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Graphics aren't important? Bullsh*t


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Graphics are important, but they don't tend to 'win' a game for me. I would sometimes prefer nicely drawn 2D graphics to 3D, but it looks like 2D is a dying art.


Yeah, i don't get it... Why don't we get beatifull 2D games? With the power of any of the consoles we could get 2D games with amazing, seizures inducing visuals and billions of sprites/particles being displayed at any given time. Of course we would need great gameplay to back that up, or it would be useless. But for that we have Metroid 2D, Castlevania 2D, Sonic 2D, Super Mario 2D or any 2D fighter you can think about. They would be cheap to develop too.

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I havent realy read much in this thread so im just gonna post my opinions on this issue.

Right IMO graphics do and dont matter, it all depends on what type of game that it is. First off lets take Super monkey ball for an example... its graphics have never been great or realistic because its the sort of fun game that doesnt realy need them for the player to have fun playing.


Next lets take Zelda for an example OOT was a great game, at the time the graphics where awesome and there was a real sense of immersion... you felt like you where link taking on the world. This sort of immersion suits this sort of game because you need to feel like your realy there kickin some arse or doing some fishing. So even tho OOT had great graphics at the time it wasnt just the graphics that realy immersed the player... it was the true diversity of gameplay, like i said you could be off kicking some ass or fishing or just riding Epona round Hyrule field... this all added to the feeling of being link.


Anyway enought of my rambling, basicly IMO graphics are a small small part of what makes a game truely great, Yeah some games benefit from better graphics but some dont need better graphics too be fun... because thats why we play games right... to have fun!

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what's the point people saying gameplay is the most important thing? we all know and agree to that. but this does not mean that graphics should have been sacrificed.


the issue is what we've seen with the graphics just aint good enough. i will not buy some games because of their graphics. the new screenshots of Far Cry Vengence is one such example. I really hope they fix that as i was really looking forward to it, but if it don't look better than xbox version i won't bother.


for the price the Wii should be more powerful.

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I'd like to say no, but that's not true.


Pilotwings 64 was really only for the graphics, same with Rogue Leader on the GC. Resi 4 too.

Pilotwings was not even close of having the best graphics on N64.


Rogue leader is a good game, despite that the graphics might be his biggest selling factor... and RE4 was a great game no matter how you see it, graphics wouldn't cut it alone...


Now, there's the topic of this thread, are graphics important for, say RE4? yes they are, why? because they are what immerses you. Graphics have a function in there, you won't jump you chair nowadays with blocky blood spilling from RE DS, you won't be in awe in a Final Fantasy game when two characters kiss each other and all you can see is a handful of untextured polygons getting closer.


But think about it, doesn't it reach a point when a developer can express himself no matter what the platform is?


Didn't it happened this generation? I mean... PS2 is so inferior yet there are good games in there, even if we take them graphically into comparison.


RE4 on PS2 is a good example here, everything was downgraded, leon had half it's original polygons, textures were converted from 24 bit to 8 bit and half the resolution, bump mapping, volumetric fog, light scattering was scrapped, etc... in the end the PS2 version had no less than about 6 times less lightning effects going on... did it screw up the game?


Ironically, the biggest drawback in the game... wasn't the graphics or the console capabilities, it was the controller, due to Sony manufacturing theirs with cheap materials. Capcom actually had to tone down the 8-level sentivity on the joysticks to the point where it appeared that they weren't analog, more like a D-pad. This was all due to the controller, otherwise the port would be every bit as good gameplay-wise as it's "older brother".


Now, OoT was not possible on Psone, it would be like giving two steps in hyrule field and a *loading* screen appearing, and a few seconds later a few trees pop up in that direction, that would be so unmanegeable that would really damage the gameplay, hence it would simply not be possible, it would be best to do a RPG in the vein of FF7.


This is a case where lack of technology compromises the experience, graphics serve the purpose of allowing such things, but seriously that doesn't hold true today.


Knowing that Gears of War "style" was inspired by RE4... Will It's graphical diference immerse me further? seriously, I think that if the controls were to be worse I'd be less imersed when I already experienced something as good as RE4.


And in the end, does it make RE4 look bad? IMO... hell no.


There's no game genre (type of gameplay) possible on a next gen console that isn't possible on curent gen, with a equivalent controller.


Wii is actually breaking loose from that, so the one to offer a diferent (and better) experience this time might be it, and all that with less graphic-muscle.

You're so quick to post all these "ZOMG FACTOR-FIVE-POLYGON-MAPPING", you dont even bother properly reading my post. Honestly, what are you on about? Were did I mention the GCN? The Wii? What I was saying is that the Xbox could not run PGR3 with all the bells-and-whistles attached.


Well until your theory is put in practise and PGR3 is made to run on the Wii, Im going to ignore your statement. The Wii could not handle a 100%-faithful port of PGR3 due to obvious reasons, cant run in 600p. :grin:


Yeah, thats all I got.

Yes, you didn't refer GC or Wii, but you did imply that PGR3 was such a big improvement over last gen. And that if we go that way most games would be possible on current generation with serious downgrades.


Although I do agree with that, I don't see PGR3 as such a "big improvement" at all.


You're quite right though. The correction for the Wii would be PGR3-like visuals in 480p ;)


But... it's a Xbox 360 early title. Xbox couldn't run it, but it is by no means a benchmark of what X360 can do.

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they grapchis for wii are fine. if you dont like the grapchis go to pc.




what's the point people saying gameplay is the most important thing? we all know and agree to that. but this does not mean that graphics should have been sacrificed.


the issue is what we've seen with the graphics just aint good enough. i will not buy some games because of their graphics. the new screenshots of Far Cry Vengence is one such example. I really hope they fix that as i was really looking forward to it, but if it don't look better than xbox version i won't bother.


for the price the Wii should be more powerful.





ok for infomation they have more than 60 people working on the title. first screen shots of wii before two moths are up?


please stop using far cry grapchis will get better.

wii is morepowerful than xbox

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The beauty of Shenmue's visuals certainly improved the whole experience significantly, so yes.
That beauty is translated into attention to detail and believable atmosphere, but dreamcast isn't that powerful anymore, thus while it's still beautiful it's not necessarily impressive technically, not a benchmark by todays standards, what holds it together is the art direction amongst other things.


Graphics capacity is just a tool not what makes (or breaks) a game (or console).


Said this, I'd say Wii can do a fair amount of these (graphics).

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I'd like to say no, but that's not true.


Pilotwings 64 was really only for the graphics, same with Rogue Leader on the GC. Resi 4 too.


I really don't like you. Sorry, just needed to get this out of my chest, but you sure say some stupid things.

I'm too agressive, I'm hanging over at NeoGaf too much.

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I'd like to say no, but that's not true.


Pilotwings 64 was really only for the graphics, same with Rogue Leader on the GC. Resi 4 too.


just no- Resi 4is awesome cos of the satisfaction of killing things and firing big guns and having a fun lil story

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I really don't like you. Sorry, just needed to get this out of my chest, but you sure say some stupid things.

I'm too agressive, I'm hanging over at NeoGaf too much.


I think I'm gonna have to agree on that one. What a load of bullshit, if you're going to dismiss Resi 4, as being "just for the graphics" then you have no business playing videogames. Rogue Squadron 2, was quite good aswell, but yeah, that did depend on the graphics a little bit, that's not to say it wasn't a fun game (Rogue Squadron 3, was just a pile of shit though).

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I think I'm gonna have to agree on that one. What a load of bullshit, if you're going to dismiss Resi 4, as being "just for the graphics" then you have no business playing videogames. Rogue Squadron 2, was quite good aswell, but yeah, that did depend on the graphics a little bit, that's not to say it wasn't a fun game (Rogue Squadron 3, was just a pile of shit though).

He asked me if I ever bought a game just for the graphics, I said I have and gave 3 Nintendo examples.

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I'd like to say no, but that's not true.


Pilotwings 64 was really only for the graphics, same with Rogue Leader on the GC. Resi 4 too.


LMAO, you played RE4 just for the graphics ? RE has arguably the best story in a videogame series ever and you play it because its eyecandy?


I will start to develop games now, Stunning graphics but with no sound, crap control and absolutley no story at all. I know that i would be guaranteed atleast one sold copy

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Graphics can be a factor in buying a game sure, but really Dilli Gee, I don't believe you bought those games because of the graphics alone.


Really, the whole graphics discussion is basically a 'my **** is bigger than yours' flame war between the fan groups. Marketing wise it doesn't really matter and game experience wise the graphics are becoming lesser and lesser important. Go ahead and discuss it some more. I don't have to compensate anything though so I'll pass.

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