympics one?) was far better imo.


Still, I plan to get atleast 100 jiggies in this game. Its far too much fun and dare I say it, far better than Kazooie or Tooie.

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It's good but it doesn't stand up in the slightest.


Bare in mind, I prefer Mario Sunshine to either of the N64 banjo games.

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Bare in mind, I prefer Mario Sunshine to either of the N64 banjo games.


Nothing wrong with that; Sunshine was a great game, I loved it too, but I do believe that Banjo Kazooie is one of the best platformers we've ever had the chance to play. I'm torn between whether I prefer SM64 or BK to be honest.

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I don't think anyone here has said otherwise...
Banjo > Sunshine > Tooie > N&B > Mario 64
Banjo > Nuts & Bolts > Tooie > DK64 > SM64 > Sunshine
I can see why Banjo might/does better it, but Sunshine, Nuts & Bolts and DK64??!!


Anyways I suppose this isn't really the thread to start up such a debate, so I'll leave it as each to their own!

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